Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 87 The official dog sitter! ?

"What's that? My pig is about to give birth to its second child. I have to go back to deliver it." After saying that, Lu Ziye stood up.

As the person who just invited Ran Ge to join the team, he felt that he might be 'infected'.

When Ran Ge heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"You're not bad either." After saying this, Ran Ge took out a tablet from the sofa beside him.

"Lu Ziye participated in three Knight's Realm and two survival missions. Basically all the players who were matched with him were wiped out. In the second Knight's Realm, affected by the mission rating, other surviving players were forced to participate in subsequent missions and all were wiped out."

"The third challenge to the Knight's Realm was quite interesting. The remaining players were originally eliminated by Xia You, but in the end they were attacked by the mirror monster and wiped out. In the three Knight's Realm you participated in, the only player who survived was Xia You. "

At this point, Ran Ge's eyes moved away from the tablet and fell on Lu Ziye.

That look in his eyes clearly said that although you, Lu Ziye, cannot defeat your teammates, you can defeat other players!

".Huh?" Lu Ziye was confused.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know these things. How did Ran Ge know about it?

Seeing Lu Ziye's confusion, Ran Ge immediately explained: "Most players will accept intelligence missions, and they will wear a special recorder that can record the situation in the Knight's Realm. It's just more detailed and important intelligence. Cell coins are required.”

"It's all an accident." Lu Ziye smiled awkwardly and sat back on the sofa.

"Once is an accident, but three times is not." Ran Ge even felt a little sad.

Through this information, we learned that in fact, a player named Lin Xiao survived in the first Knight's Realm.

But in the third knight's realm, he met Lu Ziye again and was sent away by others not long after.

It can be said that Lu Ziye is a bit evil. Even if he survives, there is a high probability that he will encounter him again and die on the spot.

". It must be Xia You's problem. The first time I played, one of Lin Xiao's players survived." At this point, Lu Ziye chose to pass the blame to Xia You.

If he admitted this, wouldn't it mean that he was a bad guy?

He just doesn't have much luck and is definitely not the kind of person who makes others unlucky!

"It shows that even if you are lucky, you can only withstand it for a while." Ran Ge did not even hesitate and made a judgment on the spot.

"I admit your attack power." Lu Ziye felt like his heart was stabbed mercilessly.

"I also recognize your ability to defeat players." Ran Ge imitated your example on the spot.

"Do you have any information about the plot line of Build?" However, Lu Ziye could only change the topic.

He remembered that Ran Ge had said before that the realm of knights in Build was open. Maybe the plot line will change, so it’s definitely a good idea to check it out.

"Five thousand cell coins."

".Returning customers get a discount."

"Four thousand and seven, 95% off and zero."

"I have a student ID card."

"I don't recognize student ID cards."

"I also have academic certificates, volunteer service certificates, and Mandarin certificates."

"Wait a minute, did you give false evidence before you came here?" At this moment, Ran Ge couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Just tell me if you can get a discount!" Lu Ziye is a diligent and thrifty man.

"Four-thousand-five is the bottom line." Ran Ge breathed out softly and calmed down.

"Deal! Don't regret it!" As he said that, Lu Ziye quickly handed over his trading card.

Immediately, the two people's trading cards came into contact, the virtual screen of the transaction appeared, and the transfer was completed after both parties agreed.

"Build plot line. According to intelligence, there are no changes in the plot line. The main plot at this stage is about the genius physicist Kiryu Zanguo, who is trying to clear the name of Ryuuga Wanzhang who was arrested for the murder of scientist Katsuragi Takumi. , is pursuing the truth of the matter.”

"During the period, we encountered the hostile organization "Faust". The organization has "Night Rogue" and "Blood Stalk" as its main cadres. They experimented by injecting nebula gas into humans to become Slayers. "

"It's worth noting that the two cadres of "Faust" are estimated to be between D-level and E+-level. In addition, the connecting plot is that the prime ministers of the three countries will inspect "Pandora's Box". "

After saying this, Ran Ge handed the tablet in his hand to Lu Ziye for confirmation.

Lu Ziye took the tablet and glanced at it, roughly the same as what Ran Ge said.

"There are no changes in the plot line." Lu Ziye narrowed his eyes slightly.

According to this information, the plot line of Build is in the early stages. With his current power, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wants?

For example, getting all the bottles and cans collected by Zhan Rabbit is a little exciting just thinking about it!

Ran Ge, who looked at Lu Ziye, hesitated briefly and said, "About the Knight's Realm of "Mirror of Samsara", what is the way to clear it? "

"Mirror of Samsara" will definitely be opened again as a realm to challenge the knights.

But currently only Lu Ziye and Xia You know how to clear the level, so Ran Ge naturally wants to get this information.

"Fifty thousand cell coins." Hearing this, Lu Ziye opened his mouth.

"I bought it." Ran Ge, on the other hand, took out his trading card and signaled on the spot.

"Ah?" Ran Ge was so straightforward that Lu Ziye wondered if he had lowered the price, "Wait a minute, I'll think about the price again."

He doesn't know the value of challenging the knight realm now, and even if he wants to increase the price, he doesn't know what the appropriate price is.

"." Ran Ge was speechless, waiting for Lu Ziye's next words.

Soon, Lu Ziye's eyes fell on Ran Ge.

The ability to classify players has been refreshed, and now is the time to put it to use!

[Ran Ge, female, 21 years old, player]

[Grade judgment: B+ grade]

[Knight System: Ring of Change-Agito, Transformation Tuning Fork Tuning Angle-Hibiki]

[Complete the Knight's Realm fifteen times, the Knight's Realm eight times in the closed beta test, and the Knight's Realm challenge five times. He has reached the end of Hibiki's chapter, inherited the name of his master Hibiki, completed all the training of Hibiki, and has extremely rich practical experience. The plot line collapsed and the A-level knight's realm survived.]

[Binding equipment: Transformation Circle-the transformation belt that appears around the waist when transforming into Agito]

[Transform into a Tuning Fork and Tuning Horn - When emitting sound waves, place the tuning fork on your forehead to transform into a ringing ghost]

[Sound Amplifier Sword Armored Sound Blade (Damaged) - Armored Hibiki's exclusive sword-shaped sound weapon]

Lu Ziye almost didn't say anything as he glanced at the information. He had only passed the knight realm twice since he met Ran Ge, and there was an extra plus in the level judgment!

Not only that, other bosses even went to the A-level knight realm, and the cost was obvious.

".What, one million? "Mirror of Samsara" is a B+ level challenge to the realm of knights. "Lu Ziye made up his mind to kill this big dog.

"B+ level. How did you pass the level?" A brief look of astonishment flashed across Ran Ge's face.

You know, Lu Ziye can be regarded as a newbie. He passed the level B+ in the third knight's realm. Where did the monster come from?

Could it be that it's the official dog sitter! ?

Why don't you make a big chapter in the future?

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