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Chapter 114: There is nothing except money!

Because Chen Yefeng received a call from his sister Chen Shiyi last night, she had bought him a small house in Tang Pinyichen.

It doesn't cost much, only 100 million.

If you are not used to living in the college dorm, you can go there.

But for Chen Yefeng, it was the same everywhere. He packed up and lay on the bed. Chen Yefeng was also holding the back of his head with both hands, and lying on the bed couldn't help but start looking forward to it.

Just now, I heard Gao Chao and Wu Liang muttering about college life.

Then the problem is coming!

After all... Where is it good?


Chen Yefeng remembers that there was a rumor on the Internet, saying that in the first year of university, I was inspired to catch up with a beautiful senior lady with long legs!

As a result, in the second year, it doesn't matter, as long as it looks pleasing to the eye.

The requirements for the third year are even simpler, as long as it is a female.

And the last year...

The most worrying, because in the last year, why did the brothers who were sleeping on their upper bunk look so handsome? ? ?

Just as Chen Yefeng was thinking about it, the young lady who had shown him the way just sent a WeChat message.

"Little brother, if you need help with anything in the future, just tell the elder sister, she promises to help you with an open mind."

After a simple thank you, Chen Yefeng left the phone beside the bed.

At this time.

The door of the dormitory creaked and pushed open, and a man with a slightly thin figure and black-rimmed glasses came in with a bag and strode in.

When the man with glasses saw Chen Yefeng lying next to him, he greeted him very familiarly, "I have arrived so early!"

"Yes." Chen Yefeng smiled.

If nothing else, this should be his college roommate who wore a pair of pants for the next four years.


In the fourth year on the Internet, the rumors that his brothers on the upper shop are all very handsome, have always made him a little bit uncomfortable.

After all, my face is here.

And, there is a good saying, do you think you like women?


Actually you just like beautiful ones.

The man in glasses asked, "Brother, my name is Chu Sheng, what is your name?"

"Animal??" Chen Yefeng twitched.

"Don't mind, it's just the name, in fact, I am not a brute at all." Chu Sheng smiled and handed a cigarette to him.

Chen Yefeng was not welcome, and quickly sat up from the bed and took the cigarette.

"My name is Chen Yefeng, you can call me Afeng."

"Okay." Chu Sheng smiled. After taking out a lighter and burning a cigarette for Chen Yefeng, the two big men smoked cigarettes on the first day they met, and began to chat.

When the two were discussing whether college life is good or not, the door of the dormitory was opened again.

A strong figure who looks like a person who usually likes to exercise walked in.

"Yeah, how many brothers came so early?"

The visitors are more cheerful, throw the bag aside, take out the cigarette case from the pocket and start to disperse the cigarette.

Since everyone was a smoker, it was naturally easier to talk, and soon the three of them chatted again.

During the conversation, Chen Yefeng knew that the man's name was Fan Tong!

Fan Tong? big eater?

Chu Sheng? brute?

Chen Yefeng wondered, is it so easy for his parents to name them now?

With the arrival of the last roommate Jiang Zhu, 301 finally arrived, and the four people got together, chatting all over the world, while also taking out the delicious foods or local specialties they brought to enjoy together.

In this way, Chen Yefeng seemed very embarrassed.

Because he was all over him, except for a black card that his sister Chen Shiyi gave him, and some to wear and some toiletries, there was nothing else, whether he was eating or drinking.

In other words...

He has nothing except money! ! !


After a few people talked for a while, they went to find a restaurant outside to prepare for dinner.

Looking at the young lady who was crying at the next table while eating, Fan Tong sighed slightly, "Brothers must remember, don't hang on a tree, try the one next to you more!"

Just as a few people were eating and chatting, they saw a man sitting opposite the young lady, comforting him very warmly, and sharing his dishes with him.

"Oh, I was just about to act, but I didn't expect to be one step ahead!"

This scene made Chu Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

"Eat, eat!" Chen Yefeng twitched, and immediately continued to lower his head to eat.

However, a dramatic scene happened.

After the boy comforting the young lady left, when the waiter came to check out, the young lady found that the boy left without paying.

"I really don't know him!" Little sister explained.

"I don't know who can sit and eat together?"

Seeing that the young lady paid for the meal with tears in her aggrieved face, Chu Sheng couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up with a brush from the side.

"What are you planning to do?" Jiang Zhu asked, raising his head.

"I can't watch it anymore!" Chu Sheng looked angry, "I want to trick the lollipop in Miss Sister's hand too!"

"Yes, that's right!" Fan Tong nodded in agreement, "Let her know the sinister society, and the milk powder will be raised for her!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."


After eating, the group returned to the dormitory.

One by one was also exposed by nature. The chat was normal at first, and it wasn't just who started it. Suddenly, there were bursts of slutty laughter from the entire dorm.

Especially Chu Sheng is not too brutal.

"I want~! What's the use of this iron rod?"

Chen Yefeng's face was so dark with a voice.


the next day.

Chen Yefeng in his sleep was quarreled by Chen Yuan's phone call.

"Brother~Get up~"

"it is good……"

The confused Chen Yefeng hung up the phone, but when he was about to wake up, he saw Chu Sheng approaching with a smile on his face.

"Afeng, who is the young lady with a good voice just now?"

"My sister..." Chen Yefeng said casually.

"When my brother looks like this, where can my sister go?" Chu Sheng muttered, and stretched out his hand to embrace Chen Yefeng's shoulders, "I will introduce my brother to meet him someday. If the fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders, you don't want to Let the brothers' feelings sublimate again!"

"Roll!" Chen Yefeng pushed Chu Sheng away, got up from the bed and took a simple wash.

It seems that I will live with Tang Pin Yichen in the future. Although the house is a bit bigger, it is at least quiet.

Otherwise, staying in the dormitory would make it hard to sleep because of these guys.

After a few people came to the classroom with their shoulders on their backs, they found that many people had already found a seat in advance.

As for Chen Yefeng's superb looks and unique temperament, the moment he stepped into the classroom, he made all the class's eyes look over.

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