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Chapter 103: Theme song recording! (Please subscribe!)

"Well, I will send the lyrics by email. You can read it first. You can come to Nanhu in three days."

"Okay!" Chen Yefeng nodded, then hung up the phone.

After a while, Chen Yefeng received an email from Fatty Yan with the lyrics of the movie's theme song.

Looking at the first sentence of the lyrics, Chen Yefeng patted his thigh straight!

This is really a song tailored for yourself! ! !

A handsome life needs no explanation!

Isn't this just talking about yourself?


Three days later.

In the doubtful expression on his cousin Chen Yuan's face, Chen Yefeng is wearing a decent casual clothes and preparing to go out.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Go and do something and be back tomorrow at the latest. Remember to take care of yourself at home.

By the way, you are not allowed to enter the kitchen! "

"Brother, do you mean to spend the night outside?"

"It's possible." Chen Yefeng thought for a while and said.

"Brother, I wish you a successful cultivation as soon as possible, I am waiting to hold my little niece!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng looked at his cousin Chen Yuan with a look that I could understand, a little confused.

"Hi, don't pretend, go quickly, don't make people wait in a hurry!"

Speaking of Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng was pushed out.

Because she called Ye Shengxue last night and went shopping together today, but the other party rejected her on the grounds that something happened today.

Now let’s look at the posture of my cousin. This is the rhythm of getting on the train first and making up the ticket!

Ahhhhh! ! !

The male **** cousin is about to start a family, and I want to have a little niece.

The little girl lay on the sofa, thinking about what she should pay attention to when she is a bridesmaid...


On the other hand, Chen Yefeng, who was pushed out by Chen Yuan, could be said to be Zhang Er's monk. What else is this little girl talking about?

What did you pretend? What is the result of cultivation, what little niece?

Where is this special?

Without much thought, Chen Yefeng went directly to the airport and got on the plane to Nanhu.

Fatty Yan was contacted in advance, and when he arrived at Nanhu Airport, a staff member had already picked him up.

After Chen Yefeng stepped up to confirm it, he followed the staff to the recording studio.

As soon as he entered the door, his smile was full of spring breeze, and the fat-faced fat man greeted him. This kind of treatment made the staff next to him very surprised.

Who is this very handsome little brother?

Fresh new meat?

Never heard of it...

Fatty Yan is a predecessor in the entertainment industry. He has been a senior figure in Yuanhang Entertainment Media under the Chen Group since he became a director.

Of course, Chen Yefeng only learned about these in recent days.

Fatty Yan said hello with a smile, and then brought Chen Yefeng to the recording studio, and a leader said to the staff inside: "Next, let Xiaofeng use it, you all listen He ordered, do you understand?"

The staff all expressed their understanding, and of course they had no opinion.


"Xiaofeng, leave it to you!"

Fatty Yan smiled and patted Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, leaving him speechless.

Had it not been for his sister, he would never have participated in this matter.

Of course, after all, it was his own business, so Chen Yefeng was not too depressed.

"Xiaofeng, what you want them to do later, you can just say it directly, without any scruples." Fatty Yan said with a smile.

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng nodded.

Immediately, Fatty Yan asked the staff next to him to bring the full version of the score, and Chen Yefeng glanced at it slightly.

Sure enough, apart from myself, there is no one suitable for this song.

Wei Wei sang a cappella, and Chen Yefeng immediately started recording.

With the blessing of the angel's singing skills, he quickly found the rhythm of this song and grasped it perfectly.

This made Fatty Yan very surprised. He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and this is the first time he has met someone who can enter the state so quickly.

It feels like the lyrics say, a handsome life needs no explanation...

Time soon arrived at noon, and Chen Yefeng finally finished the recording.

"As expected of President Chen's younger brother!" Fatty Yan exclaimed with a smile, then patted his shoulder and said, "What do you want to eat, brother treat!"

"I just go around, don't follow me!"

"Do you know the road?"

"Don't lose it anyway!"

After speaking, Chen Yefeng rolled his eyes and walked out of the recording studio.

The recording studio is located inside the Nanhu TV Station, which makes Chen Yefeng have to sigh that his sister is so capable that the entertainment companies under its subsidiary can enter and exit such places at will.

To be honest, Chen Yefeng is the first time to come to Nanhu TV Station, and there are many recording venues in it.

The reason why Chen Yefeng wanted to go around was nothing more than to see what Bai Ningxin was doing now.

So after stopping a passing TV station staff and asking me where I want to be a singer, he walked over slowly.

In any case, the development task is still to be completed.

Although Chen Yefeng has confidence in her, since he is here, it is still necessary to see it.

After careful inquiry, Chen Yefeng finally found Bai Ningxin's lounge.

However, the scene in the lounge seemed not as good as he wanted.

At a glance, Bai Ningxin was sitting alone on a chair in the small lounge at this time, and the whole person seemed very low.

Hearing the movement of the door opening, Bai Ningxin subconsciously glanced over, just to meet Chen Yefeng.

Wei Wei was taken aback, and she couldn't believe it, "Why are you here?"

Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, coughed dryly, and said, "Come and solve something."

"What's the matter?" Bai Ningxin was also taken aback.

"It's a family affair."

Chen Yefeng perfunctorily didn't want to continue discussing this topic.

"How? Is the game over?"

"Not yet, it will start tonight." Bai Ningxin said softly.

"Are you confident?"

Hearing Chen Yefeng's question, Bai Ningxin fell into a brief silence.

"I...I'm afraid I won't be able to make the top five. I feel that they are too strong. Several of them are from professional schools. Whether it is singing skills or voice, I feel that I am not their opponent."

Chen Yefeng frowned slightly when he heard this.

This situation before the game is not a good sign, it can easily affect a person's performance.

"Do you think so? You have to know that everyone's voice has its own characteristics, and you have to believe that you are no worse than anyone."

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