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Chapter 113: New to Magic Academy

"By the way, Afeng, after we finish reporting, we will go to the college's e-sports club together." After discussing the question of whether college life is good or not, Gao Chao said to Chen Yefeng.

"Why are you going to the e-sports club?" Chen Yefeng was a little confused.

"Of course we joined the e-sports club. I went through detailed planning with Wu Liang last night. We must first get the rankings in the college league and enter the eyes of the top teams before we can shine in the national competition! "

"Or, we can also win the National College League, directly participate in the domestic PUBG League, and then rush out of Asia and go to the world!"

"Does it sound exciting."

"No...I'm not excited at all!" Chen Yefeng shook his head with a black face.

"Not excited? How can you not be excited?" Gao Chao asked in surprise.

"Don't say this, didn't you two say that you want to form your own team?" Chen Yefeng asked.

"This is the second option, what I just said was the first option!"

"I think the first plan is a bit unreliable..." Chen Yefeng expressed his opinion in a vague manner.

However, Gaochao and Wu Liang seemed to have a wrong understanding.

"Yeah, I don't think it's very reliable either. I still think it's the right thing to go directly to those top team clubs!

It's a pity...We don't have any outstanding records yet, so we can only start step by step from the grassroots. "

Chen Yefeng: "..."

Damn, I feel like I'm playing the piano to a cow!


Click, click, click...

The train to the magic city is moving on the railway at high speed.

Looking at the two people who were eagerly discussing, Chen Yefeng also listened with gusto.

"A Feng, do you want to think about it, the three of us brothers have made a brilliant career in their career!"

Suddenly, Gao Chao started playing Chen Yefeng's idea again.

"You talk about you, don't get involved with me!" Chen Yefeng's face turned green.

"I said, brother, I am doing this for your own good. Is it possible for you to go to college with the purpose of studying?"

"How about it?" Chen Yefeng nodded seriously, "Of course I went to study, and the rest is temporarily not interested."

When Chen Yuan next to him heard this, his eyes widened.

Brother, you really don't even blink your eyes when you speak big words! ! !

"That's a shame!" Gao Chao sighed, "The three of our brothers can't join hands in the e-sports road. It is a big loss for the e-sports circle!"

"Don't, with the two of you, this wave will not lose money!"

"Then you can always go with us. It doesn't hurt to know more masters anyway," Wu Liang said.

"It's okay." Chen Yefeng replied, agreeing.

Soon, the train came into the station.

In the train station, there were people from the University College who greeted the freshmen, but the four of them took a taxi to the University College.

After getting out of the car, Gao Chao's eyes lit up, and he trot all the way to the shadow of the registration office.

"Goddess Bai, why are you here? Are you waiting for me specifically?"

Bai Ningxin glanced at Chen Yefeng who was not far away, then pointed to Lu Jiayu next to him and said, "I am with Xiaoyu, but I also have a student status here."

"That's great!" Gao Chao smiled, "There are many acquaintances, so I can take care of it in the future!"

At this time, Chen Yefeng and the others also came over.

"I have always wanted to thank you for coming, but you always don't answer my calls." Looking at Chen Yefeng, Bai Ningxin's tone of voice was a little aggrieved.

"Um... it's just a small matter, don't worry about it!"

"Brother, what are you doing behind my back?" Chen Yuan beside him suddenly turned into a curious baby.

"Nothing, your brother helped me write a song."

"What!?" Gao Chao called out all of a sudden, "You mean, the "you at the same table" that you sang on my going to be a singer was written by Afeng?"

"How about it?" Bai Ningxin laughed.


After everyone got all the miscellaneous things done, Chen Yefeng finally got the key to the dormitory.

Chen Yuan and Lu Jiayu are in the same major, but Chen Yefeng is different from everyone else.

After getting the key to the dormitory, he walked alone on the bluestone road on the campus.

The college is so big, where is the dormitory area.

Just as he was a little at a loss, a beautiful woman with long hair and a fiery figure walked over.

"Hey, beauty, can you tell me how to go to the dormitory area?"

"You...ask me?" The beauty glanced at Chen Yefeng, then pointed at herself.

"There seems to be no one else here?" Chen Yefeng asked rhetorically.

"It's not impossible to tell you, but we have to add a WeChat!"

"Um..." Chen Yefeng was stunned, "I'm just asking for a way, I'm not talking to you!"

"I know, the college is so big, if you can't find it later, you can ask me on WeChat!"

"This... well then."

Chen Yefeng finally added a WeChat account, and after finding out the way, he walked towards the dormitory area.

With his head down, Chen Yefeng was thinking about some things as she walked along the way the beauty said.

According to what Gao Chao said on the train before, the college league champions can directly qualify for the national competition. It seems that... This way, he can not violate the agreement between himself and Lao Chen, and he can fulfill his regrets?

Thinking about it, Chen Yefeng suddenly ran into a soft body full of arms.

Yes, it is full.

It feels like hitting a ball of cotton, soft and fragrant.

"Hey, you are blind!" An angry voice came.

"No... sorry!"

Chen Yefeng also quickly apologized for his own mistakes, and then passed them by.

"Is this guy crazy, he doesn't look at the road while he walks, and his eyes sit on his butt?" The woman next to him gave Chen Yefeng a fierce look, and finally asked the woman next to him softly: "Xi Xi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The girl next to her was wearing a sky blue t-shirt with pink sleeves and a pair of light blue denim shorts.

A pair of snow-white mellow legs are exposed in the air, which makes the girl look youthful and beautiful, and at the same time it adds a touch of seduction.

At this time, she was also looking at the direction Chen Yefeng was leaving.

"Strange, this person is familiar, he seems to be..."

"Xixi, what are you talking about? Do you know this person?"

"Oh, it's nothing, maybe I admitted it wrong, let's go back quickly, didn't you say you bought a new issuing card?"

"Yes, I even bought one for you!"


the other side.

Chen Yefeng arrived at the boys' dormitory area.

According to the key, found Building No. 301.

There are a total of four beds in the dormitory, and Chen Yefeng also directly found a bed closer to the door and started to put it away simply.

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