Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could speak, Lin Tuo spoke first:

"Tsunade, I usually carry out assassination missions, which are more suitable for one person to do.

I can't take you with me because one more person means one more risk of exposure.

Here, you can play a greater role!

And I also hope that if one day I come back from injury, I can get your treatment, Tsunade. "

Seeing that Lin Tuo also wanted to be a doctor, Tsunade nodded helplessly.

"Alright then! But although I really want to treat you, Tuo Jun, you still must not get hurt! I will feel bad."

"Okay! Definitely!"

Lin Tuo squinted and smiled.

With High-Speed ​​Regeneration, it is impossible for him to have flesh and blood wounds.

Unless the bone is broken, it is unlikely that Tsunade's treatment will be needed.

Next to him, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the two disciples who showed affection in front of him, dumbfounded.

Even though he hasn't had lunch yet, he still feels full!

This dog food is eaten...

Anyway, Tsunade ended up staying on the Cloud Shinobi battlefield.

It's just that her mission is not to fight Cloud Shinobi, but to stay in the camp to heal the wounded ninja.

With the addition of Tsunade, a medical ninja, Konoha Shinobi can quickly recover and re-enter the battlefield as long as they are not seriously injured.

And under Lin Tuo's suggestion, Tsunade also found some ninjas suitable for learning medical ninjutsu to teach them medical ninjutsu.

This will not only help Tsunade share the pressure, but also help Tsunade treat Konoha Shinobi patients better.

Time went round and round, and another year passed in a blink of an eye.

Things have changed a lot this year!

Because of the help of the medical ninjas trained by Tsunade, Konoha not only has a considerable advantage in the Cloud Shinobi battlefield, but also has turned from bad to good in other battlefields.

This shows how helpful medical ninjas are to the war!

Senju Tobirama is definitely a visionary Hokage.

After discovering the great help of medical ninjas in the war, he immediately sent more qualified ninjas to Cloud Shinobi battlefield and Tsunade to learn medical ninjutsu.

After these ninjas have completed their studies, let these ninjas who have learned medical ninjutsu go to other battlefields to support them.

Otherwise, the situation on the battlefield would not have undergone such a huge change!

However, the changes in Konoha were also noticed by other hidden villages.

Especially Cloud Shinobi Village!

In the land of Tang, in the Cloud Shinobi ninja base camp.

Lurui, who took over as the commander-in-chief, was looking at the information on a scroll.

The information contains a lot of information about the Konoha Shinobi army, the most important of which is about medical ninjas.

The name 'Tsunade' is specifically marked on it, along with a picture of Tsunade.

Knowing Tsunade's identity, until Tsunade is the creator of Konoha Medical Ninja, Rurui's killing intent on Tsunade has been raised to Ultimate.

After closing the scroll, a terrible cold light shone in Lurui's eyes.

"Konoha is really the cradle of genius! An eleven-year-old girl turned out to be the key to the outcome of the war!

As expected of the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, the god of ninjas!

But this Tsunade must die!

If she is allowed to continue to make medical ninjas, then our Cloud Shinobi Village will undoubtedly lose! "

Hearing Lurui's words, the Elite Jōnins of Cloud Shinobi Village fell silent.

An Elite Jōnin couldn't help but reminded:

"Lord Rurui, but this Tsunade has been staying in the Konoha Shinobi camp.

Unless we can attack Konoha's base camp, there is no way we can kill her! "

"Really? That's not necessarily the case!"

Lurui grinned, and a strange smile appeared on his honest-looking face.

"As far as I know, this Tsunade has a good relationship with that 'Despicable Ninja' Lin Tuo!

You said, if Tsunade knew that Lin Tuo was in danger, would she take the initiative to leave Konoha Base Camp? "

That's right! In the mouths of the Cloud Shinobi ninjas, Lin Tuo has earned the title of 'Despicable' ninja, and it's loud!

Hearing Lurui's words, the eyes of Cloud Shinobi's Elite Jōnins lit up!

They already understood what Lurui meant.

Looking at each other, the Cloud Shinobi Elite Jōnin nodded in unison.

"Master Lurui, this method is very good! It is very likely to succeed!"

"It seems that you also agree with my idea!"

Rurui touched his chin and decided:

"In this way, I will take three Elite Jōnin to carry out this mission, and it is bound to solve Tsunade and the despicable ninja Lin Tuo together!"

Hearing that Lurui was going to go out in person, the Cloud Shinobi ninjas became anxious!

"Master Lurui, there is no need for you to take the risk yourself!"

"Yes! Lord Lurui, let us complete this task!"

"Master Lurui..."

The Cloud Shinobi Elite Jōnins were talking in a hurry, but no one wanted to let Lurui go out in person.

After all, Lului is not an ordinary person, but the next-generation Raikage heir personally formulated by the contemporary Raikage, the future Third Raikage!

If something happened to him, they couldn't tell Raikage!

Facing the persuasion of the ninjas, Lurui waved his hands and directly decided:

"Stop talking! I've made up my mind! I've long wanted to kill that bastard Lin Tuo with my own hands!"

Seeing this scene, the Cloud Shinobi Elite Jōnins were suddenly helpless!


"Master Tsunade, take a break! You've been busy all day!"

After Tsunade had just cured a Konoha Shinobi, a Konoha Shinobi couldn't help but speak persuasively.

Although many ninjas were taught medical ninjutsu by Tsunade, most of these medical ninjas went to support other battlefields.

Therefore, there are not too many medical ninjas left on the Rock Shinobi battlefield, it can only be said to be barely enough.

Because of this, Tsunade is busy until late every day and is very tired.

Glancing at the few injured Konoha Shinobi who were temporarily asleep, Tsunade didn't want to disturb their rest, so he nodded to show that he knew.

After packing up his things and washing his hands, Tsunade took off his white coat and walked towards the sleeping camp.

Her tent is one with Lin Tuo!

That's right!

Tsunade has been living in a tent with Lin Tuo for a year.

Don't think about it, it's just living in a tent.

Because only Jōnin-level ninjas can have individual tents, everyone else must live with others.

Tsunade doesn't want to be crowded with other people, not even female ninjas!

So she naturally took half of Lin Tuo's tent for herself.

Ps: Ladies and gentlemen, flowers and evaluation tickets are all free, throw them out and smash Yuqi to death! Don't worry Yuqi can't bear it.

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