Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 86 What is a boss?

After meeting Xia You on Clock Street, the two went directly to the Eternal Courtyard on Fengdu Street.

In order to increase the probability of Xia You's evolutionary factor injection, Ran Ge's human enhanced culture tank can only be used.

Soon, the two stood in front of the gate of the Eternal Courtyard.

"Lao Lu, tell me about you. You already have me, why are you looking for someone else?" Xia You looked at the eternal courtyard in front of her. Although her eyes were shocked, she looked more hurt. .

"Because she is a rich woman." Lu Ziye answered at the same time as he pressed the doorbell.

"Can a rich woman do whatever she wants? Where's the bond between us?" Xia You covered her chest and made a heartbreaking gesture.

"A rich woman and a big boss can indeed do whatever they want." As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, the door opened automatically.

"Ah? Boss, it's okay!" Xia You instantly returned to his usual self.

"Waiting for you at the same place."

At this time, Ran Ge's voice came from the video intercom at the door.

"Old place. Old Lu, are you being kept?" Xia You performed a pupil earthquake on the spot.

That shocked look seemed to say, I didn’t expect that Lao Lu, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would turn out to be a pretty boy!

".I think so." Lu Ziye curled his lips.

If he could be taken care of by a big boss like Ran Ge, would he still need to go to the realm of knights?

It must be lying in there every day, waiting for various props. Who doesn't like to lie flat?

"." Xia You didn't speak any more. Instead, she touched her chin and looked at Lu Ziye.

"Let's go." Lu Ziye said nothing and walked towards the basement first.

Xia You immediately followed Lu Ziye and stepped onto the stairs leading to the basement.

Like Lu Ziye who came here for the first time, Xia You's eyes almost turned red after seeing the row of motorcycles.

"Old Lu, what kind of giant lives here?" Xia You took a deep breath before looking back reluctantly.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, it's very impressive." Lu Ziye thought for a while and replied.

He has never met any other big guys, so there is no way to describe him without comparison with Ran Ge.

As the two of them walked deeper inside, Lu Ziye saw Ran Ge sitting in the reception area drinking tea.

"Boss Ran Ge, I'm disturbing you again." Lu Ziye was still very polite to Ran Ge.

The other party helped him a lot, whether it was about the nebula gas or the information he provided last time. Ran Ge can be said to be a boss who takes good care of newcomers.

"Fuck, fuck, Lao Lu, you really don't know who she is?" Xia You next to her grabbed Lu Ziye without leaving a trace, her voice was very low.

"What's so special?" Seeing Xia You like this, Lu Ziye asked curiously.

"Sorry, let's talk about something." After Xia You said something to Ran Ge very seriously, he pulled Lu Ziye to the seat next to him.

"Boss Ran Ge, that's the real leader in the human area." Xia You spoke while keeping his voice as low as possible.

"So good at carrying a hand?" Lu Ziye didn't expect Ran Ge to be so good.

"More than just being awesome, if anyone can pass this game, then Boss Ran Ge must be one of them. Also, do you remember the wheel battle in the arena? There are only eight players who can defeat it, and she is one of them!"

"And it is said that Boss Ran Ge at that time was not yet at his peak."

Xia You said a lot in one breath, and it could be said that he told everything he knew.

"It seems to be really powerful." After listening to the story, Lu Ziye nodded.

"What really makes Mr. Ran Ge famous is not these things, but another thing. It is said that there is a large team of nearly a hundred people in the weird area called "Divine Comedy". That team was in a knight's realm. He went too far and brutally slaughtered the human players who participated at the time. "

"Big Brother Ran Ge, who learned about this, negotiated as a representative of the human side, but the other party destroyed Big Brother Ran Ge's house as a threat. As a result, the large team was expelled that day, and no one was left. That kind of thing.”

Speaking of this, Xia You's face was full of admiration.

"So fierce? One man destroyed a large team of a hundred people!" Lu Ziye's face showed shock.

He did think that Ran Ge was very powerful, but he never expected that one person could fight against a hundred people, and that he was so awesome that he was wiped out by others!

"That incident is a bit exaggerated. There are only eighty-three people on the other side." Ran Ge's voice suddenly sounded.

"." Xia You blushed, talking about others behind their backs, and having the people involved listen to them, it was really a bit embarrassing.

The corner of Lu Ziye's mouth twitched. There is really not much difference between eighty-three people and a hundred people.

"Boss Ran, I'm here for business this time. I want to borrow the human enhanced culture tank." Lu Ziye was not embarrassed, but he had a clearer understanding of Ran Ge.

If he could bring such a big boss into the team, it would be very pleasant to think about it.

"He used it, right? One hundred thousand cell coins." Ran Ge glanced at Xia You and said directly.

"How expensive is it?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but trembled when he heard the 100,000 cell currency.

He had asked if there would be a charge before, but now that he thought about it, he was really scared. If Ran Ge had said charge at that time, he would have been in debt on the spot.

"I've already given a discount." Hearing this, Ran Ge said seriously.

"Yu, what should I say, is the price acceptable?" Lu Ziye turned to look at Xia You.

"Yes!" Xia You almost squeezed it out from between his teeth, "I originally planned to buy a house, but now I have no hope."

"Buy a house?" Lu Ziye was dumbfounded. This buffer zone is so special that you can buy a house!

"I'll explain it to you later." Xia You sighed, walked towards Ran Ge and started to transfer money.

It is very convenient to transfer money between players. You can use the transaction card processed at the bank to stick it on, and you can transfer money directly after both parties agree.

After the transfer was completed, Ran Ge led Xia You to the side room, apparently to use the human enhancement culture tank.

Soon, Ran Ge walked out of the room and raised his hand to signal Lu Ziye to sit down.

Lu Ziye didn't show any pretense and sat directly opposite Ran Ge.

"Boss Ran, I have formed a team, do you want to join?" Lu Ziye asked directly as soon as he sat down.

Hearing this, Ran Ge was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I advise you to give up this idea. None of the people who have formed a team with me are now gone."

The words were obviously spoken with a warm mouth, but Lu Ziye felt a strong sense of coldness.

"Well, how many people have you formed a team with?" Lu Ziye asked cautiously.

"About thirty people." Ran Ge's eyes showed a helpless emotion, but only for a short moment.

"." To be honest, Lu Ziye wanted to escape now.

Good guy, I didn’t realize that the boss in front of me actually had the ability to defeat his teammates.

Writing now! And there’s more!

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