Looking for a Relative

“Used successfully!”

“The peak of Xuanxian…the early stage of Daluo Jinxian…the late stage of Daluo Jinxian…the perfection of Daluo Jinxian.”

At this moment, the prompt sound in his mind suddenly stopped. end.


Is this the end?

Su Chen was stunned. With five billion years of cultivation, he could only break through from the late stage of Xuanxian to the perfection of Daluo Jinxian?

When it comes to the later stage, wouldn’t it take a huge amount of cultivation?

“Golden Immortal!”

Su Chen opened his eyes slightly. He slightly adjusted the cultivation level in his body, and an extremely terrifying sense of oppression suddenly swept out, directly covering the entire Chixiao Empire.

Countless people looked horrified.

However, in just a moment, the breath disappeared completely. When they felt the breath disappear, they regained their expressions.

There are many strong people in the fairy world, they may just be passing by.

“Use 10 billion years of cultivation!”

Su Chen’s mind moved, and the cultivation level in his body increased again.

“Early stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal…Middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal…”

This time, Su Chen’s cultivation level improved even less. The 10 billion cultivation base was only upgraded to the middle stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal stage. .

“Use 50 billion years of cultivation.”

“The late stage of Hunyuan Golden Immortal…the perfection of Hunyuan Golden Immortal…the early stage of Immortal King.”


Did fifty billion years of cultivation only improve three realms?

However, the realm of the Immortal King is also very powerful. In the entire Canglan Realm, the Immortal King should be regarded as the most powerful monk, right?

He had read in the records that the major forces that controlled the Canglan Realm were in the Immortal King realm.

In the thirty-sixth world, Canglan Realm is ranked in the bottom ten in terms of strength.

When you enter the fairy world through Dengtianmen, you will be transported to a weaker world, as well as a weaker place in that world.

From this, we can deduce which world the people of the Su family are in.

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen used his cultivation again.

Although the Immortal King is strong, it is not enough.

Besides, he still has about 270 billion years of cultivation. Why put it there if he doesn’t use it?

“Use the cultivation for 50 billion years!”

“Middle stage of Immortal King… late stage of Immortal King… ..The peak of the Immortal King.”

This time, the 50 billion years of cultivation have only grown to the peak of the Immortal King.

“Is it so slow?”

Su Chen fell into silence. He originally thought that with his cultivation, he should at least become a giant in the immortal world, but now it seems that he is not close to becoming a giant in the Canglan world.

“Use the cultivation base!”

Su Chen directly used all the cultivation bases at once, and his strength began to rise rapidly again, with more than 100 billion years of cultivation base.

“The early stage of the Immortal Lord…the middle stage of the Immortal Lord…the late stage of the Immortal Lord…the early stage of the Immortal Lord…the middle stage of the Immortal Lord…the late stage of the Immortal Lord. …..The peak of the Immortal Lord…the half-step Immortal Emperor!”

In an instant, an extremely terrifying aura was released.

Su Chen was startled and quickly set up the system to block his aura fluctuations.

Half-step Immortal Emperor!

Although he is not a true Immortal Emperor, even so, he is still a strong person in the entire Immortal World.

Immortal Emperor level experts only exist in the top ten worlds in the entire Immortal World, and they are all top experts.

The birth of such a strong person will definitely attract the attention of others.

So in order to be careful, Su Chen did not show off his cultivation in a high-profile way.

Su Chen lowered his head and glanced at the small Zhuxian Sword Formation on the back of his hand, a solemn look flashed in his eyes:

“I am half-step Immortal Emperor, can’t you see through it?”

His current cultivation level is already extremely terrifying, but even so, Still unable to see through the origin of the small Zhuxian Sword Formation in his hand.

In an instant, purple energy flashed from his eyes, and his entire pupils turned dark purple.

When he activated the Hongmeng Eye and looked at the back of his hand again, he found that the small Zhuxian Sword Formation did not exist at all.

This is…the power of cause and effect! ?

Su Chen’s eyes narrowed, and his heart was shaking.

The energy of this small Zhuxian Sword Formation seems to be carried by the power of cause and effect.

But the power of cause and effect is not rootless duckweed, it has a reason.

Cause and effect, there is cause and effect.

If there is no cause, there is no effect. On the contrary, if there is no effect, there is no cause. Therefore, cause and effect must produce each other.

But Su Chen has never come into contact with the Tongtian Cult Master, so what’s the reason?

Even if there is really cause and effect, it must only occur after he uses this Little Zhuxian Sword Formation. Then how does the power of cause and effect arise and become attached to him?

In this way…

Su Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Could it be said that this has established cause and effect with the Tongtian Cult Leader?

But he was certain that such a thing could never happen.

Could it be… something that has already happened in the future?


If that’s the case, then things get interesting.

Time, cause and effect, and those who can relate to these are all powerful people at the heaven-defying level.

Forget it, none of this matters anymore.

Let’s not talk about the future for now, let’s solve the current problems first.

The most important thing at the moment is to find everyone in the Su family first.

“Blood Seeking Technique!”

Su Chen formed a seal with his hands, and the breath of blood was immediately transmitted and spread outwards.

This is a secret technique for detecting bloodline. It is also an immortal-level technique. It was practiced by Su Chen when he was bored when he was in Xuantian Realm.

With his current half-step Immortal Emperor’s strength, he can basically cover the entire Canglan Realm.

In an instant, he detected the auras of many Su family bloodlines.

“Found it!”

Many Su family members are in the Canglan Realm, and there are a few with strong bloodlines among them. They should be about the same generation as him, and may even be Su Qingtian and the others.

“There is one within the Chixiao Empire’s sphere of influence, no…is there one in Zhuixian City?”

Su Chen looked towards a huge city thousands of miles away.

In terms of scale, this city is almost comparable to Wangyun City, and it is just a third-rate city in the Chixiao Empire.

It is indeed a fairyland!

But why are these people not gathered together, but scattered in all directions?

But thinking about the turbulence in space that occurred when he ascended, Su Chen felt slightly relieved.

Maybe something happened to them.

Except for the last two hundred thousand years, when the people in front of them ascended, Su Chen would leave them a magic weapon that could connect them with each other.

This treasure is also of the Immortal level. As long as it is in the same world, it will definitely be connected to each other.

“Forget it, after we find the person first, we’ll find out as soon as we ask.”

The next moment, Su Chen disappeared from the spot.

Chasing Immortal City.

Zhao family!

“Su Geng, if you don’t tell me clearly where your things are going today, I will deal with you according to the family rules.”

A young man with an extraordinary bearing yelled with a cold expression on his face.

The person opposite him was none other than Su Geng of the Su family. This person was the immortal world that Su Qingtian and the others entered after ascending for 300,000 years.

In terms of seniority, Su Chen is his ancestor.

At this moment, he was tied to the ground with a golden rope, his face full of anger.

“Damn it, Zhao Yu, I have never betrayed the Zhao family, and I didn’t steal anything. You are just slandering me.” ”

Mr. Zhao saved my life and asked me to be the guest of the Zhao family. How could I do this?” This kind of thing.”

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