Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 89 Luo Xiu'ao appears!

"What are you talking about! Are you sending me away?" Lu Ziye was not happy.

"No, no, how could I let you go, Lao Lu." Xia You said with a smile.

"Let's go and see it on the spot." After saying this, Lu Ziye stood up, looking impatient.

".彳亍." Xia You reluctantly agreed.

I can't hold it, I can't hold it at all.

"I have contacted someone for you. He will be waiting for you over there." Ran Ge said immediately after seeing the two of them getting ready to leave.

"Okay, thank you, Boss Ran." Lu Ziye thanked him and left with Xia You.

The destination was not far from Lu Ziye and the two of them, not far behind the Eternal Courtyard.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive in front of the courtyard behind.

In front of the courtyard gate, there was a man in a suit waiting for the two of them. When he saw the two of them, he took the initiative to greet them.

"Is this Mr. Lu? I am the receptionist of Fengdu Real Estate. Just call me Xiao Wang." Xiao Wang had a professional smile on his face.

"Hello, we want to take a look at this house. It should be okay, right?" Lu Ziye didn't hesitate.

"No problem." With that said, Xiao Wang turned around and opened the courtyard door.

As the door opens, what comes into view is the vestibule of about thirty square meters, and then the main three-story duplex house.

Different from Ran Ge's Eternal Courtyard, there is an empty small platform on the third floor, which looks very grand.

"This courtyard is called Gaia Courtyard. I think you should have seen the information." At this point, a complicated look flashed across Xiao Wang's face.

"I've seen it." Lu Ziye nodded.

But at this time, a lot of information jumped out of his eyes.

[Gaia Courtyard is known as the cursed courtyard. The five previous owners died of various reasons, resulting in the courtyard being for sale.]

[In the courtyard at the rear right, there lives the king of Helheim Forest, Rossio. Rossio wanted to find a way to resurrect the princess in the knight game, so he settled in the human area and liked a quiet environment, so no other players lived around him]

[In addition, the cursed situation in the courtyard is a coincidence and the player's behavior is seeking death]

"This is it, I bought it." After reading the information in his eyes, Lu Ziye no longer hesitated.

"Lao Lu, should we stop thinking about it?" In Xia You's eyes, he felt that the whole house was exuding black energy.

A house like this is a sign of great danger!

"What are you thinking about? It's okay." Lu Ziye waved his hand and was about to get the trading card.

".What you say is nothing, is it a thing or a passing thing?" Although Xia You is a staunch materialist, he has been somewhat affected since he learned that there are souls in the realm of knights.

Regarding the cursed courtyard in front of me, I also have an attitude of preferring to believe it or not.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who wants to die?" Lu Ziye curled his lips. He was not the kind of person who would joke with his life.

"To be honest, it's quite similar." After thinking about it, Xia You nodded affirmatively.

Especially when I think of Lu Ziye using the dangerous trigger in "Mirror of Reincarnation", I almost got scared.

"Go, go, I'll explain to you later." Lu Ziye said in a slightly lowered voice.

"Are you sure you want this courtyard?" Seeing Lu Ziye's firm attitude, Xiao Wang asked immediately.

"Yes, just swipe your card." After saying this, Lu Ziye took out his trading card.

"OK, just a second."

Taking Lu Ziye's trading card, Xiao Wang immediately affixed a golden trading card.

Then, a virtual screen appeared in front of Lu Ziye, with various terms written in detail on it. It was the purchase contract of Gaia Courtyard. The final signature requires his signature.

Lu Ziye immediately signed his name and completed the purchase process.

"Okay, I have received your contract. Here are the key and room card for the courtyard." Xiao Wang said and handed the key and black room card to Lu Ziye, "If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time."

After completing the transaction, Xiao Wang left under the eyes of Lu Ziye and Xia You.

"Tell me, what's the explanation you're talking about?" Xia You was quite curious.

"If we buy this house, we might be able to buy it." Lu Ziye didn't hide anything and directly revealed his destination.

"Hug your thigh?" Xia You looked confused.

Even looking left and right, he didn't see the so-called thighs that Lu Ziye said.

"Let's go, choose a room first, and you'll also be given permission to decorate and renovate it. Tell me what you want." With that, Lu Ziye pulled Xia You into the courtyard.

As soon as they pushed open the door of the bungalow, their eyes were suddenly dazzled by a burst of golden light.

The decorations that come into view, whether it is sofas or other decorations, are all bright gold. Even the smallest cup is particularly golden!

"What kind of taste does the previous owner have!" Lu Ziye couldn't bear the decoration in front of him.

He even had some doubts that the previous owner might not be Legend, and how could anyone like gold so much.

"Someone is visiting here." At this moment, Xia You on the side stiffened and his eyes were locked in the direction of the window.

Lu Ziye followed Xia You's gaze and suddenly saw a white figure standing on the balcony of the courtyard behind, looking at them.

The white figure has an armored exoskeleton all over its body. Under the hood-like shape is a face that looks like crying. It is embellished with white and blue stripes and has two tails behind it, making it look very solemn.

[Rosyuo, Over Lord]

[Grade Judgment: A-Grade]

[Power: "Golden Fruit"-Has the power to change the world at will. Heim Forest of the Underworld control, regeneration ability, lock seed creation, space shuttle, environmental reconstruction, telekinesis, high-speed space movement, space destruction, observation of time, telepathy]

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? (Note: The experience is affected by its power and cannot be viewed)]

[Entering the knight game in order to resurrect the beloved princess, but is subject to official restrictions and cannot directly attack the player]

"That's the thigh we want to hug." Lu Ziye was very familiar with the person in front of him.

Luo Xiu'ao is not the kind of person who cannot communicate. On the contrary, the other party's three views are quite normal. Apart from missing his wife every day, his true strength is not shown in the main drama.

"Can we really hug each other?" Xia You swallowed.

To be fair, he could feel a sense of oppression even when the other party was so far away.

It felt like the other party could explode on the spot with just a wave of his hand!

"As long as we don't make a fuss, nothing will happen to the other party."

As soon as Lu Ziye finished speaking, Luo Xiu'ao's figure disappeared instantly, as if he had never appeared.

Luo Xiu'ao's departure made Xia You feel relaxed instantly, and there was even a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

"What kind of strength is he? It feels too scary." Xia You lay down directly on the sofa next to him.

"Very strong." Lu Ziye also exhaled softly.

The existence of the top of the armor system is really no joke. Just standing there, you can feel a strong sense of oppression.

The power is out today, there is another chapter coming soon!

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