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Chapter 102: Yan Fatty's invitation! (First order please!)

the next day.

When Chen Yefeng was half asleep and awake, he received a call from Bai Ningxin.

Three days later, she will participate in the "I Want to Be a Singer" competition in Nanhu. She hopes Chen Yefeng can come to the scene to cheer for her.

Of course, if this is the case, it would be better, but after Chen Yefeng gave a perfunctory sentence and hung up the phone.

My sister Chen Shiyi also called.

Looking at the caller ID, and thinking about his elder sister who has everything to do with her every day, Chen Yefeng was also sober.

of course.

Accompanied by soberness, all kinds of doubts continue to pour in my mind.

My sister is so busy on weekdays, why would she call herself suddenly?

Isn't she sneaking to see herself?

Chen Yefeng remembers that he was cut off all living expenses by Lao Chen, set foot on his career path, and had a hard time with those few people every day.

My sister suddenly appeared in front of her, even Chen Yefeng didn't know how her sister found him.

Those distressed eyes and slightly reproachful tone made Chen Yefeng's memory especially deep.

"Sister..." Chen Yefeng yelled softly after answering the phone.


There was a smiling voice on the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Chen Yefeng seemed to be able to see that his sister was looking at him with a cowardly smile.

"Is there a problem?"

"I can't call you if I'm fine?"

"Of course not, I was just a little surprised, you are so busy..."

"No matter how busy you are, you can't forget our eldest young master." Chen Shiyi smiled, "How about living with Xiao Yuan, are you still used to it?"

"Very good, the little girl is very obedient."

"That's good." Chen Shiyi nodded, "My sister is calling, besides missing you, there is one more thing that needs your help."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

My sister, the current female president of the Chen Group, a strong woman who is vigorous in business, now actually wants my brother to help?

Sister, do you think too much of me?

I'm just a brother!

"My people will contact you later, so you can help a little bit later."

"Yes, it's okay, but I'm afraid I won't help..."

The mall is like a battlefield, he is good at playing games, and Chen Yefeng is not good at this kind of stuff.

"Don't worry, even if you cause any trouble, there is a sister who will help you settle it."

"That's good!" Chen Yefeng nodded and agreed.

"That's all right, my sister still has a lot of things on hand now, when we finish this work, go and see our eldest young master."

Listening to a noisy sound on the other end of the phone, Chen Yefeng also hung up the phone after instructing his sister to pay attention to her body.

Not long after hanging up, an unfamiliar call came.

Needless to say, this must be what my sister just said.

However, after the call was connected, Chen Yefeng was stunned by the sound coming from the other end.

"What's so special, Fatty Yan, why are you!?"


"Xiaofeng, look at what you said!"

A hearty voice with a little grievance came from the other side.

"In the beginning, you called them Yan Dao Yan, but now you call them Yan Fatty!"

"Don't disgust me!" The reason why Chen Yefeng remembered this voice was naturally because he was the director who acted in that movie genre.

"Why are you calling me?

No, why do you have my phone?

Wait a minute, isn't it you who my sister asked me to help? "

"Xiao Feng, you guessed it!" Fatty Yan laughed, "President Chen loves you so much. I have been begging her for a long time before she agreed to let you help."

"Fatty Yan, what do you want me to do for you?" Chen Yefeng asked, "I told you in advance, don't look for me for any tricks, I'm not interested.

And... how did you edit your promotional video, good fellow... now the entire network feels that I am acting as a force! "

"Only in this way, when the movie is released, can it cause a bigger sensation!" said Fatty Yan.

Chen Yefeng touched his chin, and felt that it made sense. Now screenwriters and writers are not good at all?

If you have nothing to do, I like to sell it!

Are you okay with a promotional film? Isn't it good for direct films to be released?

There are some authors who are not upset, can't you just update the one hundred and eighty thousand? What is your appetite every day!

"Xiaofeng, listen to me, I can't help it, everything is for the box office!"

"It's okay, you can talk about it as soon as possible, let alone I hang up!" Chen Yefeng was about to hang up.

"Hey, don't!" Fatty Yan immediately became anxious when he heard it. "I just trouble you if you can come to Nanhu in two days and help us record a movie theme song. You also know that a good theme song can often be Let the movie add a lot of points."

"It's that simple?" Chen Yefeng didn't believe it.

Judging from the plot of the movie trailer, it is clear that this is a series of movies similar to Marvel's Iron Man. He is really afraid that Yan Fatty will lie to him and let himself make a second one.

"It's that simple!" Fatty Yan promised.

"If you dare to lie to me..."

"Then you can ask President Chen to quit me!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng didn't react.

"Xiaofeng, you don't know until now, let's Yuanhang Entertainment Media, belong to the Chen Group..." Fatty Yan was also a bit speechless, and he had said everything so clearly just now.

"I really don't know..." Chen Yefeng smiled awkwardly.

Although you are the elder of the Chen Group, he really doesn't know much about the family business, and it's his sister who takes care of it.

As for my father and mother, I have long since become the shopkeeper, traveling around and enjoying a leisurely life.

"Wait, if this is the case, does this mean that you have to listen to me too!?"

"Xiaofeng, what do you mean?" This time, it was Fatty Yan's turn to be a little confused.

"Xiaofeng, let me tell you, your brother Yan, I'm a serious person, don't try to use your identity to impose certain rules on me."

"Fuck you uncle, you are not afraid of disgusting me?" Chen Yefeng curled his lips.

No wonder that when he was a guest starring, he felt that this fat man took extra care of himself. Others had a box lunch and had ten dishes and one soup. They were much more luxurious than the movie heroine national goddess Zhou Yutong.

It’s because of this reason...

"Are you sure you just recorded a theme song, right?"

"Of course, and I won't let you work in vain. What should I do? The reward will not be less."

"It doesn't matter how much money is." Chen Yefeng said lightly, "It's mainly my sister's job. I have to help."

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