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Chapter 122: You are really a clever ghost

These are all the flowers of the future of the motherland. Since childhood, they have been like a prince and princess at home, so how can they endure this kind of suffering.

After standing for less than ten minutes, some of the male classmates couldn't help but began to cry.


What ushered in was of course the instructors' more severe accusations and punishments!

Chen Yefeng didn't care. He used to exercise a lot, so this kind of little thing was relatively affordable.

But Jiang Zhu beside him couldn't stand it anymore. There was originally a girlfriend who was about to pass her 60th birthday, and coupled with this hot weather, how could his body stand it?

In a short while, Jiang Zuo's slightly fat face was covered with pale color, and beads of sweat continued to roll down on his forehead.

"Hold on, there are five minutes left!" Chen Yefeng cheered him up softly.

Chu Sheng on the side was also very tired. Of course, he didn't forget to say, "If a young lady walks in front of me wearing bunny girl clothes, maybe I can hold on for half an hour!!!"

"I said, what do you think of the two young ladies?" Fan Tong interjected.

"Where is it?" Chu Sheng's spirit came up all at once.

"Wow, those two horses are on time!"

"Looping forward, long legs..."

"It's so beautiful!!!"

Although the voices of several people were very small, the ears of the instructors were like bunny ears, and the thieves were sensitive.

"You! You! Come out of you two!" The instructor stretched out his hand and pointed at Chu Sheng and Fan Tong in a harsh voice.

The two of them were a little stiff, wishing to move, and after hearing it, they twisted their arms and walked out of the team.

"What were you talking about?"

"He said those two horses were on time!" Chu Sheng said, pointing at Fan Tong.

"He said that the lordosis is protruding and the legs are long..." Fan Tong also said with color.

"You two go over there and say it five hundred times!!!"

After hearing the instructor's words, Chu Sheng's eyes rolled around, and the whole person fell directly on the ground.

"Fuck, what's the matter with you!" Fan Tong thought Chu Sheng had a heatstroke and squatted down hurriedly, "Brother, you can't be okay, you haven't told me your bank card password yet!"

Chu Sheng squeezed Fan Tong secretly, and everything was silent.

At this moment.

Seeing something happened here, the counselor Tang Yue hurried over and looked at Chu Sheng who was lying on the ground, and then at Fan Tong who was pale. She already knew what this was all about.

She has encountered this situation many times when she fainted during military training.

"You send him to the infirmary, and other people can bring it up if they feel unwell, no matter what the health is the most important thing." Tangyue still feels distressed for her students, whether it is true or not, let Fan Tong help Chu Sheng go to the medical service room.

Next to Chen Yefeng, he looked envious. Although he could bear it, he must be lazy to be lazy.

During military training breaks.

Chen Yefeng received a call.

It was Chen Yuan. The little girl's voice was particularly weak. After Chen Yefeng heard that she was in the infirmary, he immediately walked out of the team.

"Stop, where are you going?" the instructor shouted to him.

"My sister is in the infirmary now." Chen Yefeng explained briefly. After obtaining permission, he rushed to the infirmary without stopping while asking for directions.

The infirmary of the graduate school is different from the high school period. From the outside it looks like a small hospital. It is divided into three floors and looks quite spectacular.

When he arrived in the infirmary, Chen Yefeng took out his cell phone and called the little girl, and ran up immediately.

In the first room on the left on the third floor, Chen Yuan's little white shoes were placed beside the bed, and she was wearing a camouflage uniform, leaning on the bed, holding an old popsicle in her hand and eating with relish.

Seeing the little girl's smile, Chen Yefeng's face turned green.

"Didn't you say that you had a heat stroke!" While he was relieved in his heart, Chen Yefeng also stepped forward to reward her with a brain collapse.

"Brother, it's not me, it's Xiao Yu!" Chen Yuan pointed to Lu Jiayu who was lying on the bed, "I don't want you to be suffering too, so let's find an excuse to relieve you!"

"You are really a little clever ghost!" Chen Yefeng squeezed the little girl's face, then looked at Lu Jiayu.

At this time, Lu Jiayu was closing her eyes, her face was very pale, her right hand was still dripping, and she looked very weak.

"Is she okay?" Chen Yefeng walked to the bed and asked aloud.

"I don't know, anyway, Xiao Yu suddenly fainted, should it be heat stroke?" Chen Yuan's voice was very low, she was afraid that she would make Lu Jiayu rest.

"Why don't you give her family a call."

"She only has one brother..." Chen Yuan whispered, "I just learned about it recently."

"No wonder……"

Chen Yefeng nodded suddenly, no wonder Lu Jiayu said at the time that he could often see his brother after applying for the college entrance examination. It turned out that this was her only relative.

"Brother, rest assured, nothing will happen!" Chen Yuan said, handing Chen Yefeng an old popsicle.

"You know how to eat. Be careful when you get fat and no one wants you!"

"Hmph, even if no one wants me, you won't leave me behind!"

"Just your mouth is sweet!"


The ward building is a bit quiet.

As time passed by, the clocks in the ward were ticking, and Lu Jiayu on the bed was still asleep.

Chen Yuan watched her quietly while sitting on the hospital bed while eating various snacks.


Lying on the hospital bed, Lu Jiayu's eyelids wriggled twice.

"Where am I?"

Lu Jiayu slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

She remembered that she should be training in the military just now, and then the weather was too hot, and she couldn't stand it anymore, so she fell.

"You're awake, Xiao Yu." Chen Yuan kindly helped Lu Jiayu up and leaned on the bed, and then said: "You passed out just now. The instructor asked someone to bring you to the infirmary.

"Thank you, little wish."

"Thank you, we are friends!" Chen Yuan smiled, "By the way, this is my brother, you met each other!"

"I know him." Lu Jiayu looked at Chen Yefeng with a weak smile.

"That's right, my brother is so famous in our Sky Blue High School." Chen Yuan picked up a banana and peeled it off. "Are you hungry? Eat a banana when you are hungry."

"No thanks."

Lu Jiayu shook his head gently, staring at Chen Yefeng, his brother's old teammate.

She remembered that she once saw a photo on her brother's phone. It was a photo of him and Chen Yefeng. They put their hands on their shoulders and laughed happily.

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