"Shocking clouds!"

Murong Tianfeng exclaimed sadly, and his spiritual energy gathered madly.

"How? Still want to resist? Li

Ming's palm was slightly forced, and he instantly crushed the aura that Murong Tianfeng had finally gathered.

Grabbing his neck, he lifted it up and walked down the steps.

"Deacon Lee."

Murong Tianheng wanted to stop Li Ming from taking away his brother, but was slammed in the lower abdomen by the Asura Sect Master's punch.

"Don't look for death." Asura Sect Master Dao.

Li Ming ignored Murong Tianheng and grabbed Murong Tianfeng's neck and walked towards the outside of the hall.

For him.

Murong Tianheng did not pose the slightest threat.

But in accordance with the principle of cutting grass and removing roots.

This person will definitely not stay, but he doesn't have to do it himself.

As if carrying a dead fish, he dragged Murong Tianheng to the outside of the hall.


Wang Qiang wiped the blood from his hands and said hello with a smile.

Li Ming did not speak, and after nodding, he threw Murong Tianfeng on the ground.

"Your Majesty Murong, look."

Murong Tianfeng looked in the direction of Li Ming's finger.

Ninety-nine steps down, inside the huge square.

Thousands of palace guards tied their hands behind their backs, bowed their heads and knelt, and around them, the disciples of the lower sects who had just merged into Tianyan were talking and laughing.

Looking at this scene, Murong Tianfeng's eyes were dull.

Thousands of years of inheritance.

Simply because of his ambition, ruined.

But until this time, what came to his mind was not regret, but rather:

"I'm not wrong, if I annex Tianyan, these people will all be my Murong Clan's subordinates, I'm not wrong, the sky is not a crime."

Listening to his whisper, Li Ming laughed: "You are really shameless enough.

"I'm not wrong, I blame you, you are obviously a Supreme Realm cultivator, why do you pretend to be a waste with no cultivation? If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have failed and my son wouldn't have died!

Murong Tianfeng looked like crazy, saying the most shameless words in the most serious tone.

"The Theory of Victim Guilt?"

Li Ming shook his head, too lazy to argue with him.

Facing the square

, "Soldiers of the Murong Dynasty, introduce yourself, my name is Li Ming."

The calm voice traveled far, far away under the influence of the aura.

Hearing this, the disciples of the Lower Sect and the captured soldiers in the square raised their heads one after another.

The noisy square gradually quieted down.

"You may now be angry in your hearts for Tianyan for blatantly tearing up the covenant and attacking your allies, right? It doesn't matter what you think. "

From the time when your emperor Majesty moved his mind because he learned that a wasteless waste with no cultivation was going to marry the Sect Master of Tianyan, the fall of the Murong Dynasty was a foregone conclusion."

"Now, I give you a chance to live, no, to be precise, this opportunity is in the hands of your Emperor Majesty."

In the quiet square, only Li Ming's voice sounded.

Tens of thousands of people looked at him, either with hatred, or with admiration, or with contempt, or with respect.

The system tone keeps ringing.

Li Ming walked to Murong Tianfeng and squatted down, and said with a smile:

"You have two choices now, I will let you go, everyone who kneels dies, or, you die, and these thousands of soldiers of your Murong Dynasty live."

His eyes were playful, "Your Majesty, how do you choose?"

Murong Tianfeng looked at Li Ming and then glanced back at the thousands of soldiers in the square.

Hesitated: "Is this true?" "

Well, I won't kill you."

"They die."

Without hesitation.

Murong Tianfeng stretched out his finger and pointed at the thousands of soldiers in the square, most of whom even had wounds that continued to ooze blood.

"Hehe, Your Majesty, you never disappoint in terms of shamelessness." Li Ming said with a smile.

Murong Tianfeng didn't care about Li Ming's sarcasm, and looked at him with hatred in his eyes, "Can I leave now?"

"Just now the voice is a little quiet, you say it again to them, louder."


Murong Tianfeng's expression was angry.

But in the end, in the face of the threat of death, he lowered his head.

He stumbled to his feet and said to the thousands of soldiers who had been captured to defend him:

"Sons and daughters, the time has come to be loyal to the dynasty, and I will remember your contribution to the dynasty."

Hear his shameless words.

The disciples of the Lower Sect of the Tianyan Sect laughed.

"Your Majesty is really strange."

"I have seen many shameless people, and it is the first time I have seen such shameless."

"You work for such a guy, I will panic for you."


words of the disciples, as well as Murong Tianfeng's attitude, deeply pierced the heart of every captured soldier.


Under the gaze of the disciples, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a general stood up.

His face was covered in blood, and his severed left arm was simply wrapped in a piece of cloth, dripping bright red blood from time to time.

Staggering out of the line, he came to the front of the royal steps.


This lord, I am Cui Qiancheng, the leader of the palace guard."

"I have a request with the remaining four thousand or so colleagues."

Li Mingluo tasted funny," you said.

"Please execute us together with Murong Tianfeng!"

"Can you represent them?"

Cui Qiancheng didn't answer, just turned around, "Sons and daughters, stand up!" Die with Ben. The

voice fell.

One by one, the mentally weak captives supported each other and slowly stood up.

On the face full of dirt, a pair of cloudy eyes gradually lit up.

"Willing to die with the general!"

A weak but firm cry resounded.

The disciples of the lower sect who were giggling also put away their smiles, and looked at this group of captives with complicated eyes.

Li Ming was silent for a long time.

In his mind, inexplicably appeared on the day of the engagement, the three people who swore to death and did not want to inherit the sect in their hands to destroy it.

Some people, whether they are evil, friends or enemies.

What they do always fascinates people's hearts.

"General Cui, what is the purpose of this?"

To stop Murong Tianfeng, who wanted to open his mouth and curse angrily, Li Ming said curiously.

Cui Qiancheng was silent for a moment and knelt on one knee.

"We want to exchange these more than 4,000 lives for another person to live, please ask for your grace."


"Queen, Ge Daiwa."

Li Ming was a little puzzled and summoned Wang Qiang:

"Who is this queen?"

Wang Qiang glanced at Murong Tianfeng on the side and explained

, "This daughter of Ge Daiwa is Murong Tianfeng's empress of the main palace, she is dignified and virtuous, quite a virtuous name, and is deeply loved by the people of the Murong Dynasty."

"In recent decades, the Murong Dynasty's heavy taxes have been famous in Nanzhou, and ten years ago, Murong Tianfeng had to recklessly rebel in order to build a palace."

"This Empress Ge Daiwa stood up to persuade Murong Tianfeng to give up the tax increase, but he did not agree."

"But it really can't withstand the soft and hard bubble of this queen." Wang Qiang pointed at Murong Tianfeng and said, "This guy made it difficult for her to say: As long as you are kind, you can cancel the tax increase, you can take off your clothes and walk around the palace, I will agree." "


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