Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 95 Now is the time for your end!

At this moment, the atmosphere on the rooftop was quite subtle.

Lu Ziye was locked by Kiryu Zhantu's extremely hot eyes. There was a lot of tension between Xue Qian and Ye Ba, and there was a strong tendency to take action. The most peripheral one, Wan Zhang Ryuuga, glanced back and forth at the group of people.

"What is going on now?" Wanzhang Longwo lay on the ground, completely confused about the situation.

However, these words, like throwing pebbles into a lake, instantly caused a chain reaction.

The first to act were Ye Ba and Xue Qian. The two seemed to have reached a temporary reconciliation and at the same time raised the transformed smoke rifle in their hands towards Lu Ziye.

"Bat! Steam Shot! (Bat! Steam Shot)"

"Cobra! (Cobra) Steam Shot! (Steam Shot)"

When the two sound effects sounded, purple and orange light bombs followed.

Facing the two laser bullets, Lu Ziye slowly raised his right hand.

Then in the eyes of everyone, he waved down the two light bombs with his right hand!

Bang bang——!

I saw Lu Ziye hit two light bombs with his right hand. The two light bombs exploded like fireworks, and then turned into stars and dissipated in the air.

"Hey, hey, hey, I've never heard of such power." Such a scene even surprised Xue Qian.

Based on the current situation, the Build driver is the optimal equipment. But at this moment, his eyes fell on the red trigger.

The red trigger is familiar to Blood Dive, it is the dangerous trigger made by Katsuragi Takumi.

But the dangerous trigger is clearly in his hand. How could the man in front of him have a dangerous trigger?

What's more important is that the other party is clearly using dangerous triggers, but has no tendency to go berserk, which is even more strange!

Is it Katsuragi Takumi or Katsuragi Shinobu? Did one of them leak the dangerous trigger?

It's just that under the current situation, there is no time for Xue Qian to think more.

In an instant, Lu Ziye moved!

A blue shadow swayed and approached Ye Ba's side at an extremely fast speed, followed by a punch on his lower abdomen.


Ye Ba was hit in the lower abdomen and flew backwards immediately, so fast that no one else could even see his shadow clearly.

"According to your words, now you have the opportunity to accompany me." Lu Ziye said, grabbing Xue Qian's collar with his hands and pulling him down.

Xue Qian was pulled, and instead of immediately breaking away and distancing himself, Xue Qian took the initiative to stick to Lu Ziye.

"Who is supporting your activities, Katsuragi Takumi or Katsuragi Shinobi?" Xue Qian said in a voice that only two people could hear.

"You're really unlucky. You didn't guess a single thing." As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Ziye hit his chest with his right fist.


Lu Ziye restrained his strength slightly with this punch, only causing Xue Qian to fly a short distance and roll on the ground.

"Tsk, it's really hard to start." Lu Ziye couldn't help but muttered when he saw Xueqian standing up after rolling around.

Now Evolto is possessed by Shi Dongsouyi. If he defeats him ruthlessly, the one who suffers will always be Shi Dongsouyi who is outside. For Evolto, it is just a matter of finding another object to possess.

Wait, the next possessed object.?

Doesn't he need Evolto's factor to break the limits of human beings?

But this matter requires a little planning, otherwise Evolto will most likely choose Wanzhang Ryuuga or even Kiryu Sento to possess him.


At this moment, the sound of wind sounded behind Lu Ziye.

Then there was the sound of gunfire, and the source of the sound was from behind him.

But Lu Ziye remained unmoved, letting the bullets pour from behind him while walking towards the place where the blood was hidden.

But when those bullets approached, the dragon's beard scarf behind him began to defend itself, blocking the flying bullets every time he waved it.

"Damn it!" Ye Ba, who fired the gun behind Lu Ziye, shouted angrily.

Then he decisively gave up attacking Lu Ziye, waving his huge bat wings behind him, and rushed straight towards Pandora's Box not far away.

In his peripheral vision, Lu Ziye saw Ye Ba's movements and immediately took action. He arrived at Pandora's Box one step ahead of Ye Ba and punched Ye Ba who flew down.

Ye Ba was unable to stop in flight, and he never expected that Lu Ziye would reach Pandora's Box first.


Lu Ziye's punch hit Ye Ba on the head on the spot, and fierce blue flames erupted, sending him farther away again.

"What an amazing performance" Kiryu Zhantu exclaimed, his eyes shining with a strange light.

There was nothing else in his eyes, as if Lu Ziye was the only one in the world at this moment.

At this time, Xueqian had already stood up again. He felt troubled by Lu Ziye's presence. At least now was not the time for a head-on confrontation.

"Next time, let's have some fun."

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, his body began to fade away and was enveloped in a layer of blood-red energy.

Lu Ziye had a panoramic view of the situation on Xueqian's side.

If Xue Lai is allowed to disintegrate and reveal his true form now, his mission can be completed.

Just doing that will definitely cause certain deviations and changes in the plot line.

"Well, sooner or later."


As he finished speaking, the dragon-head-shaped armor behind Lu Ziye spurted out blue flames, instantly propelling his body towards the blood dive.

Driven by Lan Yan, he moved extremely fast and arrived in front of Xue Qian in almost the blink of an eye.

Snapped! !

Lu Ziye grabbed Xue Qian's collar with one hand. Hot blue flames instantly surged from his hands and covered him, dispersing all the blood-red energy covering his body.

"There will be no next time." Lu Ziye exerted force in his hands, lowering Xueqian's figure continuously, "Now is the time for you to end."

The moment he finished speaking, he raised his foot and kicked Xue Qian's lower abdomen, causing his whole body to float in the air. At the same time, he turned the drive rocker in his hand.

"Ready go! Hazard Finish! (Ready go! Hazard Finish!)"

In an instant, Lu Ziye's right foot was entangled and covered by two blue dragons. The energy condensed reached its peak in an instant, waiting for the moment when the blood submerged.

"Dragon Dragon Finish! (Double Dragon End!)"

When Xue Qian fell, Lu Ziye stood on the spot and kicked out his right foot, accurately sweeping Xue Qian's chest.

Bang - boom boom boom! ! !

The moment it hit, the blood dive flew backwards in the direction of Kiryu Zhantu and others, triggering an astonishing blue flame explosion every time it flew a certain distance.

When the blood dive finally rolled and fell, every part of the armor on his body was flashing with blue arcs. It was obvious that the armor had reached its limit.

But even so, Xue Qian stood up unsteadily, but the armor on his body was still not removed.

"What the hell, what did you eat to grow up to be so meaty?" Such a scene made Lu Ziye confused for a moment.

Although I had long known that Blood Dive was very fleshy, I never expected that it could be so fleshy. After being kicked by a knight, I could still stand up like a normal person!

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