Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 85: Young Cow drags his family and raids the old pasture

"Which one should I go to?" After hearing Xia You's words, Lu Ziye thought for a moment.

The realm of knights called "Boys and Girls" is obviously the content of Amazon's second issue.

It's just that the benefits he gained from entering this realm of knights are not great. There are no props he needs, or powerful enough props and equipment.

In addition, he now wants to enter the plot line of Build, so acting separately will be the most significant in terms of efficiency and improvement.

"I think so."

Before Lu Ziye finished speaking, a virtual screen popped up in front of the two of them again.

[Congratulations to the two players for completing the challenge of Knight's Realm and gaining permission to form a team]

[Team name-(to be entered)]

[Current team members: Lu Ziye, Xia You]

[Team Privileges: Team Voice - Entering the territory of the Knights will provide you with an independent communication space, and you can communicate within consciousness regardless of distance]

[Additional Bonus - After clearing Knight's Realm, you will receive a certain level of reward bonus]

[Team members-three new members can be added. If you need to add additional members, you need to complete additional Knight's Realm challenges]

[Task Sharing-Special hidden tasks can be shared, and rewards are obtained based on the highest rating]

"Lao Lu, did you just want to break up?!" Xia You next to her suddenly choked up.

"Don't be so stupid. Do you want to listen to what you are saying?" Lu Ziye pointed his little hand, which immediately made Xia You hold back.

"Cough to liven up the atmosphere." After holding it back, Xia You couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"I don't know how much the extra bonus is." Looking at the information, Lu Ziye was most concerned about the bonus.

The value of the bonus was not clearly stated, which made him doubt that the official bonus given to the team might be only 1%.

The main reason is that the past days were dominated by the characteristics of the horse server for too long. Without seeing clear values, I would subconsciously think of low bonuses.

"Shouldn't we care about the team name?" But as soon as he said this, Xia You regretted it.

Because he thought about Lu Ziye's last name. What was it called? The Siberian Titanosaurus crushed an asteroid with its bare hands?

If the team really chooses such a name, it is estimated that they will be famous throughout the buffer zone in less than two days.

"I've already thought of the team name." Lu Ziye looked confident, "How about asking Xiao Nenniu to drag his family and his family to raid the old pasture?"

"Not so good...!" Xia You felt her vision go dark and almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Let me tell you something, other places in Laolu are pretty good, but it’s just the level of naming that I can’t stand.

"Tsk, you're so picky." Seeing Xia You's objection, Lu Ziye couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said.

"The team name is the first sense of the word to the outside world!"

"Huh? I thought of another one, a semi-automatic wheelchair leading a team to create people!" This time Lu Ziye gave a thumbs up with confidence.

".What, I remembered that I was in a hurry." Xia You really wanted to run away.

"Then don't worry, just decide the team name before entering the realm of knights." Lu Ziye checked the description of the team name.

"Speaking of which, which knight's realm are we going to?" After hearing this, Xia You didn't want to run away.

"Don't worry, let's go to Huanmeng Wushuang first." To be reasonable, Lu Ziye entered three games in a row and wanted to take a rest.

"Huan Meng Wushuang, what about that? I'll go to the flea market first, and then we'll meet up with the watch industry." Xia You didn't want to go at all. Huan Meng Wushuang gave him too much pressure, especially the weird guy who was looking after the store. , he would rather enter the realm of knights now than go to that store.


Lu Ziye didn't say anything more, and then the two of them left the room and walked towards their respective destinations.

Not long after, Lu Ziye came to the familiar Huan Meng Wushuang.

Tan Li Dou was still typing on the keyboard behind the counter, as if he had never changed.

"Boss, here comes the good stuff~" Lu Ziye went straight to the topic when he came to the counter.

"Huh? Are you going to the realm of knights again?" Tan Lidou stopped what he was doing and turned his chair to face Lu Ziye.

This new player is really hardworking. Counting the novice knight realm, he has played three games in a row.

"Help me see if this can be used as a prop?" After saying this, Lu Ziye placed the Time Drop on the counter.

Although he now has the card boxes of Dragon Cavalry and Night Cavalry, and has the basic conditions to be able to use Time Advent, the upper limit is always limited whether it is Dragon Cavalry or Night Cavalry. In contrast, he would naturally prefer to let Tan Li Dou help him transform it into props suitable for the current system.

Otherwise, if it were to be used in a real battle, there would be no time to switch to other knights. He is not a Decade.

It should be said or not, at this time, the gold content of the Imperial Cavalry is full, and all kinds of props can be used.

"This kind of power item is interesting!!" At this time, Tan Li Dou's eyes were shining as he took the Time Coming.

"Can it be made into a prop suitable for me?" Seeing that Tan Lidou was satisfied, Lu Ziye said immediately.

"Who do you think I am?" Hearing this, Tan Lidou's eyes instantly became extremely sharp, "I am the only god! Agaaaaaaaah!!"

I saw Tan Li Dou's appearance instantly, and even let out a weird laugh.

"Then I'll leave it to you, God." Lu Ziye flattered casually.

"Oh, you actually admit that I am a god. You are indeed the player I like." After Tan Lidou finished speaking, he lowered his body and took out a full bottle from under the counter. "Then let me show you the talent of a god." !”

Lu Ziye immediately focused his eyes on the full bottle on the counter. The full bottle was light gray in color and had a pattern he had never seen before.

[Orphnoch FullBottle (Orphnoch Full Bottle) - newly produced by Tan Li Dou, it has the same power as other full bottles. When fully activated, it can enter the 'passion state' state. In this state, all values ​​​​are Multiply, the status lasts for one minute, and it enters a six-hour cooling time after use]

"Doubling" the information appeared in Lu Ziye's eyes, and he couldn't help but swallowed.

This is the talent of God. The props made can only be described as terrifying.

Although it only lasts one minute, the all-round value is doubled, which is not too scary.

If used suddenly in battle, the doubled power will hardly give the enemy time to react. It is very good as a surprise attack method!

"It requires more data than I expected." At this time, Tan Lidou couldn't wait to start studying the time. "Hey, I need more prop data from you. Are there any stronger props?"

"Yes." After saying this, Lu Ziye took out the bottle of Shake Rabbit Tank.

He now has the more suitable Perfect Dragon Crushed Ice, and the Shake Rabbit Tank bottle can be placed on Tan Li Dou's side.

"Give me a set of the best matching bottles." Tan Li stretched out his hand directly behind without turning his head.

"Okay." Lu Ziye raised a smirk and handed over the full bottle of Orangutan and Diamond.

After receiving the two full bottles, Lu Ziye clearly saw Tan Lidou pause slightly.

"What a familiar combination." Tan Lidou frowned and looked at the full bottle in his hand, but he still put it on the table and started typing on the keyboard.

"By the way, boss, these two can also help me make props." Then, Lu Ziye took out the card boxes of Dragon Cavalry and Night Cavalry.

Before putting it on the counter, he took out the card and looked at it. There was no Fire Survival Card in the Dragon Rider card box. It was most likely that it went with the Dragon Fang. However, there is a Gale Survival Card in Night Rider's card box.

"Let it go, it will be more troublesome this time, it will take a month." Tan Lidou focused his attention on the computer in front of him.

"Okay, I'm leaving, boss." After accepting the bottle of Enoch, Lu Ziye left with satisfaction.

Leave Huanmeng Wushuang and go straight to Clock Street to meet Xia You.

Regarding the team name, if you have any good ideas, you can also give us your opinions.

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