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Chapter 118: The future of the two of us can be expected!

"Hahahaha...Men, they are really big trotter!" Ying Yingying curled her lips.

"As punishment for your peeking, so... shall we add WeChat back?"

"No, I just need to release you from the blacklist." Chen Yefeng regretted it after speaking.

Sure enough, Miss Yingying Ying looked angry, "You said you didn't mean to black me out!"

"Senior sister, don't be afraid, Afeng blacks you and I don't blacks you, you add me to WeChat!" Gao Chao leaned forward with a smile.

They added a WeChat account, Ying Yingying also asked: "Why do you guys want to come here?"

"Of course I joined the e-sports club." Gao Chao patted his chest and said incomparably: "Senior sister, let me tell you, the three of us are e-sports masters!

You may not know me now, but after a few years, I believe that there will be no one who does not know me in the e-sports circle! "

"Really?" Ying Yingying blinked, and the person who was bluffed by Gao Chao was also taken aback. "Joining the e-sports club is easy, but...what do you guys do?"

"I can eat chicken, the thief is powerful, known as the Jedi Killing God!" Gao Chao said nonsense.

"If that's the case, it's okay... It just so happens that we are preparing to form a second team to participate in this college league. If you really have the strength, it's not impossible."

"Believe me and it's over!" Gao Chao promised, "I promise to kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

Wu Liang took a step forward, "Me too!"

"What about you?" Ying Yingying looked at Chen Yefeng.

"I...I don't deserve them!" Chen Yefeng put aside the relationship between the two very decisively. Even if he might join the e-sports club, he would definitely not stay with these two guys.

"Since you want to be a member of the second team, you have to show it, right?" Ying Yingying said.

"Don't worry, I haven't been afraid of anyone in terms of skydiving!"

Gao Chao assured him, patting his chest.

"Okay, if you two can take me to eat chicken, it will be no problem to join the e-sports club. I can still call the shots and waive your entrance fee." Ying Yingying said with a smile.

"Does this still have the membership fee?" Chen Yefeng muttered.

Ying Ying glanced at Chen Yefeng and said in a leisurely tone: "Of course, if there is no entrance fee to join the e-sports club, the club's equipment is damaged, where will the activity funds come from?"

"But I can call the shots, but only if you have this strength!"

"Okay! Just eat chicken, a piece of cake." Gao Chao still has inexplicable confidence in himself.

Chen Yefeng didn't speak, he thought there was a good show anyway.

"Little brother, how about it, do you want to be together?"

"I'll forget it, I just watch it!" Chen Yefeng finished speaking, and then added emphatically: "Also, don't call me a junior!"

"Yeah~~ Saying that you are young and you are not happy, is it possible that you are very big?" Ying Yingying said, blinking.

"It's a big deal, you have to try it before you know it."

In terms of driving, Chen Yefeng really had no fear of anyone except Jiang Xuefen.

"Yes, how about tonight. I know that a hotel outside the college has a very good sound insulation effect~" Ying Yingying didn't panic at all and responded calmly.

"Uh..." Chen Yefeng has seen it, and what a woman means is that there is nothing wrong with a man.

He opened his mouth, and finally put aside the topic: "You should play the game first, let's play the game first."

"Hahaha..." Ying Yingying giggled, "Come on, let's find a place."

"Hey, brothers, please make this place good!"

The eldest sister shook her head, except for the president of the e-sports club, everyone else might be shaken!

Soon, the three consecutive computers became vacant.

Ying Yingying greeted Gao Chao and Wu Liang with a smile, and at the same time, she didn't forget to tease Chen Yefeng: "Will we have a meal together tonight? If it is too late, we won't come back. Take your ID with you."

"Uh... you guys get started quickly."

Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched.

Although Ying Yingying is indeed a beautiful woman, but... she has a husband!


Chen Yefeng stood behind, watching the three people join the game and enter the game together.

Can't help but fall into contemplation.

You said if Gao Chao and Wu Liang landed into a box later, how could this be good?


At this moment, Ying Yingying's cursing voice came from the front.

"Sell, sell, sell your mother and sell it!"

"CNM, my mother greets your eighteenth generation ancestors and blows you up!"

"Don't run, wear red pants, my old lady remembers you, and I will be the first to kill you when I land!"

Chen Yefeng looked at Ying Ying with a dazed expression, pointing to the screen and cursing, sweat oozing from his forehead.


Is this little sister Zuan here?

Gao Chao was also taken aback, "So what, senior sister, if you turn off all the voices, you won't hear those selling sounds."

Ying Ying turned off all voices, as the one-minute countdown ended.

The three people also set foot on the plane leading to Survival Island.


Three minutes later.

Looking at the 25th rank on the screen, Ying Yingying looked at Gao Chao and Wu Liang with a black face.

"Didn't you say that you are the Jedi Killing God?"

"Occasionally, do you make mistakes when killing gods..." Gao Chao coughed, "Senior sister, think about it, are the people who can be ranked to kill gods in my Jedi? Master!"

Ying Yingying raised her head and pondered, "It looks like...makes sense?"

"So, Sister-in-law's momentary failure is nothing, you have to trust us!"

"Then another round!"

Seeing Ying Yingying being fooled by Gao Chao on the thief ship again, Chen Yefeng couldn't help laughing.

"Little brother, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" Chen Yefeng shook his head quickly, "You play yours, don't worry about me!"

"I always feel something is wrong..."

Ying Yingying murmured, without thinking, restarted the game.


Five minutes later.

Looking at the 22nd team ranking, Ying Yingying was lost in thought.

"The hand feels wrong today... another day, another day!" Gao Chao stood up from his seat, touching the back of his head.

"Of course, we still have to pay the membership fee!" Wu Liang said.

"Don't talk, I want to be quiet."

Seeing Miss Yingying Yingying's suspicion of life, Chen Yefeng comforted her.

"It's okay, I have experienced the torture of these two people before!"

"Afeng, I don't like to hear what you say!" Gao Chao looked embarrassed, "Although we are still in the dark, but..."

"The future of the two of us can be expected!" Wu Liang answered.

Chen Yefeng: "..."

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