Terrifying strength, Xuantian world is shocked!

Seeing Su Chen squeezing Ye Qingcang to death in an instant, the world fell into deathly silence, countless people’s jaws opened wide, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

All the powerful men in the entire Southern Territory stared at this scene in stunned silence. Their minds seemed to have shut down and they could not react at all.

Not only them, but everyone in the Ye family also looked confused and confused, and their minds were full of questions.

This lasted for a while, and the entire Southern Territory was instantly boiling.

Someone was the first to regain his thoughts. He stared at this scene with wide eyes and disbelief.

How can this be!

Ye Qingcang is dead!

Killed instantly by Su Chen! ?

When Su Chen killed Ye Qingcang just now, almost no one saw clearly what happened. In just a blink of an eye, Ye Qingcang fell directly.

Is Su Chen’s strength actually so terrifying?

All the powerful men in the Southern Territory felt a little numb.

No, it should not be just the Southern Territory. There are many people paying attention just now. There are many strong people in the Northern Territory and the Western Territory who are looking for spiritual consciousness, or directly using the power of heaven to spy.

However, the sight of Su Chen killing Ye Qingcang made them all stunned.

“This…Su Chen killed Ye Qingcang!”

Someone’s mouth was trembling, and there was unspeakable fear in his eyes.

“Ye Qingcang is the pinnacle of the Supreme Saint, one step away from the quasi-emperor. No matter how powerful Su Chen is, he can’t kill him directly. How did he do it?” ”

No, we all underestimated Su Chen. His strength It’s really terrifying.”

“I seem to have seen it just now. Su Chen directly killed Ye Qingcang with just his physical body. Can the physical body of a supreme sage be so strong?”

In the Southern Territory, countless people The faces of the people were horrified.

When they talked about Su Chen again, there was no disdain or ridicule as before, but only dignity and shock.

“He killed Ye Qingcang. Will the ancestors of the Ye family just let it go?”

“Ye Qingcang is just a supreme sage, but the Ye family still has a quasi-emperor. No matter how strong Su Chen is, he can’t defeat a quasi-emperor.” ?”

“Not necessarily. I estimate that the strength Su Chen has shown is close to the third-level quasi-emperor or even the fourth-level quasi-emperor. An ordinary quasi-emperor really can’t do anything to him.” ”

You are wrong, the Ye family is not simple. They should have several The ancestor has not fallen, and the Wind Emperor does not seem to have fallen. This is a strong man of the ninth level of quasi-emperor. With the situation in the southern region, he can do it even if he wants to live in this world.”

“Killing Ye Qingcang is a mortal enemy. Su Chen is just a supreme sage, no matter what, it is impossible to defeat the quasi-emperor Ninth Grade, right?”

The voices of discussion continued, and when they spoke this time, their tone was obviously much more serious.

Even if they think that Su Chen is no match for the powerful quasi-emperor of the Ye family, they will not ridicule him anymore, because with the strength Su Chen has shown, they are simply not qualified to ridicule him.


Cangshan, Yejia.

Ye Wushang’s face was dull, and everything in front of him was beyond his understanding.

Ye Qingcang… actually died! ?

He never thought of this.

In his expectation, the best result was that Su Chen resisted the blow with serious injuries, and was eventually beaten to death by the powerful men of the Ye family.

But he never expected that Su Chen not only easily blocked the attacks of powerful men, but also easily killed Ye Qingcang, who was at the pinnacle of the supreme sage.

Su Chen raised his hand and threw the dead Ye Qingcang out. He waved his hand, put on his clothes again, and then looked at everyone in the Ye family with a cold expression.

In just a moment, the eldest elder of the Ye family suddenly reacted.

The head of the family is dead!

But the next moment, he looked horrified and shouted: “Open a mountain-protecting formation to defend against the enemy!”

Obviously, Su Chen’s strength exceeded his imagination and expectations.


He was able to kill the head of the family in an instant.

As his roar rang out, many elders of the Ye family beside him immediately began to make spell-casting gestures, and the terrifying imperial power instantly filled the air.

All the powerful men in the entire southern region couldn’t help but shrink their necks after sensing this imperial power, their faces full of fear.

Great Emperor!

This is the pinnacle of Xuantian Realm.

Although the quasi-emperor is also called an emperor, they are completely different concepts from the powerful emperor.

If there are a large number of Supreme Saints, they will have a chance to kill the weaker quasi-emperors. However, no matter how many quasi-emperors there are, it will be extremely difficult to kill the weaker quasi-emperors.

Because there is an unreachable gap between the quasi-emperor and the great emperor.

Su Chen…will die this time!

There is a true emperor-level formation in the Ye family, which was left behind by the great emperor of the Ye family, although it requires a strong emperor to fully exert its power.

But one or two percent of the Ye family can still do it.

There is absolutely no strength in killing quasi-emperors below the fifth level. If the quasi-emperors of the Ye family are in charge of the formation, they can obliterate any monks below the realm of the great emperor.

Even the ninth grade quasi-emperor cannot resist.

The most important thing is that Su Chen is in Cangshan at the moment.

Isn’t it difficult to survive inside the emperor-level formation?

With a formation of this level, even if a powerful person of the ninth rank of quasi-emperor entered it, he would not dare to say that he could escape unscathed.

Su Chen looked calm, and his figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already reached the side of the elder of the Ye family. He raised his hand and grabbed it suddenly.

The eldest elder of the Ye family seemed to be oppressed by some terrifying force. His whole body was instantly squeezed into a ball, and blood continued to flow out of his body. There was despair and disbelief in his eyes.

How is it possible… to be so strong!

He never thought that Su Chen’s strength would be so terrifying.

Is this still the Supreme Sage?

You must know that he is also in the late stage of the Supreme Sage, but in front of Su Chen, he was helpless, just like an ant facing the sky.

Powerless, hopeless.

Su Chen was able to kill him with just one casual blow.

Without the support of the eldest elder of the Ye family, the formation began to gradually dim.

For Su Chen, he could easily see through the emperor-level formations. Naturally, he discovered that the Great Elder was the core hub for activating the formations. Even if he killed him, it would be difficult to activate the formations.

Even if it is activated, its power will probably be greatly reduced again.

When Su Chen killed Ye Qingcang before, many people didn’t see clearly what happened, but when he killed the elder of the Ye family, everyone could see clearly.

Countless people’s eyes widened and their heartbeats continued to accelerate.

This is too scary!

Could it be that Su Chen is not a supreme sage, but a powerful person in the quasi-emperor realm?

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Su Chen could kill people in the same realm so easily.

Throughout the ages, there have been many very powerful supreme sages in the same realm, but none of them could be as terrifying as Su Chen. They were almost completely crushed and hit by dimensionality reduction.

Such terrifying strength made everyone watching the battle feel numb.

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