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Chapter 101: Brother, you don't love me anymore! (First order please!)

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

After Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei entered Chen Yefeng's live broadcast room, the fans suddenly laughed tacitly.


Is a good show about to begin?

after all.

Now all Douyu knows that these two women have a bad attitude towards Chen Yefeng?

But the result?

Not only did Chen Yefeng didn't make it clear, he even said thank you for having swiped so many gifts. He didn't even tell on WeChat, and finally swiped all the gifts back intact.


"Little dumplings don't cry, brother doesn't want you, I want you!!!"

"Upstairs, I think you are thinking about fart. You called the little dumpling? Call me sister-in-law!"

"It's time for Uncle Brother to make a choice like a man!!!"

"Children make choices, don't you know what I mean?"


Chen Yefeng looked dumbfounded. If it weren't for the fans who instigated him to order a show effect that day, he would never have anything to do with these two women.

It's better now...

The three idiots of the fighting fish and Jedi are all stuck to themselves.

Let alone my little princess, after all, she is a younger sister, so it should be a little bit pampered by my brother.

But what happened to these two women?

Little dumpling: "Brother Yefeng, I've been waiting for you for a long time, don't you have a sweet double row together?"

Looking at the barrage sent by Xiao Tuanzi, Chen Yefeng refused without even thinking about it. He was really frightened!

If you have the Wolong and Phoenix Chick first, then your own cousin, then if you come to Xiao Tuanzi and Xiao Damei, how can you stand it?

"Okay, I see, I wish you happiness!"

After Xiao Tuanzi finished speaking, he flicked a plane and left the live broadcast room.

"Brother Yefeng, just play, I'll wait for you!" After the little girl sent such a barrage, she also quit the live broadcast room.

This made Chen Yefeng finally relieved.

People! ! !

Too much charm is not good.

But... Isn't it a bit stingy for an anchor such as Douyu PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds to just use a plane?


"I wish you happiness? Why do I suddenly feel the sour smell of lemon in the air?"

"You think our elder brother is as bad as those licking dogs!?"

"That's right, our elder brother is so handsome, he definitely doesn't do dog licking. I won't tell you that his favorite is men!"


"Go go, my sexual orientation is normal!" Chen Yefeng explained quickly.


"Uncle, just say something to your heart.

I used to think the same way as you. I didn’t know until I met a big lady in women’s clothing that I just liked beautiful ones! "


Ignoring the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yefeng devoted himself wholeheartedly to training his little apprentice.

Hmm...Although it is impossible for her to become as strong as herself in a short time, it is still okay for her to have a better gaming experience without falling into a box.



"Next, please listen to the second question!"

"Yes, wife!"


In this way, Chen Yefeng slowly passed by in the process of training his little apprentice in one day.

Of course.

The two are not without any gains.

At least... the little apprentice has improved the art of skydiving compared to when he first started, and is almost comparable to his cousin.

This reminded him of a word.

Ruzi can be taught!

Unknowingly, the time had come to noon, Chen Yefeng simply said something, and immediately closed the live studio.

The first thing to download is naturally to find a private chat on the steam platform, and add the little apprentice WeChat.

Now that WeChat is added, the next thing is of course to quickly browse the circle of friends.

Looking at the life photos of the little apprentice, it was like a girl walking out of a cartoon, with big eyes and a round face... Chen Yefeng thought of a word inexplicably.

Child Yan Juru! ! !


Stretching and yawning, Chen Yefeng opened the door and walked into the living room.

at this time.

Chen Yuan has returned, sitting on the sofa holding a bag of potato chips and eating with relish.

"Where is Xiaoxue?" Chen Yefeng asked subconsciously.

"What, brother, don't you ask me first!" Chen Yuan pouted, "Brother, I'm jealous!"

Chen Yefeng was amused, and walked over to rub the little girl's head, "Which kind of vinegar do you and your future sister-in-law eat?"

"It makes sense!" Chen Yuan laughed again, "Brother, eat potato chips!"

"Eat it yourself, I don't like it."

"By the way, brother, there will be an entertainment invitational tournament in Douyu in a few days, and all the anchors can participate. Are you coming?"

"Can I bring a beauty?" Chen Yefeng thought of his little apprentice.

"Are you talking about me?" Chen Yuan became a little contorted. It seems that he is still more popular in his cousin's heart.

"Of course not, it's my little apprentice." Chen Yefeng said decisively.

"Apprentice?" Chen Yuan was stunned, "I never heard that you have an apprentice?"

"Just received!"

"Male or female?" Chen Yuan leaned forward curiously.

"The man, who cares for him!" Chen Yefeng also told the truth.

"So it's a girl?"

"Of course, I also added her WeChat~"

Chen Yuan glanced at Chen Yefeng with a bitter look, "Brother, does she look good?"


"Then brother, do you think your baby sister looks good?"

"You?" Chen Yefeng looked up and down at her cousin Chen Yuan.

Not to mention, the little girl who followed her **** back then became more and more watery. The big place has begun to take shape, and the two long legs on the sofa are also white and tender.


In order not to let her get overwhelmed, Chen Yefeng said decisively.

"so so!"

"What!" Chen Yuan pursed his mouth, "Brother, you are very shocking like this!"

"In order to be beautiful, people maintain, exercise and eat nutritious meals every day.

What about you

Then I ask you, what have you insisted on to look good?

I think you can only eat every day besides eating! "

"Not really." Chen Yuan pinched a potato chip and threw it into his mouth. "In order to maintain my beauty, I must use my face every time I take a photo!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

In the afternoon, Chen Yefeng slept beautifully, while Chen Yuan worked as a courier on the live broadcast all afternoon.

As the evening approached, Chen Yuan smiled while feeding the rabbits, "Brother, do you want to play games together at night?"

"I refuse!" Chen Yefeng hardly even thought about it.

"Why?" Chen Yuan pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Because you are too bad!!!"

"I'm not pitted!" Chen Yuan corrected, "I'm just not obvious..."

"That's not OK!"

"Woo, brother, you don't love me don't love your cute, charming, clever, and sensible sister..."

Finally, after eating, Chen Yefeng played two games with the little girl.

of course.

The result was horrible, and it was a shame in the sister world.

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