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Chapter 116: I am your sister's classmate

"Xi Xi, this guy who hit you and ran away is called Chen Yefeng. Let's remember, we should take care of him if we look for opportunities in the future."

"I remember him." Xia Wenxi smiled slightly, then looked back, and then muttered in a low voice: "Although his appearance has changed a little, his eyes are still the same as before, just like the poster hanging on the head of his bed. same.

It's just...there is a lack of momentum in his eyes, and he feels like he is tired now. "

Xia Wenxi thought of the poster on the bedside of her room and couldn't help but sink into contemplation.

In the poster, six people stand side by side, and she is in the center.

On her left is a slightly thin, but smiling man, and on her right is a man with an indifferent look.

In the poster.

The smiling man's body tilted slightly, forty-five degrees.

Holding in his hand was the champion trophy of the domestic "Tang King" game at that time.

On both sides of the poster, you can also see fans raising their hands. They shouted, jumped, or looked excited, and everything was captured by the camera.


Xia Wenxi leisurely remembered that day, the smiling and confident face of him, under the attention of the crowd, step by step from the red stall in the middle of the crowd to the high platform.

There was a group of fans of "The King of Gun King" cheering for him. The flashing lights were like lightning and thunder before the storm.

at last……

People walking on the red carpet stepped up the steps of the podium step by step.

Step by step.

First order...first order.


He walked to the trophy placed in the center of the podium, held it with one hand, turned and held it in the air.

The look in his eyes at this moment is called arrogance and self-confidence!


He is invincible in China! ! !


"My goddess is looking at me!!!"

Chu Sheng looked at Xia Wenxi who turned his head and silently stared in his direction, and also quickly sat up straight.

This guy didn't know where he took out a comb, but he combed his hair very stinky and not a lot.

The so-called authorities are fans and bystanders clear! ! !

Chu Sheng thought Miss Xia Wenxi was looking at herself, but...

As everyone knows, from Fan Tong's perspective, he clearly sees that Xia Wenxi's eyes rest on Chen Yefeng's body.

It's just that Chu Sheng and Chen Yefeng are close together, which makes Chu Sheng's imaginary and visual mistakes!

To put it bluntly, it is daydreaming! ! !

"Why are you looking at you! People are obviously looking at our Yefeng Shuai Guoguo!" Fan Tong's somewhat thick voice interrupted Chu Sheng's fantasy.

"Impossible, it's obviously looking at me!" Chu Sheng looked unbelieving.

To prove it, he stretched out his hand and waved it gently, then smiled slightly at the goddess in his heart.


Then I saw Xia Wenxi turning his head immediately.


Fan Tong looked at Chu Sheng with a shame on his face, and quickly patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh at this time, but I really can't help it..."

After speaking, Fan Tong laughed without saving face, his voice was like a goose barking, which made Chu Sheng not to mention how embarrassing he was.

"I said Chu Sheng, you should have a bit of ACD counting in your heart now!" Jiang Zhu interrupted.

Chen Yefeng raised his eyebrows, and decisively made up the knife on the side: "He has ACD numbers in his heart, but he doesn't have B numbers!"

"Go go! You are jealous of me! Actually, I am not much different from Afengcha in terms of appearance!!!"

"Huh??" Chen Yefeng couldn't bear it when he heard it.

If you have any shortcomings, then the only shortcoming is that you look too handsome!

Don't compare your strengths with your brother's weaknesses, otherwise you will lose sight of it!


Just when Chen Yefeng was ready to educate Chu Sheng, let him know the value of his face, and no one would dare to recognize the first if he recognized the second.

As soon as I heard the voice of the counselor Tang Yue from the podium: "The few who are sitting at the back have something to say later, please don't disturb the discipline now."

"To tell you the truth, the only shortcoming of me is that I am too handsome!" Chen Yefeng lowered his voice and said to Chu Sheng.

"I'm not convinced!"


"Why don't you two make a bet?"

Fan Tong said that the excitement is not too big.

"How do you say?" Chen Yefeng raised his eyebrows.

"Either you two will be the first to get to Miss Xia Wenxi, and the loser will wash the clothes for the four of us for a week, how about?"


Chu Sheng shook his head decisively, "This is a game without suspense at all, I still know myself!"

"You look at Afeng like this. If I were a girl, I would be the first to marry him!"

"Bah!" Chen Yefeng said in his heart, "If you are a woman, I don't want it!"

"What's the matter with the next few students!?"

Counselor Tang Yue said again, "You have to know that university is not the end, but a new starting point!"

"To give you an example, it is the same piece of wood, some made into Buddha statues, and some made into steps.

The steps were not convinced to question the Buddha statue. We were originally a piece of wood, so why am I windy and rainy, and you are worth ten million?

The Buddha said, because you only got a knife, but I have experienced thousands of cuts.

I like that you can understand the truth. "

"Then what teacher." Chen Yefeng coughed, "If you really say that, I'll have to fight for the chopping board. That guy is being stabbed by the knife every day.

Tang Yue was stunned, and took a deep look at Chen Yefeng.

"You will go out with me later."


Chen Yefeng blinked, very innocent.

Isn't it right?


After the instructor talked about some precautions and arranged for people to receive the clothing needed for military training, Chen Yefeng also walked out behind Tang Yue with a pained expression on his face.

"You like being pushy?"

After going out, Tang Yue immediately asked straightforwardly.

"I'm just telling a fact..." Chen Yefeng coughed awkwardly.

"Your name is Chen Yefeng, right?"

"Hmm..." Chen Yefeng nodded.

"Your sister... is called Chen Shiyi?"

"How did you know?"

"Because your sister and I are classmates."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

"Your sister asks me to take good care of you."

"My sister is like this, always treat me as a child." Although Chen Yefeng seemed a little depressed, he was still very happy in his heart.

"I heard your sister say that you sing well. Just after the military training, there was a school opening ceremony, and you were here to represent our class."

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng just wanted to refuse, but Tang Yue didn't give him this opportunity at all, and turned back to the classroom.

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