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Chapter 111: You are not worthy to challenge the teacher!

"What are you doing, be careful not to expose your position!" Chen Yefeng immediately reminded him when he saw this.

"Brother, I'm going around, anyway, you are here, don't be afraid!"

"I think you still don't want to turn around. Maybe someone jumped in the fishing village nearby. If you hit, I might not have saved you."

"Brother~ Are you caring about others?" Chen Yuan laughed happily.

Chen Yefeng shook his head decisively.

"You think too much, I'm just afraid that because of your exposure, the three of us will be involved. If you insist on turning, I suggest you stay away from us."

"What do you mean?" Chen Yuan blinked.

"Because... even if you are discovered and eliminated, that will not expose us."

Chen Yuan: "..."

Fans in the live broadcast room laughed again.

"Oh my God, I don't think the older brother is normal, he must like men!"

"What's wrong with men?"

"As the saying goes, the same **** is true love in the world!"


At this time, the drug circle has begun to shrink slowly, the airport is not a safe area, and someone will come out later.

Chen Yefeng also cheered up and was ready to block the bridge.

suddenly! ! !

The sound of a car engine starting came from a distance. Although the sound was very small, it was still caught by Chen Yefeng.

In gunfighting games, apart from sight and marksmanship, hearing is also very important. Of course, the most important thing is to have a brain.

"Be careful, be prepared, someone is coming." Chen Yefeng reminded the two teletubbies aloud.

"Where is it? Where are the people?" Chen Yuan's voice was a little excited when he heard someone coming.

"Listening to the sound is on the opposite side, and it's still a jeep." Chen Yefeng was also serious analysis.

"Wow, the daughter-in-law is amazing! You can hear this!" The little apprentice praised sincerely.

"Brother, you are awesome!" The little girl was not to be outdone.

Chu Changkong: "..."

Is it a bit redundant?


The cars are all across the bridge, let alone listening, can you see them all!

Since people can come out of the airport, they must be rich and rich, as long as the bridge is successfully blocked, they can instantly become a local tyrant!

At this time.

The atmosphere became a little heavier, and the sound of the sea below slapped against the reef seemed to signal that a fierce gun battle would take place here later.

"I see, I see people! There are two! Brother will kill them soon." Chen Yuan commanded happily.

"Don't shout!" Chen Yefeng's face was dark, "What you are doing when you stand up exposes us!"

"Brother, what are you afraid of, they can't beat you again!"

Chen Yefeng smashed his mouth twice, it looked like...the little girl made sense!

The two sides were in a stalemate, and the poison circle was slowly shrinking, and soon a light blue poisonous mist filled the surrounding area.

"Drink all the drinks for you." Chen Yefeng said, also drinking a bottle of painkillers.

Of course, his eyes had been staring at the opposite side during this period, for fear that the fat sheep who reached his mouth would change course and escape.


"If the eldest brother can eat chicken in this game, I will use Rocket and remember my ID will never break my promise."

"Swipe the rocket +1!"


"It's hard to say that there is a great sky in this game, and the strength of the big brother is also at the top. Although the safety zone is far away, if you can kill the two people opposite, if you get the medicine, you may really be able to eat chicken!"

"The opposite is actually Li Muge! This defeat will not be a concern!"

"With the knife in hand, follow me, pretending to be the brothers of the family, and rushing to Li Muge's live room!"


On the other hand, through the barrage, Li Muge also knew that the person blocking the bridge was Chen Yefeng, who he wanted to revenge.

Therefore, he immediately entered the YY channel of Chen Yefeng's group and proposed to have another one-on-one heads-up!

"You don't deserve to be singled out with the teacher!"

Chen Yefeng did not speak, but Chu Changkong spoke first.

"who are you?"

Li Muge was very depressed. Since losing to Chen Yefeng last time, do any smelly fish and shrimp dare to talk to him like this?

Somehow he is a little sniper!

"LN Chu Changkong!" Chu Changkong said coldly.

"It's you? But what if it's you? Why don't I deserve to be singled out with him?"

"Even if your brother is here, you don't deserve it!

To challenge him, you have to pass me first! ! ! "

"Well, I will beat you first!"


Chen Yefeng did not speak, and chose to watch the show quietly.

After the two of them discussed it, they also began to fight their guns.

The result is self-evident.

Li Muge is indeed a rare top player, a folk god, but compared to the top professional players like Chu Changkong, he is still a bit too tender.

I saw you come and me, shooting each other randomly, and finally Chu Changkong's SLR marksman rifle successfully knocked down Li Muge.

The prompt in the upper right corner of the screen also appeared impressively.


"ChangKong used SLR headshot to knock down DouYu, LiMuGe"


"Handsome! As expected of the great **** of the sky, this marksmanship is simply amazing!"

"That's it? Everyone can do it in the live broadcast room!"

"Yes, you are joking with you when you are a barrage god?"

"Weakly ask, did the quadruple SLR of Changkong hold your breath??"

"The one upstairs, he is not moving, why should he hold his breath?"


Li Muge, who was knocked down, took a deep breath and was silent.

"You can't even defeat me, why do you think you are qualified to challenge the original god!"

After knocking down Li Muge, Chu Changkong spoke coldly.

"I think it's the fan's bragging that made you a little too proud. Is it possible that you really think you can compete with professional players?"

Listening to Chu Changkong's words, Chen Yefeng felt a little familiar inexplicably.

He remembered that when he was playing professionally, he seemed to have said something similar to someone...

He remembered that someone challenged himself at that time, but he took it away without mercy and straight to 3-0.

Isn't that person Chu Changkong now?


It must be him, otherwise no one in his mind can match him.

"It's're the rookie back then!" Chen Yefeng called out subconsciously.

Because he remembered that after defeating it, he used the word "caiji" without mercy.

"You finally remembered me." Chu Changkong smiled without any anger.

The little girl Chen Yuan listened to the conversation between the two, her little head filled with big doubts.

Why does it feel that Chu Changkong is not angry at all about his cousin's rookie name, and he is even full of awe?


According to the agreement, the defeated Li Muge directly gave up the resistance, and of course the remaining sister anchors also suffered...

"I will defeat you and then defeat him!" Li Muge said angrily before leaving the YY channel.

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