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Chapter 117: Yingying Ying!

Helpless Chen Yefeng had to follow him back to his seat.

After the counselor Tang Yue said briefly, she left the classroom.

Everyone also started various conversations, very harmonious.

Just when Chu Sheng was urged by Fan Tong and Jiang Zhu to go up and ask for a contact information with Xia Wenxi, he saw two fat and thin people standing there, their backs leaning on the door frame. .

"Damn! Who are these two? Come here to be handsome!" Chu Sheng couldn't help but muttered while looking at the person at the door.

Although he didn't know him, but... Chen Yefeng knew him.

These two are the pillars of the future gaming circle!

Before Chen Yefeng could speak, he saw Gao Chao wave his hand vigorously.

"Afeng, will multiplayer sports come?"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

A face suddenly turned green.

He knew that Gao Chao's multiplayer exercise was eating chicken, but others didn't know it!

as expected.

Chu Sheng's gaze was filled with surprise immediately, and the arm that had hit the shoulder just now was also quickly taken off.

"Afeng, I really didn't think you were such a person!"

Fan Tong also sighed, "You tell me that you have this look, but you just like men. Isn't she fragrant, Miss Sister?"

Jiang Zhu didn't feel too surprised, but rather solemnly comforted: "It's okay, what age is Afeng now? Don't care about the eyes of others, and boldly pursue your own happiness!"

"Roll!" Chen Yefeng flowed a black line.

Looking at the people around him staring at his own gaze, he quickly explained to Chu Sheng several people in a low voice: "It's eating chicken, don't you understand eating chicken!"

"Damn! Is it so exciting?" Chu Sheng's eyes widened.

Fan Tong twisted his head even more, covering his face and said: "The picture is too beautiful, I can't imagine..."

Chen Yefeng: "..."

In the gaze of the people around, he quickly walked to the door and dragged Gao Chao and Wu Liang aside.

"Next time, can you say something different, my fame has been ruined by you!"

"What do you care about this!" Gao Chao patted Chen Yefeng on the shoulder, "I have already figured it out with Wu Liang just now. With the three of us joining the e-sports club, it is definitely an upper-class member!"

"Yeah, it just happens that the e-sports club is hiring people, let's go and take a look!"

In desperation, Chen Yefeng was dragged by two people to the e-sports club.

It can be seen that these two people are really interested in this aspect. They haven't transferred the college to the university yet, they even know where the e-sports club is.

The three of them walked and talked, and while talking, Chen Yefeng also came to the e-sports club under the leadership of the two.

After walking in, he found that this so-called e-sports club was like an Internet cafe.

The equipment was placed there one by one, and many people were sitting there playing different games.

"I heard that people are recruiting here? I came to recommend myself!!!"

As soon as he entered the door, Gao Chao yelled.


The people inside, the ones who played games were still playing games, the ones who were eating were still eating, and no one ignored him.

"Damn! My dignified future e-sports light, they actually ignore me!" Gao Chao said depressed.

"Do you have anything to come to my e-sports club?"

At this time.

There was a voice at the door that made Chen Yefeng feel familiar. He looked back subconsciously, and the whole person was suddenly embarrassed.

"Senior Sister." Gao Chao looked at the person who appeared at the door, suddenly showing a friendly smile, and leaned forward.

The tall and delicate woman glanced at Gao Chao, and then at Chen Yefeng.

At last he walked up angrily.

"Why did you black me out!!!"


In the e-sports club, with a word from the young lady, she suddenly became quiet.

Because they knew that the big sister of the e-sports club was angry.

The eldest sister is angry, and the consequences are serious!

And this hapless person...

Everyone's gazes turned towards Chen Yefeng, who looked a little embarrassed and looked very handsome.

Gao Chao looked at the young lady curiously, and then at Chen Yefeng.

Finally asked slowly.


"It may be A Feng's love debt..." Wu Liang said with a serious analysis.

"Man, I understand everything!" Gao Chao suddenly realized.

"According to the plot of a third-rate soap opera, there may be a child coming out later!"

"Go go!" Seeing the two people talk more and more outrageous, Chen Yefeng interrupted quickly, and immediately looked at the young lady in front of him with a little embarrassment, "Listen to me, I don't know how to do it. I got a virus, and then WeChat suddenly blocked everyone by itself!"

"Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"Um... you can't help it if you don't believe it, but it's a fact!" Chen Yefeng also went out.

"Forget it, the man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!" The young lady stretched out her tender palm, "Get to know, my name is Ying Yingying, how about you?"

Huh, huh?

This young lady is selling cute to herself?

"It's cute..." Chen Yefeng bit his head and praised.

"It's not 嘤嘤嘤, it's Ying Yingying!!!" Ying Yingying rolled her eyes depressed, and she didn't know the name her father had thought.

This is not the first time that Chen Yefeng's situation has happened, although he is indeed cute.

"Senior sister said her name is Ying Yingying! You stupid!" Gao Chao explained for Chen Yefeng.

"Oh~ it turned out to be like this!" Chen Yefeng suddenly realized.

"Really cute little brother, my sister likes you a little bit." Ying Ying took out her student ID and placed it in front of Chen Yefeng, "I'm optimistic, remember it~"

Chen Yefeng took a look, and saw that the name written in three large letters above was impressively-"Ying Yingying!"

"Your name is Ying Yingying!"

"Right, Ying Yingying, is it cute?" Ying Yingying leaned slightly and said with a smile on her face.

Ying Yingying was tall and rugged, and she leaned down, and Chen Yefeng suddenly saw what she shouldn't.

"'s cute..."

Chen Yefeng tried his best not to let his gaze look over, but there was no way, his eyes had their own thoughts at this time, and it would be uncomfortable if he didn't keep up.

"Heh, man!" Ying Yingying looked at Chen Yefeng's gaze and realized that she was gone, so she straightened her body quickly.

"I ask you if it looks good!"

"Ok...good-looking!" Chen Yefeng replied subconsciously.

It's just that when he uttered his words, he was a bit embarrassed.

"No, no! I mean." Chen Yefeng pointed to a computer next to him: "I mean this computer is really white!

Pooh! It's really big.

Uh... I'm sorry, I mean, my head is full of..."

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