Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 78 Let me tell you a law!

"Oh, today is another day of nuclear annihilation!" In Lu Ziye's vision, the light gradually became more and more intense, and the explosion destroyed the building in an instant, "Finally I have a chance to say this."

But such power surprised Lu Ziye. After thinking carefully, it should be the power of the scissor memory that bears most of the effect.

After all, this scissor memory was made by Dan Lidou, and it can directly damage C-level.

When the light gradually faded, the original building seemed to have become a ruin.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye immediately jumped a few times and moved forward in the direction of the building.


"Hey hey hey" Landing in front of a ruin, Lu Ziye couldn't help but tiptoe forward a few steps before stabilizing, "It seems that I have to use it more."

Although I have experienced battles, it will take some time to fully adapt.

Facing the large area of ​​ruins in front of me, the compound eyes of the two rabbits flashed a glimmer and began to scan and search the ruins.

Fortunately, this original building was an abandoned building, and there were not many objects. Lu Ziye soon found the specific location of the dragon tooth.

".Kneeling already?" Mask's visual system showed Long Ya buried in the ruins. He didn't move at all, lying there as if he had fainted.

Then, Lu Ziye walked to Long Ya's location, raised his hand and lifted several stone slabs, revealing Long Ya underneath. The original survival form had been lifted, returning to the most original basic form.

But at this moment, Long Ya's left hand suddenly moved, and instantly closed the pitch-black dragon summoner on his arm.

"Advent!" (The contracted beast is coming)

The dull sound echoed in the ruins, and the pitch-black dragon flew out from the side, opening its mouth to bite Lu Ziye.

But when the pitch-black dragon's bloody mouth was about to close, Lu Ziye's body swayed, dodged directly under a trace of red shadow, and kicked the head of the pitch-black dragon.


With a dull loud noise, the pitch-black dragon was directly penetrated into the ruins.

It even ruthlessly hit Long Ya's body, causing him to groan in pain.

"You want to sneak attack me? I saw that you didn't close the black dragon summoner." Lu Ziye noticed this little detail when he scanned it earlier.

Originally, he wanted to wait outside to see how long Longya could lie down.

Unfortunately, time is tight now. If he waits a little longer, he doesn't know how many high-speed knights will be born.

However, the next moment, Longya's figure jumped out of the ruins, and the compound eyes hidden under the horizontal grid shone abnormally scarlet.

"The one who wins this battle must be me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Longya took out the advent card and put it into the black dragon summoner.

"Final Vent!"

The black dragon flew out of the ruins and circled around Longya.

However, Lu Ziye took off the shake rabbit tank bottle and unzipped it again to restore it to its original state and put it into the full bottle destroyer.

"Full Full Match Desu!"

As the full bottle destroyer was pulled, it returned to the giant blade mode. The moment the trigger was pressed, a layer of crimson energy covered the blade.

"Full Full Match Break!"

A rabbit-shaped emblem appeared on the sword, and Lu Ziye was ready to attack.

The Dragon Fang on the other side released a Knight Kick towards Lu Ziye the moment it floated in the air.

The Dragon Fang, shrouded in blue-black flames, instantly met the Full Bottle Breaker swung by Lu Ziye!

Bang--! !

The two collided with each other, and a terrifying energy burst out in all directions with the two as the center.

Under the spread of this energy, the surrounding ruins were overturned and turned into smaller gravel.

"Let me tell you a law. Weapons will win against Knight Kicks." As the voice fell, the Full Bottle Breaker in Lu Ziye's hand suddenly exerted force.


Dragon Fang didn't even react before he was overturned by the Full Bottle Breaker and fell to the ground.

Before Dragon Fang could stand firm, Lu Ziye swung the Full Bottle Breaker in his hand again.

Bang--Bang! !

The horizontal slash swept past Longya, then turned around and slashed vertically, and Longya's body was suddenly covered with a red glow.

Longya fell to his knees, with red arcs flashing on his body. Under Lu Ziye's gaze, he fell to the ground completely.


Longya's black armor shattered with a sound, turned into dots of light and disappeared into the air.

". How could I, the strongest knight,... ah!" Longya gritted his teeth, and before he finished speaking, a white light flashed on his body.

Then, another Shiroto Shinji emerged from Longya's body and completely separated in a tug.

"No, no! You can't leave me!" Even though Longya reached out to grab Shiroto Shinji, he couldn't stop the separation.

Soon, Shiroto Shinji was completely separated from Longya's body, and at the moment of separation, he fell to the ground and fainted.

"I" Longya struggled to get up, but tiny particles were already floating on his body.

As a resident of the mirror world, he cannot stay in the real world for a long time.

"Ah!!!!" With a roar, Longya completely turned into countless particles and dissipated in the world.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the last person who said he was the strongest knight, the grass on his grave is three meters high." Lu Ziye, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but smack his lips.

He was not surprised by Longya's end, but it was a pity that he didn't get to keep his card box.

To be honest, the whole set of Dragon Fang cards is very good, and the value is higher than that of Dragon Knight by one thousand.

Without lingering on Dragon Fang, he found a place to put the fainted Shiroto Shinji, and walked towards Room 401.

"Kanzaki Shiro, fight."

After jumping down, Lu Ziye landed back in Room 401, and his eyes fell on Kanzaki Shiro who was sitting there.

Kanzaki Shiro just raised his eyes to look at Lu Ziye, and then looked at the mirror beside him.

When Lu Ziye looked over, a golden figure suddenly appeared in the mirror. The golden figure held his hands in front of him, and his posture looked extremely gentlemanly and noble.

"Odin." Lu Ziye was not unfamiliar with the golden figure.

It was Odin, the strongest knight of the Dragon Knight system controlled by Kanzaki Shiro!

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