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Chapter 110: Cousin broke down!

"Little brother, don't..."

As soon as the sister anchor opened her mouth to beg for mercy, Chen Yefeng took her away with a decisive shot without any hesitation.

It is still a headshot kill, which is especially eye-catching.

Revolver, terrible! ! !


"Damn, isn't this a scumbag? Miss Sister can do it?"

"No wonder the eldest brother is so handsome and a single dog, so straight, who can stand it!"

"E-sports doesn't need women!!!"

"I just want a man, don't we go and fight bayonet together?"

"Just now, I said that after the eldest brother was killed, what about the one who was standing upside down and eating Xiang? Come out to work!"


Chen Yefeng sighed slightly after he easily eliminated a full squad.

Looking back, it was really boring.

I totally can't afford any desire to fight.

At this moment.

Chu Changkong next to him had already dealt with the four people of the other team. After all, as a professional player, his strength lies here.

When he saw Chen Yefeng dealt with the other four people faster than himself, he was very calm.

Because this is my mentor on the e-sports road, and the **** in my heart!


When Chu Changkong saw that Chen Yefeng was using a revolver, he was a little stunned.

Revolver, one enemy four?

Sure enough, he is still the trembling dark sky!

The night is approaching, everything is gone! ! !


"Well, we are both finished killing, you two can come out." Chen Yuan shouted to Chen Yuan and the little apprentice.

"Wow, brother, you deserve it!" Chen Yuan's voice was very excited.

"Of course, don't look at who the brother is!"

After confirming that there were no other people around, several people prepared to search the six wooden houses here.


"Daughter-in-law, where are we going next?"

In the voice, the young apprentice Igeda Naizi was obediently asking Chen Yefeng's opinion.

"Search for more equipment, and the four of us will go to block the bridge together." Chen Yefeng thought for a while and replied.

"What is blocking the bridge?" After all, Iguodha hadn't played this game for a long time, and under Chen Yefeng's teaching, the game time occupied more than half of the plane.

Except that she is more familiar with skydiving, she really doesn't understand the others.

Therefore, Da Jiezi was at a loss as to what his wife said.

Of course, Chen Yefeng had nothing to do with his only apprentice, so he had to patiently explain.

"Blocking the bridge is what we call tolls.

Even if I tell you now, you may not understand it now. When you are as strong as the master, you will naturally understand.

So, hurry up and search for equipment, or when someone touches it, is it possible that you want to use your fist to fight someone? "

"Oh, Naizi knows." The little apprentice happily responded, and then went to search for equipment.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Yefeng licked the four boxes in the wooden house.

There is also a second-level A, a quadruple lens, and an SKS!

After licking, Chen Yefeng searched briefly and picked up some medicine.

At this time, cousin Chen Yuan suddenly shouted.

"Brother, come here!"

"What's wrong?" Chen Yefeng walked over as he spoke.

"Brother, look at it quickly." Chen Yuan asked while changing his clothes, "Brother, do you think this dress looks good, or this dress looks good."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Are you here to play a dress up game?


"I'll tell you the truth, Xiao Yuan looks the best if she picks up her clothes!"

"I don't think it will work, I think it's only half-concealed to be charming!"

"A good slaughter game, I was surprised by Xiao Yuan's play."

"This game sells her for ninety-eight, it's really a big loss!"


"You look good in everything you wear!" Chen Yefeng twitched his lips back.

"Wow, brother, you praised me so much for the first time!" Chen Yuan said excitedly.


Chen Yefeng was a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, it seemed that it was the first time.


After searching, Chen Yefeng gave the two a little medicine.


When Chen Yuan saw that he was going to have one less drink than Iguodha, he immediately quit.

"Oh, brother, you don't love me anymore, you don't love your baby sister anymore, I want to sue my sister-in-law!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

This little girl will go to the house without training in one day!

In desperation, Chen Yefeng had to throw away another bottle of painkillers, which stopped the farce.

Anyway, it’s enough to block the bridge later, and it’s also very good to have two teletubbies as a mobile warehouse.


After the four people ran to Qiaotou and searched the house in Qiaotou, they were ready to come to a wave of Jiang Taigong fishing. May those who be taken the bait!

However, looking at the second-level head on the little apprentice's head, Chen Yefeng felt that he, a person who was charging and fighting, needed to borrow it for use.

However, he hasn't spoken yet.

I heard my cousin Chen Yuan speak first.

"Zizi, where did your helmet come from?"

"It was picked up on the second floor of that house." Iguodha responded in a clear voice.

Have to think of a way to trick her second-level head over!

As expected of brothers and sisters, the two people's thoughts are exactly the same now.

"Ahem, Miss Jiezi, my helmet fell off, can you pick it up for me?" Chen Yuan said what Chen Yefeng wanted to say.

Igueda, who was next to him, immediately climbed to the side of Chen Yuan when he heard it.


Looking at the stupid little apprentice, and then at the black-bellied Chen Yuan, Chen Yefeng's face turned green.

Who did this little girl learn from?

Why is it so damaged!

After Chen Yuan brought Da Jiezi's second-level head over his head, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss Jiezi!"

"You're welcome, my wife said, helping others is the foundation of happiness!"

Chen Yefeng listened to the conversation between the two and did not want to speak.

Sure enough, he should have said that, what a brainlessness!

The fans in the live broadcast room all laughed.

"Little wish you grow up, you were deceived by others before, but now you know how to do other people!"

"To be honest, the little wish is really getting bigger and bigger!"

"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand at all?"

"Xiao Yuan broke down with his uncle!!!"

"Can't this prove that the uncle's training is good?"


Of course, Chen Yuan didn't take the second-level head in vain, and threw his medical kit and two bottles of painkillers to Da Jiezi.

The four people lie on the bridge, waiting silently.


It's cool when blocking the bridge. When someone else has worked so hard to kill from the airport, but is blocked by you, the feeling is naturally self-evident.

However, the waiting time is a bit too boring.

As time passed by, he couldn't help standing up with his lonely wish.

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