Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 79 Let’s meet another day

The moment he saw Odin, Lu Ziye's eyes froze under the mask.

He immediately swung down the bottle full of destroyers in his hand, but the target he swung at was not the mirror or Odin, but headed towards Kanzaki Shirou!


Kanzaki Shirou's figure did not move, and only the chair he was sitting on suffered damage. He was already shattered into pieces under the attack of the bottle-loaded destroyers.

"Tsk, it really won't work." Lu Ziye couldn't help but click his tongue when his sudden attack failed.

Although he had long known that Kanzaki Shirou was dead, what he saw now was just his soul. But you have to try to know the answer. What if you can attack it?

"Fight? I'll satisfy you." Kanzaki Shirou raised his eyes with a fierce expression.

The next moment, Kanzaki Shirou's figure gradually faded until he completely disappeared.

In an instant, countless golden feathers were scattered in the room, and the golden knight in the side mirror slowly stepped out.


Ripples appeared on the mirror surface, and the golden knight stood in front of Lu Ziye.

Kamen Rider Odin (Odin), the whole body armor is golden in color, even its 'V buckle' is golden, with a small area of ​​brown armor as embellishment, the shoulder armor is composed of feathers, and the top of the head armor is There is also a touch of black feathers.

At the same time, a message corresponding to Odin appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes.

[Kanzaki Shirou’s agent (Odin), plot character]

[Grade judgment: B+ grade]

[Knight system: Odin (Odin)-Ryuki (Dragon Rider) system]

[Knight status: Survive Mugen (unlimited survival)]

[Due to the arrival of the card ‘Infinite Survival’, the player always remains in the state of survival. It has special abilities such as teleportation, golden feather control, telekinesis, and high-speed movement. Its ability is completely superior to the survival dragon rider and survival night rider]

[Because the transformer is not fixed, there is a disadvantage that combat experience cannot be accumulated]

"." His eyes swept over the information, and Lu Zi's ambition sank. He quietly held the Falcon Magic Ring in his little hand.

He had thought Odin would be very powerful, but he never expected it to be this strong.

Even with the inability to accumulate combat experience, his level judgment was still higher than the Ran Ge he knew.

"What? My mother said that my dog ​​was lost. I have to go back to look after the house. Let's make an appointment another day." Lu Ziye suddenly felt very at ease.

"As the last knight, you are the only one qualified to fight me."

Odin's voice sounded, but he was communicating with Lu Ziye in an extremely serious manner.

However, Lu Ziye didn't have the time to communicate, and threw the full bottle of destroyers in his hand directly at Odin.

But the moment the full bottle of destroyers was about to come into contact, Odin's body turned into countless golden feathers.

Lu Ziye, who was on the spot, punched behind him without even thinking!


The right fist he swung directly hit Odin's chest, but despite this, it failed to shake his figure at all.

"Hey, how do you know where I will appear?" Odin's voice was still calm and gentle, as if he was not the one who was hit.

"I am always there to protect you." Lu Ziye suddenly increased the strength of his right fist, but Odin's figure remained motionless.

As for where Odin appears, anyone who has seen Dragon Rider knows that this guy really likes to appear behind others.

For those who don’t know, I think Odin has some special fetish for other people’s backs.

"Is it interesting to protect the back at all times?" As he finished speaking, Odin waved his right hand backhand.

The arrival of a real slap was a taste that Lu Ziye was familiar with, but he definitely didn't want to eat this slap.

"Falco! (Falco)"

The falcon magic ring in his hand was activated, and Lu Ziye's figure suddenly turned into countless feathers floating around.

And Odin was stunned for a moment, and he used similar tricks to him. Who wouldn't be confused when he saw him?

It was this moment of confusion that gave Lu Ziye the opportunity to fight back. The figure appeared beside Odin and counterattacked with the most efficient elbow attack.

But the golden feathers fell again, and Odin's figure disappeared from Lu Ziye's eyes again.

"Behind...?" Lu Ziye immediately kicked back, and the failed attack almost caused him to fall to the ground.

At this time, Odin appeared and landed some distance away from Lu Ziye.

"Your vitality is very powerful, and it is perfect to be Yui's life." As soon as Odin finished speaking, a golden summoning machine appeared with a wave of his right hand.

The golden summoner is the tin staff-shaped armed summoner used by Odin. The top is shaped like a phoenix with its wings folded. Complex patterns are carved on the front of the summoner, giving it a gorgeous and elegant feel.

Then, Odin pulled out the Advent Card from the card box, and pulled it down with his left hand to reveal the card slot of the Golden Summoner, into which the Advent Card was also loaded.


"Sword Vent! (Sword is coming)"

Sound effects echoed throughout the room, and two golden sabers appeared in Odin's hands.

Then the golden feathers fell, and Odin disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, red energy floated on Lu Ziye's body, and the shadow boosted by speed moved forward a few steps while appearing, then suddenly stopped and jumped back two steps.


The golden saber was swung down, and a whistling sound cut through the air.

The golden saber in Odin's hand landed in the same position as Lu Ziye's previous position.

If Lu Ziye had taken one step late, he would have been hit by a two-hundred-ton golden saber right now!

"Huh?" The attack failed again, causing Odin to look sideways at Lu Ziye.

It can be said that it is difficult for his attacks to fail, and now that he has failed twice in a row, he has to face it.

"." Looking at Lu Ziye, his breathing was slightly rapid.

Just dodging Odin's attacks was a bit exhausting for him. It can be said that he was able to dodge this attack entirely due to his guess and intuition.

But this is bound to not last long. If he doesn't come up with a perfect way to deal with it, he will really send it.

Waiting for a break? Sneak attack.?

Or wait for Yui to come here and distract him?

At this moment, several thoughts popped into Lu Ziye's mind.


There was a slight sound under his feet, and it was his small movement that touched the full bottle destroyer he threw earlier.

Without any hesitation, he picked up the full bottle of destroyers and rolled forward.

But before his eyes, two golden sabers were already falling towards his chest.

"Gatack! Clock Up! (Gateck! Time Up!)"

The tachyons from the bottles full of destroyers in his hand were emitted, immediately slowing down the golden saber in front of Lu Ziye.

"It's so numb, I almost thought it was gone." After muttering, Lu Ziye immediately retreated from the range of the golden saber.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Odin would suddenly do something, and then the golden saber would be chopped down.

After taking a breath, Lu Ziye immediately waved out the full bottle of destroyers in his hand.

As the saying goes, kill him while he's sick!

Bang - bang bang! !

He slashed three times in one breath, and all of them landed on Odin.

But apart from a few sparks, there wasn't even a single slash mark left on the opponent's armor.

"We did not penetrate the enemy's armor." But Lu Ziye Yema immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

With a flick of his little hand, he took out Ye Qi's card box from his body.

He clearly remembered that the Night Rider's weapon, the Winged Spear, had penetrated Odin's body!

The advent card was pulled out from the card box, and the first contracted beast descended. Lu Ziye threw it on the ground without even looking at it.

The second advent card was drawn, but the enemy came, and of course he was abandoned on the ground again.

The third advent card was then drawn, with a picture of a knight's spear printed on the card. Lu Ziye finally drew the card he wanted.

".How come I don't have Pai Lao's shot that enchants me?" Lu Ziye, who was muttering, was confused.

He seems to have no way to directly use the advent card!

At this moment, Lu Ziye noticed that Odin's movements changed. The golden saber in his right hand disappeared and was replaced by a golden summoner. His left hand was also slowly moving towards the card box, obviously trying to draw a card!

"Hey, if you feel sleepy, someone will give you a pillow." Then, Lu Ziye held the golden summoner, opened its card slot and put the card in, "Come on! The agent is here!"

"S-wor-d Ven-t!"

The sound effects were elongated as the time went up, and Lu Ziye shook his legs and waited for a long time.

Immediately, a spear-like weapon flew from the outside, but the speed was still extremely slow.

"Gan!" Lu Ziye first took away the golden summoner from Odin's hand, and then jumped to take down the Winged Spearman.

Holding the winged spear, Lu Ziye stabbed it directly towards Odin's card box without any hesitation.

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