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Chapter 104: Music is a kind of persistence! (First order please!)

In addition to giving Bai Ning's confidence and cheering for Bai Ning's words, what he said was actually a genuine fact.

In Chen Yefeng's eyes, Bai Ningxin's voice has its own characteristics. If you add your own tuning and teaching, your future achievements cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with Bai Ning's full-hearted beauty embryo, the task of developing an international actress is not a whim, but it does have the capital and strength.

Although Bai Ningxin may indeed be far behind the students in some professional schools in terms of skills, but...there is no difference. The song she gave her can make up for the gap.

Bai Ningxin can be regarded as a rich child, in fact, even if he doesn't do anything, he can live without any worries.

In Bai Ningxin's words, she and Lu Jiayu are the same kind of person and share the same loneliness, which is why the relationship between the two people is very good.

Born in a wealthy family, it is actually difficult to get out.

You are like Chen Yefeng, who has come to the end from birth and can't enjoy the feeling of struggle at all.

For example, Chen Yefeng wanted to work **** the road of e-sports, but the result was his own old Chen's severe opposition.

However, because of his repeated insistence, Lao Chen could only choose to compromise.

However, there is a precondition for compromise.

That is, don't give any support, and you have to get the first place, then you won't oppose it.

Of course, compare this aspect.

Bai Ningxin is worse than Chen Yefeng, because every step of her has been arranged, just like a puppet.

However, fortunately, Bai Ningxin likes to sing, so she is relatively lucky.

"Well, you can sing a few sentences to me." Chen Yefeng said slowly.

Bai Ningxin cleared his throat and sang a few words softly.

Chen Yefeng listened quietly, but the more he listened, the deeper his brow furrowed.


Before Bai Ningxin finished singing, he interrupted directly.

"What's the matter with you? Are you at this level now?

When we were rehearsing in the music room, it was basically two people! "

Bai Ningxin also knew that there was a problem with his mentality, and his whole person was a little downcast.

"I don't know how this happened..."

"If you don't adjust quickly, it will be very ugly!" Chen Yefeng quietly looked into her eyes.

Bai Ningxin blushed and nodded, and hummed softly.

"I said before that you can enter the top ten, in addition to your appearance, you must also have certain strength.

I believe you should have a certain fan base now?

If you can't perform to a higher level this time, or even worse than before, I believe that not only will you not be able to advance, it is likely that the fans you have finally attracted will be disappointed in you. "

"Then... what should I do? In the ten-to-five game, almost everyone took out their bottom of the box.

More professional than skill, I feel that I am not as good as the professional players in those colleges. "

Bai Ningxin's tone was a little choked, giving people a feeling of crying.

"I'm sorry for the song you gave me, I can't sing it perfectly..."

While talking, Bai Ningxin actually wept.

Seeing the tears slowly falling from the corner of his eyes, Chen Yefeng had a headache.

The most troublesome woman crying! ! !

"What should I do? I can't adjust at all..."

Bai Ningxin's tone was low, and he seemed to hate him for being unworthy.

In the words, there is even more unwillingness, helplessness, and sadness.

"Persistence in music is an attitude." Chen Yefeng said softly, "Whatever you do, you need a correct attitude."

"I definitely can't give any help. You need to adjust this kind of thing yourself!"

Chen Yefeng took a deep breath, and then gently opened the door of the lounge. He didn't want to disturb Bai Ningxin anymore. At this time, she should be given a quiet private space for her to make adjustments.

Before Chen Yefeng left again, he said softly: "No matter what, whether it is good or bad, I will listen to you sing it silently."

After speaking, Chen Yefeng walked out of the lounge, leaving Bai Ningxin alone in a daze.


"Xiaofeng, where did you go!"

Back to the recording studio, Fatty Yan came over with a smile, "My hotel has been booked, let's have a good meal tonight!"

"Don't!" Chen Yefeng quickly refused. Although he can drink, he is definitely not an opponent of this kind of entertainment industry veteran. He was afraid that he would make a fool of himself when he was drunk, so he refused.

"I have something to do, I have to leave, there is still a trouble waiting for me at home!"

"You don't give me face too much!" Although Fatty Yan said so, he still sent someone to send Chen Yefeng to the airport.


Late at eight o'clock!

Chen Yefeng was leaning on the sofa, running around for a day, still a little tired.

Next to Chen Yuan holding his arm and leaning on Chen Yefeng's body, the little girl was puzzled.

Didn't you go on a secret date with Xiaoxue, why did your cousin come back so soon?

God! ! !

Cousin, you're really not a man. How can someone not stay in a hotel on a date?

Chen Yefeng didn't know what his cousin was thinking, if he knew it, he would be rewarded with an exclusive Chen family knocking on the head.

He sat in front of the TV and found Nanhu TV.

At this time, the game where I want to be a singer is being broadcast.

Nanhu TV station is very fancy for variety shows, like Base Camp, Happy Boys and Girls, etc., are all from them.

Listening to the sound coming from the TV, Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, as if he was watching it at the right time.

After the introduction by the only listening host, a girl in a white dress slowly stepped onto the stage.

And this person is Bai Ningxin.

It can be seen that Bai Ningxin's popularity is indeed quite high. As soon as he appeared on the stage, cheers rang out.

It can be seen that Bai Ningxin is still very nervous now.

She held the microphone with her palm trembling slightly, and glanced around gently.

After bowing slowly, he said, "Actually, I didn't have the courage to continue to stand on this stage today.

Because I am afraid that I will fail and lose..."

"Brother, it's Bai Ningxin..." Chen Yuan whispered while shaking Chen Yefeng's arm.

"Shhh... don't interrupt!"

Chen Yefeng glared, causing Chen Yuan to close his mouth obediently.


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