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Chapter 109: Huluwa save grandpa!

As a skydiving master, Chen Yuan was naturally the first to land.

Of course, in the process of skydiving, Chen Yuan definitely belongs to the ON.1 level, but after landing, it is another matter.

"You find a place to hide!" Chen Yefeng reminded.

"Brother, it's true that I am best at being a Voldemort!"

After speaking, Chen Yuan whizzed and ran to the grass next to him and climbed down to prevent himself from falling into a box.

"Da Jiezi, do you remember what you told you as a teacher?"

"Kaizi remember! Everything is first!"

With that said, the little apprentice also found a place to hide.

However, Chen Yefeng hurriedly ran towards one of the wooden houses. Not to mention the three teams in such a poor place, they were all concentrated near him. It was a bit outrageous!

If you don't quickly find the gun, I'm afraid that the box will be me. If this is embarrassing in front of my cousin and apprentice, how will I get involved in the future.

Chen Yefeng rushed into one of the wooden houses quickly, and ran the house quickly.


There is not a decent gun, there is only a revolver and some bullets in the whole room.

"Oh... so-so, let's make do with it, anyone else is dead anyway."

The first time he saw the pistol, Chen Yefeng sighed slightly.


"Uncle brother is starting again, this invisible pretending temperament has already deeply convinced me!"

"Uncle, this revolver thief is difficult to use!"

"If you finish killing with this revolver, I will call you Dad!!!"

"Shut up, you, your unfilial grandson upstairs, are acknowledging my son again!"


Staring at the super slow reloading speed of the revolver in his hand, Chen Yefeng also found a corner to hide, to prevent someone from rushing in to kill him while he was in the middle of the bullet.


The sound of the revolver reverberated gently in the wooden house, like the sound of a beating heart, exciting.

at this time!

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from far and near.

Someone has already picked up the gun and came out to clear people!

"Big brother pretended to be forever, but the blue hole couldn't stand it anymore. How can I play the game of landing a revolver?"

"It's true that I have watched this episode. The elder brother was eliminated, and Xiao Yuan and the little apprentice were captured by others!"

"Falling into a box, my eldest brother is simply a disgrace to the world of my sisterhood!"

"Brother brother, if this wave is finished with the revolver, I will stand upside down and eat, remember my ID!"

"Don't be fooled, every time you eat and drink upstairs!"


Although the situation was dangerous, Chen Yefeng was not at all nervous.

He listened to the footsteps in his ear, the corners of his mouth rose, and a confident smile was slowly outlined.

The reason why Chen Yefeng thinks that all guns are the same is already his reason.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Chen Yefeng's smile narrowed, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

coming! ! !

The creak of the wooden door being pushed open came into my ears, and someone walked in from outside.

It's now! ! !

It's too late to say, then soon!

Almost the moment the person entered, Chen Yefeng took aim decisively and shot it out.

The whole movement was very quick without any muddle.


Only after a gunshot was heard.


"HeiTian used R1895 headshot to knock down DouYu, LaoDaGe"


The moment he was knocked down, the anchor brother immediately reported Chen Yefeng's position to his teammates.

"This man is half blood! Only has a pistol, come in and kill him."

Chen Yefeng knocked down one person, and he hadn't waited for any slack time.

Seeing the opened door, another person suddenly appeared.

In his arms is holding the S686 shotgun.

Before the spray, everyone is equal!

However, Chen Yefeng didn't panic at all, and shot the revolver again!



While evading, Chen Yefeng raised the revolver in his hand again.

Aim, lock...pull the trigger! ! !

The whole set of actions is smooth and flowing, all in one go!

boom! ! !

With a gunshot, another person fell down.


"HeiTian used R1895 to headshot DouYu, CK"


"Damn! A trace! Only a trace!

Come in and make up for him! "

Those who were knocked down reported frantically.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Facing the spray, at such a close distance, Chen Yefeng's blood volume just lost less than a quarter.


"Foggrass! My scalp numbs when my uncle moves snakeskin!"

"Uncle, to be honest, did you take medicine and react so quickly?"

"I will give you 82 points for this wave of operations, and the rest will be given to you in the form of 666!"

"Xiu, Tianxiu, really show, the show of the flower..."

"It is recommended that after this fight is finished, the eldest brother drags out the urine test."


After putting down two people in a row, Chen Yefeng hadn't made up for them, but as a result, he heard footsteps ringing in his ears again.

"Gourd baby save grandpa, send them one by one?"

With a sigh in his heart, Chen Yefeng also hurried out from the side door of the wooden house.

Because there are two footsteps in the headset, it is obvious that the other two people rushed over together, they were teammates who were knocked down by themselves.

Although Chen Yefeng is confident, he is not blind.

To be safe, he decided to take a step back.

As soon as Chen Yefeng walked out of the side door, the other two also rushed in.

The enemy didn't see it, but found two teammates who were knocked down.

"What about others?"

"It should have ran through the back door."

"You two hurried to chase, a trace of blood, you will die if you touch it!"


In fact, Chen Yefeng didn't run away directly, but hid outside the wooden house. Through the third angle of view, he could see everything in the house.

Seeing the two people slowly walking in his direction, his eyes condensed and the corners of his mouth rose.

It's now! ! !

Not a little preparedness and no trace of worry……

In this way, Chen Yefeng appeared again suddenly, protruding half of his body from outside the wooden house.

Revolver, shoot again!

The gunfire is like death blowing a horn to harvest the enemy's life!

Blow again!

boom! ! !


"HeiTian used R1895 headshot to knock down DouYu, XiaoHai"


And Xiao Hai, who was knocked down, was stunned, "Damn, didn't you mean that you would die if you touch it? I shot him twice, why is he still alive?"

The second person who was knocked down by Chen Yefeng was also very depressed, "You ask Big Brother, he said that he was half blood. I just gave him a spray, so I judged that he has only a trace!"

Big Brother: "..."

"Cough cough, half blood after seeing each other, a touch of it, isn't this all common sense..."

"Damn, you got **** up!"

"Sister, run quickly! If you are killed, the three of us will have a talent show in a while!"


Looking at the three teammates to the end, the remaining sister anchor suddenly panicked.

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