Zhao Family

Mr. Zhao is the old head of the Zhao family. When Su Geng ascended to the upper world, something unexpected happened and he was seriously injured and almost died. Almost all the treasures on his body were destroyed.

If Mr. Zhao hadn’t helped, he might have died.

Later, Mr. Zhao named him the Guest Minister of the Zhao family and gave him generous treatment, so Su Geng did his best for the Zhao family.

But who would have known that Mr. Zhao was attacked and killed by his enemies tens of thousands of years ago. The entire Zhao family fell into a state of leaderlessness. Several young masters began to compete for the position of the head of the family, and they were beaten to death.

According to the rules, the boss Zhao Huai must be the head of the family, and he has always had high hopes.

Su Geng naturally chose him to assist him, but unfortunately Zhao Huai was also targeted by other young masters, and is now being abolished and imprisoned in a dungeon.

He himself has now been framed and is about to become the dead soul of Zhao Yu.

When Zhao Yu faced Su Geng’s words, he immediately walked up and kicked him in the face: “You bitch, you were the one who transported the goods. Who else could have stolen it besides you?” “It’s a

shame that the Zhao family values you so much.” , but you turned out to be an ignorant white-eyed wolf.”

Although his face was full of anger, his eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

When did Su Geng suffer such humiliation? When he was in the lower world, he was a member of the Su family, and he was also the second elder of the Su family at that time, and his status was extremely respected.

After arriving in the upper world, he also gained the attention of the Zhao family through his status as an ascendant.

Now that he was being mocked like this, anger burned in his chest.

“Zhao Yu, if you have the guts, kill me!”

“Don’t you just want my life? If you want to kill me to establish your authority, then what if you do it for me and take away the position of the head of the family? You are just disobedient. They are just the unfilial descendants of the old man.”

After hearing these words, Zhao Yu’s face suddenly darkened. He took two steps forward again and stepped hard on Su Geng’s face.

“You bastard, you dare to talk to me like that.”

“The leader of the Zhao family is naturally the one with the ability. Why can’t I be the leader of the Zhao family if I have this strength? Why are you pretending to be loyal here? You are just a dog raised by my Zhao family. , when will it be your turn to dictate the affairs of the Zhao family?”

Zhao Yu stepped on Su Geng’s head with his feet, and his words were full of humiliation.

Su Geng has good qualifications. He has only practiced for two to three hundred thousand years and has already reached the middle stage of Earth Immortal. His cultivation has progressed very quickly.

He had extended an olive branch to him a long time ago, but unfortunately he was rejected by Su Geng, and was even severely humiliated by him once.

Therefore, Zhao Yu had long held a grudge and was bound to find an opportunity to trample him under his feet.

Now that he finally got what he wanted, he looked at Su Geng who was struggling under his feet, his face full of joy:

“Su Geng, you didn’t expect that you would still have this day, right?”

“Where was your stubbornness back then? Why are you following Tiao now? Like a dead dog?”

Zhao Yu’s tone was full of sarcasm.

Su Geng gradually calmed down. He did not continue to curse, but stared at Zhao Yu coldly.

For some reason, Zhao Yu felt furious in his heart when he looked at him like that.

“You bitch, keep barking at me. Why don’t you bark anymore?”

As he said that, he kicked out Su Geng’s whole body. Since his body and cultivation were sealed, this kick directly knocked Su Geng out. His internal organs were almost broken.

A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth, and Su Geng twitched and rolled on the ground with a painful expression.

For monks, in fact, no one is too afraid of pain, because they can use immortal power to seal acupuncture points, and the pain cannot be transmitted to the nerves at all.

But now Su Geng has no immortal power to call upon at all, so the pain is very clear, as if someone is beating crazily at his internal organs.

But even so, Su Geng still did not scream, and looked at Zhao Yu with hatred in his eyes.

But Su Geng never thought that it would end like this.

Since he had offended the other party to death before, it was impossible for Zhao Yu to let him go.

He is doomed today!

Su Geng clenched his fists, a feeling of reluctance filled his heart. He originally thought about using his fists and kicks after entering the fairy world.

But he didn’t expect that all the resources and magic weapons in his body would be damaged before he entered the immortal world. Otherwise, with those things, his current cultivation level would definitely be more than the middle stage of the Earth Immortal.

At least they are all in the late stage of Earth Immortal, and may even break through to the Heavenly Immortal realm.

The most important thing is that he can contact other people in the Su family.

When more than one person is together, the safety and security needs to be improved.


Thinking of this, Su Geng suddenly felt a little desperate.

Zhao Yu invited the help of a monk with perfect Earth Immortality, and also integrated other Earth Immortals in the clan to defeat the other young masters.

Now the entire Zhao family almost always looks after Zhao Yu, and he feels deeply powerless about this.

“Su Geng!”

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Zhao Yu still didn’t let him go. He walked up to him again and kicked him, saying in a serious tone: “You bitch, why don’t you continue to yell?”

“Don’t think that you don’t speak. I can’t do anything to you, don’t worry, I won’t let you die so easily.” ”

Three days later, I will tell them in front of the whole city that you are the sinner who betrayed Mr. Zhao. Liu Huan and others cooperated internally and externally to kill the old man.”

“I want to make you lose all face and make you a person that everyone despises.”

After hearing these words, Su Geng’s face turned extremely cold.

Although he is not willing to give in, he is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

But Zhao Yu’s way of handling this was absolutely unacceptable to him.

Su Geng wanted to save face. He cared about reputation. He didn’t want to be blamed even after he died.

Suddenly, Su Geng seemed to have thought of something, and he looked at Zhao Yu in disbelief.

“You…you betrayed the Zhao family. It was you who killed Mr. Zhao, you!”

He originally thought it was strange that Mr. Zhao was killed, but at that time Mr. Zhao was the core of the Zhao family. Once he died, It is not good for the entire Zhao family.

So Su Geng never thought that the Zhao family would frame Mr. Zhao.

But now that I think about it, Zhao Yu has the Earth Immortal Perfection beside him. How did he get the qualifications to recruit a monk of this level?

After Zhao Yu heard this, his face was filled with a sarcastic smile. He knelt down and whispered coldly:

“Yes, so what if you know?”

“Obviously I am the last person to inherit the position of the head of the family. The perfect candidate, why did he insist on passing it on to the eldest brother? The eldest brother’s methods and strength are not as good as mine, so why should he?” ”

So I was unhappy, so I planned to kill the old guy. Is there any problem with this?”

Seeing Zhao Yu With that cold look in his eyes, Su Geng wanted to scold him, but he closed his mouth again.

In Xuantian Realm, this kind of thing happened a lot, so he didn’t bother to comment on this kind of thing.

Taking a deep breath, Su Geng lay on the ground and closed his eyes tightly.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yu sneered: “Put him in the dungeon and behead him at the city gate three days later!”

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave.

But suddenly, a figure appeared next to him.


Zhao Yu’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to strike, but to his horror, he found that he couldn’t move at all.

Not only him, but everyone in the entire courtyard seemed to be still. Only one pair of eyes glanced at Zhao Yu’s side in fear.

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