Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 88 The King of Helheim Forest!

"You won't change this time, right?" The corners of Ran Ge's mouth raised several times but were suppressed.

The smile that was about to appear at the corner of his mouth was even harder to suppress than AK, so he could only tilt his head and smile secretly.

"...It's broken." Seeing Ran Ge's actions, Lu Ziye knew that he was still underestimating.

In his opinion, it can be said that the price of one million is quite a lot. In addition, Ran Ge had helped him before, so he restrained himself a lot. If it were someone else, I would dare to quote five million on the spot!

Secondly, it is out of consideration for the difficulty of the B+ level Knight’s Realm. Intelligence is a scarce resource, and since this is the first time that the Knight's Realm has been opened, its gold content will definitely be much higher.

"I bought it." Ran Ge calmed down and took out the trading card again.

"I'm curious, isn't one million too much?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but asked anyway.

"For a high-level player, it's not much." Ran Ge paused after saying this, and then continued: "What you want to know is, the value of B+ level intelligence, right? Intelligence and customs clearance intelligence are two different concepts. If What you just asked me about was the information about completing the Build plot line, so you need to pay 50,000 cell coins.”

"Based on the current information, the build difficulty ranges from D to E+, and the clearance information requires 50,000. In addition, the B+ level clearance information is estimated to be worth at least 5 million or more, and there are no players selling B+ level information. customs clearance information.”

"The most important reason is that no one can break through the realm of A-level knights at this stage."

"Forget it, think of me as returning the favor to you." Lu Ziye felt his head hurt.

Furthermore, if the price is low, it will be low, and it can be regarded as a favor to Ran Ge, and maybe we can cooperate with him for a long time in the future.

"If you need information from now on, come to me and I'll provide it to you free of charge." Ran Ge naturally understood the meaning.

It's just a small thing about the human body enhancement cultivation tank and some information, but it is not worth the value of the B+ level clearance information.

"That's a good relationship." Lu Ziye's eyes lit up after hearing this, "I'm a little curious, is it difficult to become an A-level knight?"

The Build plot line seems simple now, but once the National War chapter is launched, the difficulty will skyrocket.

By the end of the chapter, Lu Ziye had no doubt that it would rise to A level difficulty.

"Well, let's put it this way, the difference in difficulty between B+ level and the lowest A- level is terrifying. Take the Knight's Realm I just went to as an example. In the Blade plot line, due to a player error, the undead beast Joker was born. Fully awakened, the difficulty of the plot line is increased to A level difficulty.”

"In that battle, both the players and the weirdos lost a lot of their top combat power." Speaking of this, Ran Ge's face was completely sad.

Especially when I think about the black cockroaches all over the mountains and plains infiltrating people, coupled with the extremely powerful Joker, it is simply a disaster like a world-ending disaster.

".Good guy." Lu Ziye was stunned.

It's really a skill to be able to fully awaken Joker, whether you should say it or not.

Considering Joker's brutality and the amount of awakening cards, it is certainly not an exaggeration to upgrade it to A level.

To reach this level, is it possible that some players committed suicide and did not let Kazuma Kenzaki obtain the King Form?

Otherwise, Kazuma Kenzaki can definitely stop Joker

But based on what Ran Ge said, there is a high probability that the players messed up the plot line!

"Okay, let me transfer the money to you, and you can tell me the customs clearance information."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ziye and Ran Ge conducted a transfer transaction and also shared the information and experience of clearing the "Mirror of Reincarnation".

However, Lu Ziye did not tell Ran Ge what the king said to him when he met the demon. The amount of information in the words was too complicated and might be related to some secret matters, so he chose to keep it secret for the time being.

"It's hard to judge whether your luck is good or bad." Rao Range couldn't help but sigh, "It's difficult to crack the time-based ability at this stage. The blank contract ticket you got is the only one on the market that I know of. There are only three.”

"In addition, the official decision has been made. They will definitely avoid the same situation, and the second phase mission will most likely be changed."

The implication is that Lu Ziye's operation is difficult to replicate. Blank contract tickets, space capabilities and high-speed capabilities are all indispensable conditions.

"That guy Lin Xiao has such good props?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered.

But it doesn't matter now. The time has come. Before we are absolutely sure, in the realm of knights related to dragon riders, if we touch him again, he will be a dog!

"I will try the "Mirror of Reincarnation" if I have the chance. "After understanding the situation, Ran Ge also made a plan.

"Hmm, can I ask about the price of your house?"

Lu Ziye thought about what Xia You said about buying a house. Now that he had money, he naturally had to consider it.

If you stay in the buffer zone for a long time, it will be too grassy without a place to sleep.

If you already have money, you naturally have to choose good conditions, and Ran Ge’s Eternal Courtyard perfectly fits his aesthetic!

"Houses in the buffer zone are not expensive. My courtyard is quite special. It costs about one hundred and fifty. Others can have a house in a good location for a million." Ran Ge paused and suddenly changed the subject, "If you think it is expensive, You can go to the border area, it will be much cheaper. The disadvantage is that it is more depressing and prone to psychological problems. "

"I suspect you are saying that I am stingy." Lu Ziye twitched the corner of his mouth. He had really thought about it just now.

"No need to doubt it, I am." Ran Ge didn't mean to avoid it at all.

"." Lu Ziye was speechless for a moment.

Why hadn't he noticed before that Ran Ge's attack power was so sharp?

"Hahahahaha Lao Lu, I'm done! It's done!"

Xia You's voice was so penetrating that it sounded directly to the two of them from the side room.

Then, Xia You was seen rushing out of the side room, with excitement on his face.

"You better put on some clothes!!!" Lu Ziye quickly threw the pillow on the sofa.

"Hehe. I'm used to it." Xia You covered her face with a pillow and scratched her head in embarrassment.

"I can't ask for the pillow." Ran Ge lowered his eyes and sighed secretly.

"Is the point wrong?" Lu Ziye was very close to Ran Ge and heard the other person's murmur.

"Yu, hurry up and pack up, let's go buy a house!" Now Lu Ziye just wanted to lie down and have a good rest.

To be honest, after three consecutive high-intensity knight's realm games, the spirit has long been exhausted.

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Xia You immediately returned to the room to get dressed.

"Boss Ran, do you have any ideas? It's best to get a discount." Looking back at Ran Ge, Lu Ziye rubbed his little hands and asked.

After a brief thought, Ran Ge slid the tablet and handed it over and said, "It's true. There is a nice villa behind the Eternal Courtyard, but it's a little dangerous."

On the tablet, a panoramic view of a villa was displayed, which had a similar appearance configuration to Ran Ge’s Eternal Courtyard.

Continue to scroll down for detailed information about the courtyard. But Lu Ziye's eyes fell on the last note.

[Note: This courtyard is suspected of being cursed. There were five players who stayed here, and two disappeared without any reason and their whereabouts are still unknown. Two other players moved in together and were attacked and killed by their next-door neighbors for unknown reasons. The remaining player entered the Knight's Realm and died on the day of check-in. 】

"Hiss—!" Seeing such information, Lu Ziye couldn't help but take a breath.

There is no doubt that this special cat is cursed. It is basically certain that he will die if he stays here.

"Boss Ran, who is the next-door neighbor mentioned above? Did the officials not care about him even after he took action?" After thinking about it, Lu Ziye decided to ask.

"The King of Helheim Forest - Luo Xiu'o, also known as Bai Ya." After thinking for a while, Ran Ge continued, "If there is a conflict in the buffer zone or bad behavior, he will be punished by the official. But Bai Ya Ya just released his momentum and scared two people to death, which is not considered a violation. "

"Wait a minute, Bai Ya!" Lu Ziye was stunned for a moment and then recovered, "Buy! I'll buy it now!"

Bai Ya, from Kamen Rider Gaim (Armor), the owner of the "Golden Fruit", is at the top of the entire armor system.

The most important thing is that Bai Ya can communicate. If he hugs such a thigh, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the buffer zone?

There may be some reason for this. Such a good villa only costs 500,000 cell coins, which is almost as good as a free one!

"Ah? You decided so quickly?" Xia You just walked out when she heard Lu Ziye say that he wanted to buy it.

"The conditions are so good, don't pay for it!" Lu Ziye immediately handed the tablet in his hand to Xia You.

Ran Ge: "."

Xia You: "."

The silence between the two of them was deafening. Who would call this a good person? It’s obvious that you will lose money if you buy it!

"Lao Lu, let's discuss it. I don't want to lose you so early." Xia You came back to her senses, her face full of indescribable emotions.

The buffer thing will be over soon, I will speed up the dungeon!

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