The five quasi-emperors came out of seclusion with a terrifying punch!

Su Chen looked towards the shadows in the distance, and the next moment his figure disappeared from the spot.

For Su Chen, it is not difficult to kill anyone below the level of the Great Emperor.

As for the realm of the Great Emperor, Su Chen has never fought against a strong person of this level, but according to his estimation, he can basically crush him.

Because until now, he has not actually activated the Hongmeng Immortal Body.

He didn’t use any force at all to resist the blow from the Ye family before, he could easily block it with his physical body.

An attack of that level is really no different from a tickle.

Su Chen’s figure was like a nightmare, and he could take away a life of the Ye family in an instant, and these were the top combat powers of the Ye family.

When Ye Yunli saw this scene, his face was full of horror.

What exactly is going on!

“Ancestor, please come out of seclusion and save my Ye family!”

At the last moment, Ye Yunli shouted towards Cangshan.

At this point, only the ancestors of the Ye family can save the Ye family, otherwise they will definitely die.

Su Chen’s strength is really terrifying!

Su Chen looked disdainful, and he suddenly grabbed Ye Yunli. The terrifying wave spread towards him in an instant, the threat of death surged into his heart, and the chill went straight to Tianling Gai.

At this moment, Ye Yunli felt as if he was in an ice cellar.


A terrifying wave came from the Ye family. The pressure from this breath surpassed that of any supreme sage, and it carried a feeling of dominion over the nine heavens.

Imperial power!

The quasi-emperor of the Ye family is about to take action!

When countless people saw this scene, their pupils suddenly shrank.

“Although Su Chen’s strength is comparable to that of the quasi-emperor, the ancestor of the Ye family is so powerful that he is probably invincible.” “It’s

too reckless. It would be better if we could leave Cangshan. There is an emperor’s formation in Cangshan. If the quasi-emperor is If the strong man urges him, he is probably dead.”

“Su Chen does have some means to have such terrifying combat power. There are not many people who can reach this level in the past.” ”

But it’s a pity.”

Many. Everyone shook their heads and sighed. They all thought that Su Chen would definitely be no match for him next, and there was a high probability that he would even fall.

A powerful quasi-emperor!

This has not happened for many years.

The aura in the Ye family gradually began to become extremely rich, then the second path, and the third path, a total of five levels of imperial power, which meant that the Ye family had five powerful men at the quasi-emperor level.

So scary!

When countless people saw this scene, their eyes widened with horror on their faces.

Obviously, the Ye family’s strength shocked them.

It is worthy of being the top force in Xuantian Realm!

Five powerful quasi-emperors!

The quasi-emperor’s aura in the Ye family continued to revive, but Su Chen remained calm and calm.

If it had been at the beginning, some people might have ridiculed him for not running away because there was something wrong with Chun Chun’s brain, but now everyone is keeping silent.

What if…Su Chen has the ability to resist?

After what happened before, no one would think that Su Chen was a fool.

Soon, the terrifying imperial power pervaded the Heavenly Emperor.

This imperial power is like the dominance of the Emperor of Heaven, giving people a suffocating sense of oppression. Just the breath makes the scalp of the weaker Supreme Sage feel numb.

This is the emperor!

It’s just that the quasi-emperor is so terrifying. How powerful would it be if he were the emperor?

Many people have such thoughts in their minds.

Gradually, the emperor’s power completely awakened, and five terrifying auras swept across the southern region, condensing five phantoms in the Cangshan Mountain. They were tens of thousands of feet long, and each one was like a giant holding the sky, extremely terrifying.

Quasi-Emperor of the second rank, Quasi-Emperor of the fifth rank, Quasi-Emperor of the sixth rank, Quasi-Emperor of the seventh rank, and the pinnacle of the ninth rank of Quasi-Emperor.

This is the strength of the five quasi-emperors!

In the Southern Territory, the ancestors of countless forces looked towards Cangshan with solemn expressions.

The strength of the Ye family is indeed a bit terrifying.

There are five powerful men in the quasi-emperor realm, and only one is in the early stage of quasi-emperor. The others are all in the middle and late stages of quasi-emperor.

There are nine levels of quasi-emperor, and each three levels represent a stage, namely the early, middle and late stages.

When Ye Yunli saw this scene, he had a wild and ferocious smile on his face. He turned to look at Su Chen:

“Hahaha, Su Chen, you will definitely die today. No one can save you.”

“You dare to offend me. Ye family, you will never be redeemed by death!”

Ye Yunli’s manic laughter was the only thing left in the world.

But the next moment, as a clear and sweet voice sounded, Ye Yunli’s eyes widened in disbelief.

At some point, his neck was far away from his body, and his consciousness began to become crazily weak.

The soul dissipates!

I’m dying?

Ye Yunli’s eyes were full of fear and confusion. His ancestor had already left seclusion, so why did Su Chen dare to attack him?

Why didn’t the ancestor save me?

Why! ?

There are countless thoughts sprouting in his heart. With the ancestor’s strength, is it difficult to save him?

Or do you mean that you are not worth saving at all?

Doubts came to mind one by one.

In the end, Ye Yunli died completely with unwillingness and regret.


An angry voice sounded, and the whole world trembled. Almost everyone in Xuantian Realm felt it.

The extremely powerful coercion instantly crushed Su Chen, as if the sky was overwhelming all living beings, and it was extremely terrifying.

Just now, the quasi-emperor of the Ye family wanted to save Ye Yunli, but Su Chen’s action was too fast and they didn’t react.

“This… seems to be Ye Wu from the Ye family, right? He is known as the Martial Emperor, with such terrifying power.”

Someone looked at that figure with fear in their eyes.

Murderous intent filled the air among the Heavenly Emperors. Emperor Wu’s voice was like a loud bell. He said in a cold voice: “If you offend my Ye family, you should be beheaded!”

Emperor Wu’s face was full of anger. He killed people in front of them, and he succeeded. , which is no different from directly slapping them in the face.

Facing the five powerful quasi-emperors, Su Chen remained calm and calm: “I seem to have said that the people who are already on top of me are basically dead.”


The sound of gasping for air kept coming.

“What’s going on with Su Chen? He dares to say such words in the face of the five powerful quasi-emperors. Is he really not afraid of death, or is he saying that he can kill the five quasi-emperors.” ”

Impossible, absolutely not. Maybe!”

“I don’t believe he can kill the five quasi-emperors. It would be extremely terrifying for a supreme sage to defeat the quasi-emperors, let alone defeat the five quasi-emperors, among whom there are four quasi-emperors above the mid-term stage.”

Even so. Said, but they still watched with bated breath, for fear of missing any details.

Many people even hope that Su Chen can kill one or two quasi-emperors, thereby weakening the Ye family’s strength.

Although Ye Qingcang is dead, the status of the Ye family will not be shaken in the slightest if these five ancestors remain alive.

After Emperor Wu heard what Su Chen said, he was furious. He said angrily:

“How brave!”

“How many years have passed, and no one who dares to be rampant in front of my Cangshan Mountain has been born!”

He suddenly raised his hand and waved his huge fist from When the sky falls, it contains extremely terrifying power, as if it can destroy all living beings.

Because Xuantian Realm could not withstand this power, ferocious void cracks continued to emerge, and the area around Cangshan Mountain became dilapidated and full of void turbulence.

This punch was not comparable to what Ye Qingcang and the others had done before.

Su Chen…can you stop it?

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