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Chapter 63 Konoha Hero (Seek First Order! Please Support!)

Sarutobi Hiruzen explains:

"I thought that what you awakened was just a normal Sharingan, but I didn't know that you awakened a Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Is that so?"

The corner of Lin Tuo's mouth twitched, but he didn't regret it.

Now that it's exposed, it's exposed!

Relatively speaking, exposing Mangekyō is a good thing.

Because in the future he can use Mangekyō Sharingan openly!

Anyway, with the background already there, who would dare to make trouble?

Looking at the scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan in Lin Tuo's eyes, Sarutobi Ri~Zhan felt a little chilly in his heart.

This is the power possessed by Uchiha Madara! It actually appeared on Lin Tuo-.

My disciple really exceeded my expectations time and time again!

"That's right, Little Tuo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of a question and asked Lin Tuo:

"Since you have awakened Mangekyō Sharingan, once the Uchiha family gets the news, you will definitely be recalled to the Uchiha family. Have you ever thought about returning to the Uchiha family?"

"Back to Uchiha? I don't want it!"

Lin Tuo said disdainfully:

"My parents are dead! I don't have any blood relatives left in this world.

Although I have awakened Mangekyō, I don't think I am a member of the Uchiha family.

Since I don't recognize the existence of the Uchiha family, why should I return to Uchiha?"

Seeing the disdain on Lin Tuo's face, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very pleased.

"That's good! Don't worry. With the teacher here, even the Uchiha family can't force you.

"Who dares to force me? Teacher."

Lin Tuo laughed and said:

"As far as I know, no one in the Uchiha family has awakened Mangekyō, right?

Would a group of Uchiha people of the Three Tomoe Sharingan dare to come and persecute a man with a Mangekyō Sharingan?

If they dare to force me, I will let her play them!"

The presence of Mangekyō Sharingan has given Lin Tuo great confidence!

Especially the ability to go back in time with the left eye, so that Lin Tuo has no worries at all.

Because of this, he is no longer as cautious as before!

Of course, this is the self-confidence brought about by strong ability!

Hearing Lin Tuo's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen also came to his senses.


Do a group of three-god jade guys dare to come and persecute a strong man with Mangekyō?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled awkwardly.

Without continuing to discuss the Sharingan issue, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and fetched a scroll.

"Xiao Tuo, you have been on the battlefield for more than four years, and you have performed very well in the past four years.

So I allow you to go back to the village and have a good rest.

By the way, you take this information back to the village and give it to Lord Hokage. "

"Can I go back?"

Lin Tuo's eyes widened, his whole body trembling with excitement.

He has been on the battlefield for more than four years, more time than he has spent in Konoha since he came to this world.

Now hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen tell him that he can go home, he can't believe it!

Looking at Lin Tuo's shocked look, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a pain in his heart.

He feels a little ashamed of Lin Tuo!

After all, Lin Tuo was only an eleven-year-old kid, but he let him stay on the battlefield for so long.

Nodding vigorously, Sarutobi Hiruzen said in an extremely affirmative tone:

"You can really go back! Little Tuo.

And Tsunade, take her back to Konoha!"


Lin Tuo grinned, and a sparkle flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Can finally go home!

I can finally meet my grandma!


"Teacher! I'll wait for you to go home!"

Leaving such a sentence, Lin Tuo left the discussion tent and went straight to find Tsunade.

"Tsunade, we can go home!"


Tsunade, who had just recovered from a shy mood, was as excited as Lin Tuo.

"Of course it is true!"

Lin Tuo nodded with incomparable certainty:

"We can go now!"

"Then let's go now!"

Tsunade couldn't wait to start packing.

She's had enough on the battlefield!

If Lin Tuo hadn't been here, she would have gone home long ago!

Quickly packed up his things, Tsunade pulled Lin Tuo and walked out of the camp.

With a happy smile on the cute little face, Tsunade is very excited!

"We can finally go home to see grandma! Tuo Jun."

"Yeah! I can finally go home!"

Lin Tuo nodded, his heart filled with infinite emotion.

Ten days later, sleepy vomiting.

When Lin Tuo and Tsunade stood outside the Konoha gate and looked at Konoha, the expressions on their faces were very complicated.

...asking for flowers...

finally arrived at home!

Of course, at Lin Tuo's speed, it should not take so long. It's just that Tsunade always had to go shopping along the way, so it only took ten days.

After handing in their ID cards, Lin Tuo and Tsunade walked into the leaves smoothly.

Looking at the unfamiliar and familiar Konoha, Lin Tuo found that there have been many changes in the Konoha.

After all, more than four years have passed, how could Konoha remain unchanged?

But Lu Lin Tuo still knows each other!

Without going home immediately, Lin Tuo took Tsunade straight outside the Hokage building.

Standing outside Hokage's office door, Tuo saw Tsunade push the door open before he had time to knock.

"Second Grandpa! We're back!"

Tsunade's cheerful voice echoed in the fire seal office, making the Konoha Shinobi practitioners who were accepting the task in the office look over in unison.

Under the eyes of everyone, Tsunade shyly hid behind Lin Tuo, only showing a cute little head to peek.

In the office, Senju Tobirama saw Lin Tuo and Tsunade, a smile flashed in his eyes, but he quickly recovered his serious expression.

After giving the quest scroll to Konoha Shinobi and encouraging them, Senju Tobirama let them go.

Interestingly, when passing Lin Tuo and Tsunade, the leader Konoha Shinobi said hello to Lin Tuo.

"Konoha's White Fang Dragon, you are our Konoha hero!"

Is my name so famous? Has it been passed back to the village?

Surprised in Lin Tuo's heart, the smiling Konoha Shinobi shook his head.

"I'm not some hero, I'm just an ordinary Konoha Shinobi."

Hearing Lin Tuo's humble words, that Konoha Shinobi immediately had a good impression of Lin Tuo.

At this moment, Senju Tobirama's voice came from the office:

"come in!"

Lin Tuo and Tsunade obediently walked into the office and came straight to Senju Tobirama.

Taking out the scroll given by Sarutobi Hiruzen and putting it in front of Senju Tobirama, Lin Tuo said:

"Second Grandpa, this is the information that the teacher asked me to bring back."

"Okay! You and Tsunade sit down for a while."

Senju Tobirama nodded, picked up the information and read it on his own.

Ps: Today there is an hourly update until 9pm!

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