
Orochimaru patted Jiraiya's shoulder and whispered comfortingly:

"If you really like Tsunade, wouldn't it be nice to see her happy, happy, happy?"

"I know."

Jiraiya nodded slightly, but she was not feeling well.

Tsunade is his first love! How can it be so easy to forget?

Noticing the existence of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, Lin Tuo was slightly taken aback.

"These two guys are here too?"

Lin Tuo smiled in his heart and waved to the two of them.

"Alright, Jiraiya and Orochimaru are still watching!"

Lin Tuo patted Tsunade's jade back and pulled her out of his arms.

Wiping the tears off his face, Tsunade blushed.

Because Lin Tuo's chest was wetted by her tears!

"By the way, how is grandma doing now?" Lin Tuo asked with concern.

"Grandma is fine! She's still as beautiful as she was three years ago."

Tsunade giggled, the sadness and grievance in her heart had been vented, and now there was only joy left in her heart.

Lin Tuo nodded slightly, feeling completely relieved.

Then he brought Tsunade to Jiraiya and Orochimaru, and each of them punched them lightly.

"You two guys are here too? How's it going? Becoming a Chūnin?"

Hearing Lin Tuo's words, Jiraiya couldn't help curling her lips.

"Come on! You are all Jōnin, how can we not be Chūnin? Orochimaru is even more special Jōnin now!"


Lin Tuo glanced at Orochimaru in surprise, and thought to himself: As expected of Uncle Snake!

Looking at Lin Tuo, Orochimaru's hoarse voice sounded:

"This time we are here to deliver supplies to the front line, and we will come to see you by the way."

"By the way?"

Lin Tuo was taken aback for a moment, frowned and said:

"Does that mean you're leaving soon?"


Jiraiya showed emotion and said:

"Although we really want to fight with you here, compared to here, the battle between Konoha and Rock Shinobi is more difficult.

There is a guy named Onogi in the land of earth, who saw us Konoha Shinobi like crazy, we don't know how many companions died in his hands.

More support is needed there! "

"That means you are going to the Rock Shinobi battlefield soon?" Lin Tuo's frown deepened.

Why does Ohnoki hate Konoha?

Of course it's because of Uchiha Madara!

And Onogi, as the future Third Tsuchikage, needless to say about his strength.

Wouldn't it be dangerous if Tsunade and the others went to the Rock Shinobi battlefield?

Faced with Lin Tuo's question, Jiraiya was about to nod, but at this moment Tsunade spoke!

"Right! Forgot to tell you, Jiraiya, Orochimaru."

Tsunade took a look at Lin Tuo and said firmly:

"I've decided! I'm going to stay here."


"You want to stay?"

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were stunned, and even Lin Tuo was full of surprise.

"Yes! I want to stay!"

Tsunade nodded with great certainty and said:

"I want to be with Tuo-jun! No one can let me leave Tuo-jun's side again."

As soon as these words came out, it pierced Jiraiya's heart like a steel needle.

Jiraiya opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

Seeing this, Orochimaru said softly:

"Tsunade, this is a time of war, we can't be willful."

"Willful? I don't have one!"

Tsunade smiled triumphantly, took a scroll from his ninja bag and handed it to Orochimaru.

"I have received an order from Lord Hokage to stay on the Cloud Shinobi battlefield."

Orochimaru took the scroll and saw that it was indeed signed by Senju Tobirama.

Glancing at Jiraiya worriedly, Orochimaru nodded helplessly.

"In this case, Jiraiya and I can only go back by ourselves!"

"Be careful on the road!"

Tsunade squinted and smiled, hugging Lin Tuo's arm affectionately.

Not seeing each other for three years, there is no strange feeling between her and Lin Tuo.

It's hard! Old heart!

Jiraiya involuntarily covered her chest, sadly said:

"Lin Tuo, let's go then!"

He doesn't want to stay here anymore!

Lin Tuo has not returned for three years, and he always thought this was his best chance.

But often things backfire!

Seeing that Jiraiya turned the channel wrong, Orochimaru did not refuse his proposal, nodded to Lin Tuo and Tsunade, and left with Jiraiya.

Watching them leave, Lin Tuo glanced at Tsunade.

"Jiraiya seems sad."

"Yeah! He's always liked me!"

Tsunade nodded, how could she not see Jiraiya's mind?

Could the future Lord Fifth Hokage be a fool?

Looking at Lin Tuo, Tsunade asked:

"Does Tuo-jun like me to accept him?"

"Of course...not!"

Lin Tuo shook his head with a smile, and gently pinched Tsunade's small face.

"you are mine!"

Tsunade smiled happily when he heard the words that seemed to be announcing.

Lifting the task scroll in his hand, Tsunade grinned and said:

"Tuo Jun, will you accompany me to see the teacher?"


Lin Tuo smiled fondly, how could he refuse Tsunade's request?

When Lin Tuo came to Sarutobi Hiruzen with Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen subconsciously covered his face.

"Tsunade? Why are you here?"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen's speechless look, Tsunade suddenly became unhappy!

"Teacher, you don't seem to want to see me very much?"

"Haha! Where is it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled awkwardly, very forcedly.

Tsunade is Konoha's little princess! She came to the front line and made him feel Alexander instantly!

Lin Tuo didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Tsunade to hand over the mission scroll issued by Senju Tobirama to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Sensei, Hokage-sama asked Tsunade to join us on the Cloud Shinobi battlefield."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a look and fell silent after realizing that the signature was genuine.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Lin Tuo:

"Xiao Tuo, what position do you think Tsunade is suitable for?"

"I think?"

Lin Tuo's heart moved, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"I think Tsunade is suitable for healing patients."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen also got excited!

"Yeah! Tsunade, I heard you've been developing a medical ninjutsu. I wonder if you succeeded?"

Tsunade held his head proudly!

"Of course it worked! That kind of medical jutsu is called Healing Jutsu.

Healing Jutsu can use Chakra to stimulate the wound, speed up the healing of the wound, and help the injured recover in a very short time. "

"That's great!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen really got excited this time.

"Tsunade, how about I let you be our frontline doctor to treat the wounded?"


Tsunade glanced at Lin Tuo hesitantly.

"Teacher, I want to perform missions with Tuojun even more!"

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