On the steps, Murong Tianheng, who was being held by his brother's neck with a sword, followed the prestige.

Instantly stunned in place.

"Li Ming, Deacon Li?"

"Murong Wangye, I don't see you for half a month, everything is okay?"

Li Ming, who was specially dressed in white, smiled at him and kicked open the box on the ground.

The wooden box cracked open, and a well-preserved human head rolled out.

"Shocking !!"

Murong Tianfeng dropped his long sword and stared at the head on the ground.


Furious, he roared, "What are you all stunned for!" Give it to me and kill him!! "

Everyone in the hall hasn't had time to make a move.

A group of people walked in the doorway.

"Who are you going to kill?"

The leading Jiang Bo asked with a cold face, and respectfully came behind Li Ming.

"Deacon, Tiansha Palace has arrived."

Behind him, everyone spoke in turn.

"Asura Sect has arrived!"

"Shadow Gate has arrived!"


Wumeizhuang arrived!"

Li Ming nodded casually, "Have you dealt with everything outside?" "

It's cleaned up." Jiangsu Bo smiled, turned back and shouted outside the hall: "Brothers, say hello to the emperor of the Murong Dynasty." "


"Three thousand disciples of Tiansha Palace came to take Murong Tianfeng's dog's head!"

"Five thousand disciples of the Asura Sect came to take Murong Tianfeng's dog's head!"

"Shadow Gate..." The

sound boomed and overwhelmed the world.

In this overwhelming shout, Li Ming calmly stepped forward.

Jiangsu Bo and Asura Sect Master and others followed.

Imposing as a rainbow.

"Stop, don't go any further!" A martial general gritted his teeth and scolded.

I didn't wait for him to speak again.

The next moment.

Jiang Bo suddenly appeared behind him.

Without hesitation, he cut it out.

Blood splattered and heads rolled down.

"Bah, is there something you have to say here?"

Jiangsu Bo stood with a knife, standing in a pool of blood and spitting out a mouthful of spit.

The center of the main hall.

Li Ming stepped over a small stream of blood flowing in front of him and looked up with a smile:

"Murong Tianfeng, Tianyan Sect Li Ming greets you."


Jiannan City.

Located on the edge of the desert, it was the western important town of the Murong Dynasty.

On the thick black city wall that was more than ten feet high, soldiers dressed in iron armor stood in a row.

The scorching heat of the sun shone viciously, and the howling wind rolled up a puff of sand and dust from time to time.

City walls.

The group took a cool ride in the watchtower.

"General, the soldiers are hot, let them take off the iron armor." The staff dressed as a scholar said worriedly.

"Fooling around, His Majesty personally ordered that during this time, it is necessary to patrol closely and grasp the defense, how can you let the soldiers take off their iron armor because the weather is too hot, if the people of the Tianyan Sect attack, do you go to battle?"

After the bearded general finished scolding his staff, he continued to pick up the juice of the watermelon and eat it.

The aide sighed helplessly and changed the topic, "General, why do you say Your Majesty is at war with the Tianyan Sect?" The

general put down the watermelon and wiped his mouth casually with his jacket.

"Whatever he is, the above ordered us to listen to it, our Sword South City is the farthest away from the Tianyan Sect, and it can't hit us."

When the staff heard this, they were a little calm, but they still walked out of the watchtower with some worry.

At a glance, outside the city walls is a vast desert, and the heat wave is steaming and rolling in.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed:

"In front of the desert, behind me is the hinterland of the dynasty, it is my cup bow snake shadow, Tianyan really shouldn't start from here."

Behind him, the general also walked out of the watchtower and said with a smile: "What to see?" The people of the Tianyan Sect flew over?

Saying that, he laughed as if he had told such a funny joke.

The staff had a smile on their faces, but a trace of contempt flashed in their eyes.

Secretly cursed in your heart

, you keep saying that Tianyan can't beat us, but you won't even let the soldier's iron armor be removed, and you eat sweet melons, but you even have to limit the amount of water that the soldier drinks every day.

Such a straw bale that drinks the blood of soldiers can actually be a city lord general.

Since His Majesty the Emperor ascended the throne.

The absurdity of the dynasty is more and more....

"Let's go, go back to sleep, it's too hot." The general wiped the oil and sweat from his fat face, turned and walked down the city wall.

"The weather is so hot, and the general personally came to inspect the city wall garrison, you are too hard."

The adjutant general on the side flattered.

"Haha, Ben will love soldiers like a son, and I really can't rest assured of my soldiers."

"The general's love for the soldiers is well remembered by his subordinates."

The staff stood in place, looking at the backs of several people leaving, and a panic inexplicably rose in their hearts.

Can such a master general really keep Jiannan City safe?

Shaking his head, he is a scholar, what can he do if he thinks so much?

"Boom, boom~"

The great earthquake shook, and the sound of horses' hooves like spring thunder sounded.

The staff looked back.

At the horizon, a black torrent swept in.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!! "

Outside the city walls.

Zhang Wen rode a blood-red beast, and a trace of bloodthirsty excitement flashed in his eyes as he looked ahead.

"Children of the Qingxuan Dynasty, charge with me!"


The eastern border of the Murong Dynasty, the city of Falling Moon.

In the horrified eyes of the guards and soldiers on the city wall.

Zhao Hu rose from the ground, smashed into the city wall like a giant ape, and with a punch, he smashed the man who looked like the Lord and flew out.

He shouted at the thousands of people outside

the city, "Ten Thousand Swords Mountain Villa disciples, follow me to break the city!"


same scene played out in various important towns of the Murong Dynasty.

The elders and hall masters of the Tianyan Sect brought disciples and troops from the major affiliated sects and affiliated dynasties.

Blatantly launched an attack on the Murong dynasty.


"Murong Tianfeng is it, Tianyan Sect Li Ming greets you."

Li Ming said these words with a smile, and everyone behind him instantly began to kill.

Murong Tianfeng was dumbfounded when he saw his courtiers fall one by one.

At the same time, endless fear surged in my heart.

He had never been so close to death.

"Li Ming, what are you going to do, Murong Dynasty and Tianyan are allies, you can't..."


Li Ming instantly appeared in front of him and kicked out.

The dragon was entrenched between the rushing auras, and Murong Tianfeng was as if he had been hit by a meteorite.

Flew out fiercely, and was chased by Li Ming in an instant, pinched his neck and strangled on the ground.

"Alliance? When I was planning to kill me, when I was planning to rob He Yue, when I was planning to annex the Tianyan Sect, why didn't I think it was an alliance?

Li Ming's eyes were calm and his smile was grim.

A powerful suction force emerged between the raised hands, summoning Murong Jianyun's head.


"Did you just call Yue Yue a?"

"What are you going to do!"

Murong Tianfeng stared at the head of his most beloved eldest son and roared uneasily.

Li Ming pinched his neck with one hand, making him unable to move.

The other hand holding Murong Xuanyun's head ignited a flame of spiritual energy.

Yu Yu said:

"Look, your talented son is in ashes."


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