Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 94 Who can refuse a full bottle in one place?

Bang bang bang bang—!

Green flames spurted out of Bashar's Melin gun, and countless bullets poured towards Lu Ziye.

But Lu Ziye not only did not dodge, but instead ran toward Jiang Xueqing facing the bullet.


Under the crisp metal sound, every flying bullet was blocked by the dragon's beard scarf, not stopping Lu Ziye's steps at all.

The moment Lu Ziye arrived in front of Jiang Xueqing, his left fist swung down and landed directly on her chest.


The blue flames on his right fist then erupted, and even once enveloped Jiang Xueqing's whole body.

"Now, our conditions are equal." The blue flame faded, but Jiang Xueqing's body did not move at all.

Immediately afterwards, the Bashar Melin gun in Jiang Xueqing's hand disappeared, and she hit her knees with her knees. At the same time, she held the collar of Lu Ziye's armor in her hands, preventing any chance of retreating.

But Lu Ziye reacted quickly. He dropped the musical terminator in his right hand and folded his hands together to press down.


The knee strike collides with the hand, leaving no room for the knee strike to go higher.

Then the two dragon-whiskered scarves were waved and struck Jiang Xueqing's body at the same time, bursting out bursts of sparks.

But Jiang Xueqing didn't seem to feel it, and she firmly grasped the collar of Lu Ziye's armor in her hands.

"Catching me again is an indecent assault!" Lu Ziye was very unhappy when he was caught by the armor's collar.

Hearing this, Jiang Xueqing tilted her head: "???"

Suddenly, Lu Ziye held Jiang Xueqing's hand and raised his knees and swung his legs at the same time. At this moment, his power completely exploded.


Suddenly, Jiang Xueqing's body flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, like a football being volleyed out.


Jiang Xueqing flew upside down and hit the wall behind her. She fell into it and smashed a "big" character into the wall.

"Signal ax, come!" After a low voice, Lu Ziye's signal ax appeared in his right hand.

Pick up the sound terminator on the ground with your left hand, and stretch out your index finger with your right hand to pull it.

"Hippare! Hippare! Hippare! (Pull)"

After pulling the lever three times, Lu Ziye directly pulled the trigger and swung the Sound Terminator towards Jiang Xueqing.

"Mega Hit! (Maximum impact)"

With a diagonal slash, the Sound Terminator struck out with a sonic wave-like impact.

And here Jiang Xueqing had just come down from the wall, and Sound Wave Impact Slash was already in front of her.

Jiang Xueqing saw the Garuru Saber appearing in her right hand, and for a short time she could only hold it upright in front of her to resist.

Bang bang bang bang——!

Each impact of the Sound Wave Impact Slash will be stronger, and strong sparks will continuously erupt when it hits Garuru's saber.

Under Jiang Xueqing's little pull, the Garuru Saber suddenly cut off the sound wave shock wave, and the remaining sound wave shock wave turned into little bits of energy and dissipated.

But when she looked at Lu Ziye's position, he had already disappeared!


Suddenly, Jiang Xueqing heard a strong whistling sound from above. The moment she raised her eyes, she saw Lu Ziye holding a signal ax and slashing at her.

Jiang Xueqing clenched her hands, and Dega's heavy hammer appeared, swinging from bottom to top to meet the signal ax's slash.

"Please wait!"


Dega's heavy hammer cut through the air, leaving the sound of wind in the air.

The dragon-whiskered scarf behind Lu Ziye had pierced the ground and tore it out of mid-air.

"It's time to go!!"

The moment he landed, the green light on the signal ax in Lu Ziye's hand lit up.

Then, he swung the signal ax in his hand and slashed towards his belt.

"Full Throttle"

Jiang Xueqing threw the Dega hammer in her hand and quickly jumped back to distance herself from Lu Ziye.


The signal ax fell on the thrown Dega Heavy Hammer, knocking the Dega Heavy Hammer away on the spot, and even flew directly out of the window next to it.

Not only that, the energy released by the signal ax spread towards Jiang Xueqing's belt.

"Danger! Danger!!" The Kivat Bat IV on Jiang Xueqing's belt fell off, and she screamed to avoid the energy wave.

Precisely because Kivat Bat IV fell off, the energy did not reach the belt, and Jiang Xueqing was able to distance herself.

"It's too much! I just want to hold you back, but you want the 'life' of my bat!" Jiang Xueqing's chest kept rising and falling, looking bulging with anger.

The most important thing is that she knows the signal axe. If she is hit by the pair of belt weapons, Kivat Bat IV will die on the spot!

"I just input a little energy. At most, it will force you to cancel the transformation." In order to avoid misunderstanding, Lu Ziye explained.

"." Jiang Xueqing stared at Lu Ziye for a while, then sighed and said, "Forget it, let's go."

Then, Jiang Xueqing waved and put the Kivat Bat IV back into her belt, turned around and jumped out of the window.

"You have quite a personality." Seeing Jiang Xueqing leave, Lu Ziye did not pursue her.

It is estimated that the rooftop is not very lively now, so he must 'persuade' that person.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the prime ministers of the three countries huddled in the corner, then turned and walked up the stairs to the rooftop.

At the same time, on the rooftop.

Wan Zhang Ryuuga, who was wearing the Dongdu Defender uniform, was fighting Xue Dian. He only relied on the Dragon Man bottle in his hand to fight against Xue Dian with his physical body.

But Xue Qian had no intention of fighting back, and let go of his hand completely to let Wan Zhang Long Wo punch him.

"Come on, come on again." Even though Xue Qian's head was hit to the side, he still had no intention of taking action. "You alone can't hurt me."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Wanzhang Longga's fist landed on his chest, and a small ball of blue flame burst out.

"Well, what's going on? Has the attack power increased again?" Before Xue Qian finished speaking, he was punched in the chest again and took a step back.

"Ohhhh!!" Wanzhang Longga's accumulated punch exploded, and his entire right fist was covered with blue flames.


This punch hit Xue Qian's right arm, knocking him back a few steps and kneeling on one knee. The armor on his right arm also flashed with arcs of electricity under the punch.

"Ah ha ha ha. Danger level 3.0, you finally woke up! Wan Zhang!" Xue Qian stood up slowly, his tone full of excitement.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!" Wanzhang Longwo was in high spirits and stepped forward again holding the Longman bottle.

But this time, Xue Qian did not accept the beating obediently. He stretched out his hand to deflect Wan Zhang Long Wo's punch, and then kicked him in the lower abdomen.

My body was already exhausted, and I had no way to avoid it. I was kicked firmly in the lower abdomen by this kick.

"Ah" Wanzhang Longwo fell to the ground and began to open his mouth and close his eyes.

"Ten thousand feet!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Kiryu Zhantu immediately withdrew from the battle with Ye Ba.

But Yeba had no reason to let Kiryu go and Zhantu pulled away, holding the smoke sword in hand and pressing forward again.

"Cobra! (Cobra) Steam Shot! (Steam Shot)"

Blood Dive immediately stuffed the Lost Bottle into the transformed smoke rifle and fired at Kiryu War Rabbit and Night Fighter who were fighting.

Purple energy bombs instantly bombarded between the two of them. With one blow, both Night Tyrant and Kiryu Zhantu rolled and fell to the ground.

Bang bang bang.

Kiryu Zhantu was particularly miserable, with all the bottles on his body falling all over the floor.

Not only that, even the transformation state was forcibly released with this blow.

"Humph. Then let's end it here." Xue Qian laughed playfully and came to Pandora's Box in a few steps.

"Blood Dive!!" Ye Ba stood up and shouted angrily.

The Blood Dive who got Pandora's Box wouldn't care so much and turned around to leave.

"Gatack! Clock Up! (Steel bucket! Time rising)"

At this moment, the blue figure walked onto the rooftop, and the jumping blood dive slowly fell downwards.

"Hey, you came at the right time." It was Lu Ziye who walked onto the rooftop.

When he walked past Kiryu Sento, he stopped inexplicably and his eyes fell on the pile of full bottles on the ground.

To be honest, the full bottles and cans in that place are so exciting. Who can refuse genuine Bandai toys from one place?

"You have to hold back, hold it back, for the sake of the future plan." Taking a deep breath, Lu Ziye calmed down his restless little hands.

He moved his eyes away from the full bottles on the ground, walked slowly to the bottom of the blood dive, and reached out to grab his ankles.

With a little force, he pulled it back from the edge of the rooftop and threw it towards Ye Ba.

"Clock Over! (End of rising time)"

Take out the steel bucket and fill it with bottles from the sound terminator, and the ending sound effect sounds at the same time.


The blood dive that was thrown back immediately flew out and hit Ye Ba who didn't react on the spot.

"Hey Blood Dive, we can play together again."

Lu Ziye stood in the center and instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Build drive.? Why does he have it? Wait what kind of prop is that?"

The moment Kiryu Zhantu saw Lu Ziye, he was overwhelmed by countless questions, and his hair stood up after seeing the Perfect Dragon Broken Bingbing.

"Xue Qian, don't you explain it?" Ye Ba pushed the Xue Qian away from his body and asked sternly.

"." Xue Qian remained silent.

Want him to explain? He still wants someone to explain it to him! !

He was suddenly thrown back inexplicably, but fortunately he managed to hit Ye Ba with death. Now he is the one who wants to explain the most!

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