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Chapter 121: What is a brother?

"Brother is not the younger sister and said you, you are wrong!"

"What am I..." Chen Yefeng had no choice but to knock on Chen Yuan's forehead.

"Brother, you have to pay attention!"

"Say it!" Chen Yefeng was about to move.

"Xiaoyu, let's go!" Chen Yuan subconsciously covered his forehead and told Chen Yefeng not to be sorry for Ye Shengxue, and then he greeted Lu Jiayu to leave.

"Where did I see that girl..." Xia Wenxi muttered, staring at the back of the two leaving.

"You mean my sister?"

"No, the one next to him."

"Maybe I saw it when I entered school?"


Xia Wenxi thought about it but didn't think about it, the two of them also returned to the classroom while chatting.

When Fan Tong saw Chen Yefeng and Xia Wenxi coming back side by side, he immediately stretched out his hand and gently patted Chu Sheng on the shoulder next to him.

"Brother, don't blame Afeng, people's beauty is here after all!"

Chu Sheng sighed. After watching Chen Yefeng walk over step by step, he said with a bitter tone: "Where did you go?"

"Go to the e-sports club to take a look!" Chen Yefeng said truthfully.

"I don't believe it!" Chu Sheng said with a pain on his face, "Not long after you left, my goddess caught up with you. Just now you two came back together again. Did you tell me you went to the e-sports club?"

"But... what I said is the truth." Chen Yefeng looked innocent.

"I've found out. Although my name is Chu Sheng, I still don't have your beast. Your kid just took down my goddess so quietly!"

"Damn, I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Chen Yefeng curled his lips.

"Brothers and wives should not be deceived, don't you know!"

Looking at Chu Sheng with a sad and angry face, Chen Yefeng's face was dark.

People don’t know you at all, okay, you actually treat them like your wife in your heart...

"Okay, let's not conceal each other. We also added WeChat and kept our mobile phone numbers, and we have made an appointment to eat chicken together another day."

"Eating chicken, what kind of chicken?" Chu Sheng was stunned.

In order to stimulate Chu Sheng, Chen Yefeng deliberately showed a vague smile, saying: "Well, as a man, I believe you should understand!"

"Know your uncle! I don't believe it, unless my goddess comes to invite you in person." Chu Sheng was mad.

At this moment, Xia Wenxi came over.

"We can eat chicken together another day. As a fan, I should be able to have this right first?"


"Well, then you can't think I'm too bad."

"of course not!"

Chen Yefeng responded with a smile and watched Xia Wenxi return to his seat.

Fan Tong looked at Chu Sheng with a desperate look, and lightly patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother, listen to what Brother said, don't hang yourself on a tree, you must try a few more times on the tree next to it!"

"Hey..." Chu Sheng sighed. "Ask what love in the world is, teach life and death!"

Seeing Chu Sheng, the living treasure, looked like a love sage with so much emotion, several people were immediately amused by him.

"Afeng, do you know what the most painful thing in the world is?"

Chen Yefeng shook his head, "I don't know..."

"I am so disappointed before I am in love!!!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

After a few people chatted for a while, the counselor Tang Yue came back.

And behind them, two students were dragging a pile of clothes worn during military training.

After sending the military training uniform to everyone's hands, and after telling the specific gathering time for tomorrow, Tang Yue left the classroom in the wailing of a group of people.

"Yes, my most annoying thing is military training!" Chu Sheng complained very depressed, "I haven't been relieved from the pain of being broken in love yet, God, why are you so unfair to me!!!"

"Loving you uncle!" Fan Tong cursed with a smile, "If I really want to get rid of being single, I will teach you!"


"Of course, don't look at who I am, I am a lover!"

"Appreciate further details!"

In this way, Fan Tong and Chu Sheng also started to chat.

Chen Yefeng next to him couldn't help but wonder.

If I remember correctly, Fan Tong seems to be single too.

Of the three of them, it seems that only Jiang Zhu has a girlfriend who is about to reach her 60th birthday.

A single dog, you pretend to be a lover of the forehead?


"This chasing girl, you can't be too anxious."

"How should it be?"

"Have you ever heard of frogs boiled in warm water? You have to do it bit by bit, in a gradual cycle, and finally you can completely take it off, hug the beauty, and free your hands from now on!

"But we can't pull down the traditional craftsmanship!" Chu Sheng smiled, "Is there any more violent way."

"Yes, the overlord stubbornly bows and dare not go to jail for her. Why do you love her!"

"No, change another one."

"Well, listen..."

Looking at the two hotly chatting people, Chen Yefeng sighed repeatedly.

What is a brother?

That is when a single dog teaches another single dog to chase a girl.

One dare to speak, and the other, he really dares to listen!

As if what Fan Tong said was true, Chu Sheng also listened very seriously.

I slap my thigh from time to time and give it a thumbs up!

Makes sense! ! !


Another night without sleep.

Maybe it's not getting used to too many people, or maybe it's because of other things.

Chen Yefeng looked at the three of Chu Sheng who had gotten up. They also quickly got up, put on military uniforms, and ran to the classroom to gather.

"You guys... If you are in military training, how good is it for girls to have uniform shorts or maid outfits?" Looking at the young lady of Yingying Yanyan in front of him, Chu Sheng couldn't help but start to fantasize again.

"What's so special, you really have enough beasts, you can say such things?" Fan Tong said with contempt.

"Then what should I say?"

"Of course... a bikini!"

"It makes sense!"

Listening to the two people muttering non-stop next to him, Chen Yefeng felt that his head grew bigger.

What happened to people now?

Can't you be as honest as yourself?

I don’t know if there will be sit-up training in the military training...


There are no skirts in military training...

That's all right! ! !


The weather in September, the sun is hotter than before, even if there is a breeze occasionally, it is full of warmth.

It was as if they knew that these poor children were undergoing military training that was brutal and inhumane.

Military training.

Although Chen Yefeng had experienced it, he had also heard of it.

Standing military posture is one of the most troublesome things in military training. It is standing motionless like soldiers on TV, the body is straight, and there is no small movement.

If you move, you must report.

Otherwise, the time for standing in the army will increase.

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