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Chapter 112: Heard that college life is good?

Facing Li Muge, Chen Yefeng directly chose to ignore it, because he did not regard Li Muge as an opponent at all.

Even if he would fail, he would never fail in such a small role.

Take the medicine and enter the safe area.

With the cooperation of Chen Yefeng and Chu Changkong, it goes without saying that they succeeded in taking two teletubbies to eat chicken.

When the other anchors performed a failed talent show, Chen Yefeng also greeted him and stopped the broadcast.


The LN team base.

Chu Changkong looked at his friend request being ruthlessly rejected by Chen Yefeng, the expression on his face was also a little disappointed.

"The current me... still can't be in your eyes..."

"Zhangkong, what are you talking about?" The teammates of the base asked very suspiciously when they heard it.

"By the way, aren't you invited to participate in the entertainment game held by Douyu, how about it, are you having fun with the young lady?

Did you add WeChat? Should you consider introducing a few beautiful anchors to your brothers? "

"Is this..."

"Aren't you stupid, you've wasted such a good opportunity to meet beautiful anchors?"

Looking at his teammates who seemed to hate iron for steel, Chu Changkong smiled slightly and said, "But I finally found someone who is very important to me."

"An important person? Are you in love anymore?"

"of course not."

"what is that?"

"At the beginning, he only used the word "caiji" to describe me, and to this day I still think what he said makes sense."

After finishing speaking, Chu Changkong stopped talking, but the smile on the corner of his mouth made his teammates really confused.

With this aunt's smile, isn't this in love yet?


Time goes by.

"Hey, I'm leaving in half a month." Ye Shengxue supported her chin with both hands, and looked at Chen Yefeng quietly.

"Oh." Chen Yefeng was thinking about things and nodded perfunctorily.

"Hey! I'm asking you!" Seeing that there was not much reaction from this servant, Ye Shengxue couldn't help reaching out and patted his shoulder.

"Don't use your hands and feet, do it with real skills!!!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

Ye Shengxue gave a white look and continued: "Then I'm gone, and if I don't come back for a long time, would you miss me?"

"will not."


"Because you are in my heart."

"Hmph, it sounds better than anyone else."

Chen Yuan, who was nibbling on fried chicken legs next to him, listened to what his best friend said to his cousin. I don’t know why, the fried chicken legs in his hand no longer fragrant!

A KFC meal was finished without knowing it.


Half a month is neither long nor short.

Soon, Chen Yefeng was about to report to the university.

In the last half of the month, Chen Yefeng stayed with Ye Shengxue in addition to live broadcasts with his little apprentice or cousin every day.

Although the two have not officially confirmed their relationship, they are tacitly aware.

Especially Chen Yuan, under Chen Yefeng's superb cooking skills, he was a little bit bigger than before.

Even the two rabbits she raised eventually became spicy...

Today was also Ye Shengxue's day to go to Kyoto, and Chen Yefeng naturally did his part to send her on the train.


The train station is very crowded.

Most of the crowds are students, either going back to school or going to a new school.

Ye Shengxue had been waiting here early, holding a train ticket in her hand, and kept her feet on the sidelines watching the surging crowd.

Seeing that the time for the train to depart was getting closer and closer, but he still didn't see the person who had agreed with him.

Just when she was feeling a little lost, suddenly a frivolous voice came over.

"Beauty, add a WeChat?"

"Do you still know how to come?" Chen Yefeng and Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes while looking at the belated suitcase.


"Of course, Xiao Yuan and I will report too!"

Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"You have nothing to say to me?"

"Hmm..." Chen Yefeng frowned and thought for a while, "You have to remember to take care of yourself when you go to Kyoto by yourself."

"My mother is in Kyoto, and I am not a kid anymore." Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes.

I let you talk, you just say this?

"Your mother?"

"Yes, but she and my dad divorced a long time ago, and... I don't want to see her."


"The train to Kyoto is about to depart. Please sit down and check your belongings and don't stick your head out of the window."


At this moment.

The station horn rang.

And listening to the sound in his ear, Chen Yefeng also smiled and said, "Well, don't think about the unhappy things!

The train is about to leave, go up quickly, or the ticket will be invalid! "

Ye Shengxue glanced at Chen Yefeng, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

"Come here."

Seeing Ye Shengxue's rare anger, Chen Yefeng slowly put his ears upright.

"Close your eyes!"

"What are you doing?"

"You close it!"

"Well..." Although Chen Yefeng was puzzled, he still did.


Next second.

He felt his lips being touched by something soft, and before he recovered, he saw Ye Shengxue rushing onto the train.

Touching his lips, looking at Ye Shengxue, who was blushing and waved goodbye to him, Chen Yefeng shouted, "Hey, your Yida!!!"

After shouting, Chen Yefeng suddenly discovered a very important problem.


The first kiss is so gone? ? ?


It feels okay?


The train moved slowly and found his position. Ye Shengxue also sat in his position after putting things in.

Looking at Chen Yefeng who was touching his lips through the side window, Ye Shengxue blushed and immediately smiled sweetly.


As the train left the station, Chen Yefeng slowly retracted his gaze.

He touched his lips, he didn't seem to have recovered, he was still immersed in the brief touch just now.

"Brother, how does it feel?" Chen Yuan next to him came up like a curious baby?

"I haven't had time to experience it, so I don't feel it!" Chen Yefeng sighed and shook his head.

"Brother, if you are reluctant, you can keep her." Chen Yuan suggested, "Anyway, our family is not short of money. Isn't raising Xiaoxue a trivial matter?!"

"Just you talk a lot!" Chen Yefeng knocked on Chen Yuan's forehead, "Go, let's report with Brother!"

I called Gao Chao and Wu Liang, and the four of them got on the same train to the magic city.

Along the way.

Listening to the discussion between Gao Chao and Wu Liang, Chen Yefeng also kept wondering, they said that college life is good, and they don't know what is good?

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