Facing such a powerful White Dragon Slash, Buyibi instantly felt the terrible pressure of death!

How could he be so strong?

Bu Yibi couldn't believe it.

At this moment, he finally understood why Lurui told him that it was better not to see this knife.

Although his six-tailed tail beast coat has a super defense that is not inferior to Lurui's Lightning Style Chakra Mode, but his body is not as powerful as Lurui's!

Once Lin Tuo breaks through the defense of the tailed beast's coat, Lin Tuo can completely kill him with one blow!

Just when Buyibi was too shocked to react, the Eight Tails in his body made a helpless move.

The six tails on the back continued to elongate, forming a shield in front of Buyibi.

All this happened in an instant, at the moment when the tail shield was formed, the white dragon struck!


With a soft sound, the shield composed of six tails was chopped into two by Lin Tuo's Bailong Zhan.

But that's all there is to it!

White Dragon Slash is a sword technique for instant killing, and it is only as powerful as a single blow.

After the power was exhausted, Lin Tuo could no longer threaten Buyibi.

"This kid reacts so fast!"

Lin Tuo felt emotional in his heart and had to step back again to create a distance.

Where would he have thought that Buyibi was cheating like him?

It's just that Buyibi's hook is not the system, but the Eight Tails Gyūki in his body!

Looking at each other, Lin Tuo's eyes were full of helplessness, while Buyibi's eyes were full of shock.

Buyibi clearly knew that if it wasn't for the help of Eight Tails Gyūki in his body, he would have been beheaded twice today!

Is this the strength of Konoha's White Fang dragon?

"Stop thinking about it, Buyibi, attack with all your might! I'll help you!"

Gyūki's voice sounded in Buyibi's body, Buyibi nodded quickly and rushed towards Lin Tuo.

With the blessing of the Six Tails tail beast coat, his speed is very fast, although it is not as fast as the Body Flicker Technique, but he also rushed in front of Lin Tuo within a breath.

The Chūnin knife in his hand waved, and white lightning flashed on the ninja knife.

Lightning Style Thunderblade!


Ninja sword swung, lightning flashed, and Lin Tuo's body was cut in half by Buyibi's lightning blade.

Lin Tuo is dead?

Of course not!

With a bang, Lin Tuo, who was cut in half, turned into two severed stakes.

Body Replacement Technique!

The real Lin Tuo appeared behind Buyibi.

Quick knife technique · strange power!

The White Dragon Saber swung out, and it was Lin Tuo who wanted to cut Bou Yibi in half on the spot!

Of course Gyūki would not let Lin Tuo kill Buyibi, and the six tails slashed at Lin Tuo from six different directions.

It turned out to be a strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao!

If Lin Tuo was determined to kill Buyibi, he probably would.

But he will definitely be killed in place by the six tails.

In desperation, Lin Tuo had no choice but to give up beheading Buyibi, and with a twist of the blade, he slashed at the attacking tail.

With a flash of white knife light, Lin Tuo cut off all six tails in an instant.

But it is impossible to continue to kill Bu Yibi at this time!

Lin Tuo could only lift his foot and kick Buyibi on the back.

It hurts!


With a loud noise, Buyi shot out like a cannonball, and even a long gully of tens of meters was drawn by him on the ground.

Under the protection of the tailed beast's coat, Buyibi was not injured, and he immediately stood up from the ground.

"Continue to attack!"

Eight Tails Gyūki continued to command Buyibi, and Buyibi continued to rush towards Lin Tuo without hesitation.

"You want to fight! Then fight!"

Lin Tuo shouted loudly, his eyes filled with terrifying killing intent.

With a physical attribute of ten points, Lin Tuo will not be afraid of Buyibi.

In the situation just now, how could he not see that Gyūki was helping Buyibi?

How about Eight Tails Jinchūriki?

Not his opponent at all!


The collision of Ninja Sword Hakuryu and Buibi's Ninja Sword can be heard endlessly.

Even with the help of six tails, Buyibi can't even touch a single hair of Lin Tuo.



Both Buyibi and Lin Tuo couldn't help roaring, and put all their energy on each other.


Lin Tuo found an opportunity to hit the profound meaning.

The six tails and Buyibi's ninja knife bombarded Lin Tuo together, clearly trying to crush Lin Tuo with the combined efforts of the seven!

Faced with such a blow, Lin Tuo laughed!

"Just let you see the results of my cultivation during this time!"

Lin Tuo sneered, holding the Chūnin knife, the white dragon's white body was covered by a layer of cyan Wind Style Chakra.

Under the cover of the cyan Wind Style Chakra, on the blade of the White Dragon Knife, there is also a layer of Chakra compressed and condensed to Ultimate.

This is the power of strange force!

Profound Truth Wind Dragon Slash!

This is the name of Lin Tuo's swordsmanship, which is the profound swordsmanship among his swordsmanship!

Since it is named Profound Truth, it means that Lin Tuo's sword technique has a terrible lethality of S level!

This esoteric sword technique is the perfect fusion of Lin Tuo's White Dragon Slash with strange power and Wind Style. It has a power far beyond that of the simple White Dragon Slash!

Due to its powerful cutting ability, Wind Style Chakra is best used against opponents with strong defenses.

Coupled with the blessing of strange power, no matter how powerful the defense is, it will be broken by the White Dragon Saber!

This sword technique was originally prepared by Lin Tuo for Lurui, but he did not expect to be forced to use it by Eight Tails Jinchūriki!

Seeing the cyan Wind Style Chakra condensed on Lin Tuo's Ninja Sword White Dragon, inside Buyibi's body, Gyūki exclaimed!

"Quick! Get out of the way!"


Before Buyibi could react, Lin Tuo's figure had disappeared in place.


The dragon chant exploded, and a cyan dragon shining with thunder appeared in front of Buyibi, pointing at his vital neck!

Can you avoid it?

Can't escape!

Because the speed of this knife is as fast as Ultimate!

Did you see the thunder light shining on the cyan dragon?

This is because Lin Tuo also uses Lightning Style Chakra to stimulate his body, making his body speed to a higher level.

Lin Tuo already has the fastest speed below the Kage-level, what is the speed to a higher level?

It is the terrifying speed that can only be possessed by super Kage-level physique experts!


Terrible explosions rang through the forest.

This is not the sound of Lin Tuo hitting Buyibi, but the sound of his speed breaking the sound barrier!

The cyan dragon flashed past, neither the six tails of the tailed beast's coat nor the ninja sword in Buyibi's hands could resist this cyan dragon at all!

When Lin Tuo reappeared, he was already standing ten meters behind Buyi.

And Buibi...

An arm wrapped in a tailed beast's coat and a severed ninja sword fell to the ground with a bang...

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