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Chapter 62 Confession Mangekyō Sharingan (Seeking The First Order! Please Support!)

In addition to these two abilities, Lin Tuo's Mangekyō Sharingan has a third ability!

Of course it is: Susanoo!

Susanoo is the ultimate power residing in the Mangekyō Sharingan, able to materialize the huge Chakra and form a burly war god to fight.

Susanoo is the ultimate pupil technique that integrates offense and defense, it can be called the power of God!

What is Lin Tuo's Susanoo like?

Sorry, he doesn't even know it yet! How can he know if he hasn't used it yet?

But even if Susanoo is used, Lin Tuo can only use the third form at most.

The fourth form and the perfect body Susanoo rely on Mangekyō Sharingan is impossible to use, because the pupil power is insufficient.

But for the time being, Lin Tuo has no chance to use the sequel!

So he decided to find a time and secretly use Susanoo to take a look.

As for the consumption of pupil power?

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but Lin Tuo found that his High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability and Mangekyō Sharingan can cooperate with each other.

The ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration gave Lin Tuo's body a strong vitality, and these vitality can actually supplement the consumption of Mangekyō Sharingan.

In other words, in 743, Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil power consumption is a kind of damage to High-Speed ​​Regeneration, and High-Speed ​​Regeneration will naturally make up for this 'damage'

In other words, Lin Tuo can use Mangekyō Sharingan almost unlimitedly like Obito in the future.

In this regard, Yuntuo is naturally very happy!

He didn't want to be blind after all!

Looking at Tsunade beside the bed, Lin Tuo felt warm in his heart.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but ask Tsunade:

"Tsunade, will you be my girlfriend?"


Lin Tuo's sudden question surprised Tsunade who was seriously peeling fruit for Lin Tuo!

Staring blankly at Lin Tuo, Tsunade subconsciously asked:

"What did you just say? Tuo Jun.

Did Tsunade really not hear clearly?

You can tell if she heard clearly by looking at her flushed little face!

With a helpless smile, Lin Tuo was about to repeat what he had just said.

However, at this moment, a ninja suddenly appeared at the door.

"Master Bailong, Master Sarutobi has something important to ask you, I hope you will come with me immediately. 17

Hearing the ninja's words, Lin Tuo was speechless. (cbdf) Konoha's White Fang is his name right? What the hell is 'White Fang'?

But it's not just this ninja who calls him that, almost all Konoha Shinobi who see him call him that.

Obviously, the title of 'Konoha's White Fang Dragon' is more resounding than Lin Tuo's name!

"I see! Coming soon."

Lin Tuo responded, and finally got up from the bed.

Glancing at Tsunade, who was pretending to be an ostrich with his head down, Lin Tuo shook his head helplessly, and left with the ninja.

Hearing the disappearance of Lin Tuo's footsteps, Tsunade suddenly threw himself down where Lin Tuo was lying just now.

Smelling Lin Tuo, Tsunade is extremely shy!

Nasty Tuo-jun! Why did you suddenly confess to someone? They don’t want to agree to be your girlfriend here!

Unless you confess to me with flowers again, it's almost the same!

Lin Tuo didn't know what Tsunade was thinking. When he came to the meeting tent with the ninja, he found that there was only Sarutobi Hiruzen inside.

Blinking his eyes suspiciously, Lin Tuo stepped in.

"Teacher, what can you do for me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was looking at the scroll, raised his head, and his eyes fell on Lin Tuo.

"Xiao Tuo, do you have something to hide from me?"

Lin Tuo's eyes showed an extremely puzzled expression.

"Teacher, can you speak directly?"

Looking at Lin Tuo's puzzled look, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed softly and put down the scroll in his hand.

"Xiao Tuo, have you awakened Sharingan?"

Facing such a straightforward question, Lin Tuo's heart trembled, and he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in disbelief.

how did he know

Recalling the scene that day, Lin Tuo immediately realized that someone must have discovered his Mangekyō, and then reported it to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

How else could Sarutobi Hiruzen know that he has Sharingan?

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Lin Tuo nodded slightly.

"That's right! I did awaken the Sharingan."

"Sure enough!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed with emotion, looking at Lin Tuo with helplessness written in his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell the teacher that you awakened the Sharingan?"


Lin Tuo smiled awkwardly: "I don't know why I awakened Sharingan, after all, I don't have the blood of the Uchiha family."

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked back:

"Who said you don't have Uchiha blood?"


Lin Tuo was really dumbfounded this time! He stared blankly at Sarutobi Hiruzen and didn't know what to say.

Seeing Lin Tuo's puzzled look, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't hold back, and told him the reason directly:

"Your grandfather used to be from the branch house of the Uchiha family.

At that time, he took a woman from outside the clan, which caused the Uchiha family to expel him from the Uchiha family.

Because the Sharingan of the Uchiha family relies on blood inheritance, they do not allow family members to take people outside the family.

Later, your external skills and your grandmother had your mother, and your mother and your father had you again.

After the blood thinning of the Third Generation, it is almost impossible for you to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan.

I didn't expect you to wake up!"

Speaking of this, even Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help showing emotion.

Because it's incredible!

This has never happened before!

After listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's narration, Lin Tuo was even more confused.

Then he felt lucky and gave the system a thumbs up in his heart.

As expected of a system! Sure enough, he is awesome! He has arranged his identity so perfectly!

Standing up and walking in front of Lin Tuo, Sarutobi Hiruzen said curiously:

"Xiao Tuo, open your Sharingan and show me."


Lin Tuo nodded, and immediately activated his Mangekyō.


"Kobayashi, you awakened Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shocked!

Because Hyuga Nanming only saw the power of Sharingan in Lin Tuo, and didn't know that Lin Tuo awakened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Now suddenly seeing Lin Tuo has Mangekyō, how could Sarutobi Hiruzen not be shocked?

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen's shocked look, Lin Tuo couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you know it a long time ago? Teacher, what does it mean to be so shocked?"

Hearing Lin Tuo's complaints, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally came back to his senses, with a wry smile on his face.

Ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for votes! Ask for collection!.

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