"Ah! My hand!"

The miserable cry echoed in the forest, and even reached the ears of Lrui, who was fighting fiercely with Sarutobi Hiruzen not far away.

"Is this... Buibi's voice?"

Rurui's heart trembled.

Could it be... something happened to Buyibi?

"You're distracted! Lurui."

At the moment Lurui was distracted, the voice of Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly reached his ears.

Under his feet, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out, pulling Lurui into the ground.

Earth Style · Heart Beheading Technique!

Sarutobi Hiruzen then appeared in front of Rurui, hands flipped and mouth open.

"Fire Style Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

"Wind Style Great Breakthrough!"

"Compound Ninja Art - Dragon Flame Bullet!"

With the blessing of Wind Style, the size of Sarutobi Hiruzen's Fire Dragon Flame Bullet has expanded more than ten times!

And it's not just the change in size, even the temperature of the fire dragon has increased several times.

Compound Ninjutsu actually means combined ninjutsu.

This is the power of combination ninjutsu!

If the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet originally only had the power of B-level, the combined ninjutsu Shenlong Flame Bullet's power has at least reached the A-level.

Don't look at it as just a level increase, such a powerful power is enough to threaten the life of a Kage-level expert!

Looking at the galloping Shenlongyan bullet, Lurui had to use the Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

Because even he can't break free from the shackles of the earth in an instant!


With a loud noise, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

Right in the center of the deep pit, Lurui, who was wrapped in Lightning Style Chakra, stood there with a cold expression on his face.

"You've pissed me off! Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Looking at Lurui wrapped in Lightning Style Chakra, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew he was serious.

That being the case...

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his right thumb to his mouth and bit hard.

The skin on his right hand was bitten, but Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care.

With a Indian knot, Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped his right hand on the ground, and a strange mantra spread from his palm.

"Summoning Ape King Ape Demon!"

With a bang, smoke rose up.

A tall ape wearing clothes appeared beside Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is his Summoning beast, the king of the ape clan with the indestructible body of King Kong, the ape demon!

The current ape demon is at the peak, and his aura is even more powerful, clearly possessing a strong Kage-level strength!

Originally, the ape demon could transform into a vajra wish stick, but this time Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't plan to use it like this.

Because the ape demon's melee combat strength is very strong, not inferior to Lurui's.

Therefore, let the ape demon block Lurui, and Sarutobi Hiruzen use ninjutsu to assist, this is the best way to deal with Lurui!

Looking at the ape demon beside Sarutobi Hiruzen, Rurui's face darkened.

If it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would not be afraid at all, but with the help of the ape demon, it would be different!

In addition to hearing Buyibi's screams just now, he felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

"Ape Demon, go!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted loudly, and he continued to use ninjutsu in seals.

"Earth Style Earth Dragon Bullet!"

"Fire Style Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

"Compound Ninja Art, Earth Dragon Fire Ryu!"

Another compound ninjutsu!

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's powerful compound ninjutsu, Lurui didn't dare to resist with his body.

Helpless, he can only rely on his super fast speed to avoid the invasion of the Earth Dragon Flame Flow.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the ape demon approached Lurui super fast, and smashed Lurui's head with a huge fist.

Facing the perfect cooperation of two Kage-level powerhouses, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ape Demon, Lurui was helplessly suppressed!

Not far from them, Mabuyi became anxious when he noticed this scene.

And just because of this loss of consciousness, Mabuyi suddenly found that he suddenly appeared in a strange place.


Aware of this, Mabuyi quickly formed seals to dispel the illusion.

But just as she broke away from the illusion, a ninja knife was already on her neck.

She lost!

Lowering his head, Azabui hesitated for a moment, but finally dropped the shuriken in his hand and gave up the resistance.

Seeing this, Uchiha Kagami didn't talk nonsense, and directly sealed Mabui's Chakra with a sealing technique, and then directly tied Mabui with a rope.

In this way, Azabui became Konoha's captive!

When the results of the decisive battle come out, Elite Jōnin like Azabui can bring Konoha a lot of benefits.

Of course, there are very few ninjas who can be caught as captives!

Because not everyone has the ability to capture prisoners.

What if the enemy pretends to give up resistance and suddenly attacks you when you approach?

Therefore, unless there is absolute certainty, it is not allowed to capture prisoners.

With Mabuy, Uchiha Kagami planned to go back to the camp first, put Mabuy in the camp and guard them before entering the battlefield.

That's Elite Jōnin! Otherwise, Uchiha Kagami will never waste these efforts.

And the reason why he did this was actually a special request from Sarutobi Hiruzen before the decisive battle began.

At the same time, where Lin Tuo is.

Buyibi, who had his right arm cut off by Lin Tuo, fell into a state of madness!

"My hand! My hand! My hand!"

With a roar, Buyibi stared at Lin Tuo with blood-red eyes.

"I'm going to kill you! Bastard!"

In the inner world, Buyibi rushed into the seal of Eight Tails Gyūki crazily, and crashed into Gyūki's body.

"Give me stronger power! I'm going to kill him!"

"Boybie! Keep calm!"

Gyūki tried to persuade Buyibi, but it was useless!

Terrible aura rose from Buyibi's body, and a more cohesive and powerful Chakra surged out of Buyibi's body.

The tail beast coat with six tails turned into seven in an instant, and the eighth tail was also growing at an extremely fast speed.

Buyibi's figure was gradually submerged in the high-quality materialized Chakra, slowly turning into a dark red monster with horns and eight tails behind it.

Half-tail Beastization!

Looking at Buyibi who has turned into a monster, Lin Tuo's face is very ugly.

He could clearly feel that Buyibi in the half-tailed state had become stronger.

This kind of strengthening is not only a stronger defense, but also an overall improvement in speed and strength.

Buyibi in this state may be difficult to deal with even a Kage-level powerhouse!

Perhaps only elite Kage-level powerhouses can compete with it!

Notice! It is to contend!

Instead of defeating or beheading!

Some people may ask, can't the members of the Future Xiao organization easily catch the tailed beast?

please! That's another tailed beast!

Ps: This is the end of the five daily updates, there are three more chapters to add today! Great support!

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