Crushing combat power

Emperor Wu’s punch contained extremely terrifying power. This was the first time since the Emperor’s Fall era that people had seen an emperor-level powerhouse take action.

“It’s impossible for Su Chen to block this punch!”

Some people looked at it with wide eyes, unable to believe that Su Chen could block it.

After all, from the beginning to the end, Su Chen’s aura never surpassed that of the Supreme Sage, nor did he release the imperial power, so he definitely did not hide his cultivation.

The peak of the Supreme Sage, this state is his true cultivation level.

If Emperor Wu was only in the early stage of Quasi-Emperor, then everyone might still feel a little suspense, after all, the strength Su Chen showed before was too terrifying.

But Emperor Wu is a powerful fifth-level quasi-emperor!

Su Chen raised his head slightly and looked at Emperor Wu. His eyes were extremely calm from beginning to end, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Although these five people are currently the top experts in Xuantian Realm, Su Chen’s mood still does not fluctuate at all, because he can feel that none of these people can make him feel threatened.

too weak.

Even the ninth-grade quasi-emperor is the same.


Su Chen first lowered his head and glanced in the direction of Ye Qingling, then his figure disappeared instantly, and then reappeared.

Already arrived at the forbidden land and prison.

The main purpose of his trip is to bring back his mother, so it is best to solve this problem first to avoid accidents later.


crisp footsteps suddenly sounded. Ye Qingling immediately opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the sound:

“Brother, what happened outside!”


Suddenly, Ye Qingling’s expression was stunned, looking at the strange figure, her eyes were full of doubts.

Who is this?

Ever since she was imprisoned and entered the sky prison, the only person who came here to see him was Ye Wushang, so she thought that the owner of the footsteps was Ye Wushang.

Su Chen looked at the woman in the dungeon. She looked a little pale and was not wearing prison uniforms, but she was also very simple.

Her eyes were full of vicissitudes of life, and her delicate cheeks also showed a bit of exhaustion.

The moment he saw Ye Qingling, Su Chen felt the blood fluctuation between the two.

It’s her!

Ye Qingling looked at Su Chen with great confusion. She didn’t know why, but she felt a very strange feeling from Su Chen. It seemed very familiar, but also very strange.

“Who are you?”

Ye Qingling’s voice was filled with vigilance and doubt. She didn’t trust anyone in the Ye family except Ye Wushang.

This place is a forbidden area of the Ye family. Except for the core members of the Ye family, no one else can enter at will.

So she just assumed that Su Chen was from the Ye family.

Su Chen didn’t say anything. He walked forward slowly and finally stopped in front of the iron fence as thick as his calf. After taking a deep breath, he knelt down directly towards Ye Qingling.


Su Chen has long forgotten the Su Chen from Blue Star in the previous life. Now he is Su Chen from the Su family in the Xuantian Realm. Therefore, Su Chen regards the mother he has never met before as his own from the bottom of his heart. biological mother.

mother! ?

Ye Qingling suddenly trembled, her eyes filled with disbelief.


Before she could finish her words, a terrifying force fell instantly, razing the entire forbidden area to the ground, leaving only the area around Su Chen that still existed. , the others were directly annihilated and dissipated.

The world instantly returned to clarity, and the dazzling sunlight made Ye Qingling subconsciously cover her eyes.

She was confused.

What happened?

“Trespassing into my Ye family’s forbidden area, you will die!”

Emperor Wu’s voice was a little surprised. He actually didn’t catch when Su Chen entered the back mountain of Cangshan Mountain.

As soon as he finished speaking, Emperor Wu grabbed Su Chen again, his giant hand like the hand of God.

Su Chen did not chat with Ye Qingling, but took her back to the secret treasure space and let her chat with Su Qingtian first.

He stood up and turned to look at Emperor Wu in the sky.

“It’s almost time to end!”

Su Chen’s voice sounded faintly, and countless people exploring this place showed expressions of uncertainty. What does this sentence mean?

All of a sudden.

Su Chen’s figure disappeared from the spot, and his extremely domineering power burst out.

In just an instant, Su Chen had arrived in front of Emperor Wu. He raised his fist and then swung it down.


Seeing this scene, Emperor Wu’s face was filled with disbelief. How could he be so fast?

And he also felt a strong threat from this punch.

Get out of the way!

The thought came into Emperor Wu’s mind that if he couldn’t dodge this punch, he would probably be seriously injured or even… die!

He no longer had the calm look before, and Emperor Wu had a look of panic on his face.

Just when he was about to move, Su Chen’s fist suddenly fell.


A void crack stretching tens of thousands of meters appeared, and the violent void force instantly swallowed up the Xuantian Realm. A corner of Cangshan Mountain was directly melted by this void force.

Emperor Wu directly smashed it down, and the terrifying power was transferred to Cangshan Mountain, which directly caused the earth to crack, countless ferocious abyss emerged, and Cangshan Mountain was instantly torn apart.

Although Cangshan Mountain is just a mountain, it stretches for millions of miles and is extremely vast.

But at this moment, Cangshan has completely lost its majestic appearance before.


Emperor Wu spurted a mouthful of blood, with a look of extreme fear on his face.

His whole body was wrapped in the special power of purple, and this purple energy was like blood vessels, crawling all over his body.

A huge hole also appeared in Emperor Wu’s chest, with blood and flesh inside.

This…how is it possible!

I can’t even catch a punch!

With just one punch, he was seriously injured and dying.

Emperor Wu wanted to restore his physical body, but he found that the purple energy contained pure destructive power, which shattered his restored physical body and even continued to eat away at his body.

Who is this Su Chen? ?

Although they are in the small world, they have always known what is happening in the outside world. They were even discussing how to deal with Su Chen not long ago.

To them at that time, Su Chen was like a lamb.

Looking at it now, Emperor Wu suddenly felt a little ridiculous. He was not someone who could be easily manipulated by others.

But a very terrifying strong man.

Being able to put him, a fifth-level quasi-emperor, in such a state of disarray with just one blow, at least in the late stage or even the final stage of quasi-emperor, a strong man of this level is qualified to be on an equal footing with their Ye family.

In the Xuantian Realm.

Countless people saw the Emperor Wu being knocked back by a punch, with disbelief on their faces.

what’s the situation! ?

Su Chen’s strength is beyond everyone’s imagination. This is too terrifying. Is this the strength that a supreme sage can exert?

Su Chen’s strength shocked him time and time again, exceeding everyone’s expectations.

Originally, everyone thought he was a stronger supreme sage at first, but now it seems that he is not a bit strong at all.

Being able to completely crush the Martial Emperor, who is a fifth-grade Quasi-Emperor, is terrifying to the extreme.

Right now.

The man in the middle of the five quasi-emperors of the Ye family opened his eyes, and the terrifying imperial power came out of his body, making the world tremble.

Wind Emperor!

He is also the strongest member of the Ye family, a ninth-grade quasi-emperor!

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