Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 96 If you stop pretending, I won’t pretend either!

"Humans are really interesting." Xue Qian said this as if he was talking to himself, "In this case, I have to show some real skills."

Xue Qian, who stood up again, seemed to have changed at this moment.

"If you don't pretend, then I won't pretend either!" Seeing this, Lu Ziye waved his right hand, and the signal axe suddenly appeared in his hand.


The signal axe blade touched the ground and immediately made a golden sound.

And Xue Qian was also very serious, and even disassembled the original transformation smoke rifle, transforming the left hand into a smoke gun and the right hand into a smoke sword.

"Battle Rabbit. What's the situation now?" On the other side, Wanzhang Longwo crawled to Kiryu Battle Rabbit's side little by little.

The main reason was that the atmosphere was too tense, and he was embarrassed to stand up.

".I have a feeling that the knight seems to be revealing something." Kiryu Battle Rabbit was not sure.

But judging from the attitude of the unknown knight, Xue Qian seemed to be hiding some secrets.

"Reveal what? What can be revealed?" Wanzhang Longwo was full of question marks.

It was clearly said, why didn't he understand it at all?

".Muscle idiot." Kiryu Sento complained helplessly.

At the same time, Xue Qian took the lead in moving.

Blue shadows appeared on Xue Qian's body, and his speed was far faster than any previous performance. Almost instantly, he came to the front of Lu Ziye.

He swung the smoke sword in his right hand, raised his left hand during the swing, and used the protrusion on the top of the transformation smoke gun to turn the valve of the smoke sword.

"Elek Steam!"

When the sound effect sounded, the smoke sword was less than ten centimeters away from Lu Ziye.


Sparks burst out, and the dragon beard wind scarf's self-defense blocked the slash of the smoke sword.

And the electric shock flowing from the dragon beard wind scarf was guided out by another dragon beard wind scarf piercing into the ground.

But Xue Qian's action did not stop, and the transformation smoke gun that had been raised had already pulled the trigger.

Da da da——!

All the bullets at close range poured out, all hitting the armor on Lu Ziye's chest.

Except for the sparks caused by the bullets flying, nothing else happened.

At the same time, Lu Ziye swung the signal axe in his hand, aiming directly at the transformation smoke gun in Xue Qian's hand!

"Huh?" Xue Qian immediately noticed the attack of the signal axe, and his left hand pulled away while his right hand released the smoke sword.

The smoke sword fell, but was lifted up by Xue Qian's knee, and then caught with the transformation smoke gun, completing the combination of the transformation smoke rifle in an instant.

At the moment the combination was completed, the muzzle was aimed at Lu Ziye's face and the trigger was pulled.

Da da da da——!

When the rifle ejected bullets, Lu Ziye raised his hand to change the position of the muzzle.

The muzzle changed, and Lu Ziye immediately swung his leg to sweep the middle position, but this attack seemed to be expected. Xue Qian's figure turned into a blood-red shadow and retreated on the spot, and in a blink of an eye, he pulled away from Lu Ziye.

"You were all letting the sea go before, right?" Lu Ziye was not surprised at all.

Evolto used Blood Dive for a long time in the play, but every time he appeared again, he could fight back and forth with his previous opponent.

Although he knew that it was because Evolto had good hard conditions, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a 50-50 situation.

Of course, the combat power of Blood Dive in the later period was related to unlocking some abilities, and now he has not regained his strength.

"Don't say that, I am very serious every time I fight." After saying that, Blood Dive's body shook, and once again closed the distance between the two at a very fast speed.

Lu Ziye reacted very quickly, and immediately swung the signal axe, which fell directly on Blood Dive's chest.

Just as the signal axe was about to fall, Blood Dive's body suddenly shook, jumped up in a very strange posture, and turned over Lu Ziye's head.

When Blood Dive fell, he was already standing in front of Pandora's Box.

"Let's try this." Blood Dive picked up Pandora's Box and aimed at Lu Ziye at the same time.


White energy was released from Pandora's Box, and it surged towards Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye did not choose to confront the energy of Pandora's Box head-on. At the moment when the energy surged, blue flames spurted out from behind him, maximizing his mobility.

With the push of the blue flames, Lu Ziye also closed the distance with Xue Qian, and at the same time input energy into the signal axe in his hand.

"Please wait"

The red signal light on the signal axe lit up, and his eyes swept over the transformation smoke gun on Xue Qian's waist.

Then, Lu Ziye waved his left hand and threw out an awakening card.

"Rock! (Land Turtle)"

The awakening card fell to the ground, causing Xue Qian to be stunned for a short time.

Then, the Seven of Diamonds awakening card disappeared, turning into dots of energy and appearing under Xue Qian's feet.


In an instant, the ability of the Land Turtle awakening card was released, and a rock wall suddenly formed, pushing Xue Qian's body towards Lu Ziye.

"It's time to go!"

"Full Throttle"

The red light on the signal axe turned green, and the sound effect rang out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xue Qian's cobra emblem on his chest lit up, and a cobra-shaped energy body was released from it.

With the appearance of the cobra energy body, Xue Qian supported it with his right hand and forcibly changed the body flying towards Lu Ziye.

However, the signal axe in Lu Ziye's hand had already been swung out, and the moment it touched the cobra energy body, it cut it into countless light spots.

But this was not the end, Lu Ziye exerted force again and threw the signal axe out with all his strength!


The flying signal ax crossed the light spot, but landed on Xue Qian's head.

The chimney-like device on Xue Qian's head was cut off by the signal ax on the spot and flew out.

"It's really dangerous." As soon as Xue Qian landed on the ground, he touched the severed horn with his hand.

"You're right, you are indeed in danger." At this time, Lu Ziye landed behind Xue Qian. In his hand, he was holding the transformed smoke rifle on the opponent's waist.

At his feet was a broken horn on Xue Qian's head. If this was placed next door, it would be worth a thumbs up!

".At that time?" Xue Qian reacted instantly. The rock wall at that time was not aimed at him.

The rock wall was always running to transform into a smoke gun, and Lu Ziye's next attack was just a complete show.

"It's over, Blood Dive." After saying this, Lu Ziye gradually tightened his grip on the transformed smoke gun.

Ka-ZiZi! !

A burst of sparks appeared from the transformed smoke gun, and under Lu Ziye's power, it turned into countless fragments and fell to the ground.

"." Xue Qian was speechless. He didn't want Pandora's Box not far away, turned around and ran towards the edge of the rooftop.


With a soft cry, the armor on Xueqian's body was lifted and disappeared.

And he had already jumped off the rooftop. Although he moved very quickly, his true appearance was seen by everyone for a moment.

Huh-boom! !

Under the strong sound of breaking through the air, a black shadow rose up and disappeared from sight with the leaping stone.

I'm redoing Build again, it's a bit late, sorry!

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