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Chapter 123: These bad women are hitting my brother's idea!

"What do you always stare at me..." Chen Yefeng rubbed his nose awkwardly when Lu Jiayu looked at him.

"Because you are handsome, brother!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

"Shut up!" Chen Yefeng glared at him, and then said, "Since you are fine, brother will go back first. Don't always know how to eat!"

"Brother, I know, you should also pay attention, don't heatstroke!"


The one-week military training passed quickly. Except that Chen Yefeng was okay, the three of Chu Sheng almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

this day.

When Chen Yefeng was eating in the cafeteria, Chen Yuan leaned in and said in a low voice.

"Brother, there is something I don't know if I should tell or not!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Yefeng asked casually after taking a bite of steamed buns.

"Xiaoxue chatted with me last night and said that someone named Li Muge always pestered her."

"Huh?" Chen Yefeng's voice suddenly raised a few pitches.

"Brother, can you bear this?"

"Of course I can't bear it!"

"Then what to do?"

"Fuck him!"

After Chen Yefeng finished eating, he also found a place and made a call.

In any case, Ye Shengxue is his girlfriend. Although he didn't break it, it was already a fact that the two of them had tacitly understood.


The phone was connected, and a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Why did you suddenly remember to call me???"

"Of course I miss you." Chen Yefeng replied softly.

"How much do you think?" Ye Shengxue said with a smile.

"How should I say, a little more than yesterday, a little less than tomorrow!"


"By the way, have you eaten yet."

"Just ate, what's wrong?"

Chen Yefeng took a deep breath, "Did you eat with other people?"

"How did you know?" Ye Shengxue said subconsciously.

"How did I know? Okay, it's up to me to guard you like a jade, but you actually kept such a big thing from me!"

"What am I hiding from you?" Ye Shengxue felt a little inexplicable. She was indeed eating with others, but this person was her very disgusting mother.

"Anyway, you can relax, that boy Li Muge is not a good person!"

"How did you know……"

"Of course my sister told me!" Chen Yefeng snorted coldly. "I'm telling you, you are my woman, you ask Li Muge to be careful, don't force me to go to Kyoto to trouble him now!"

Although Ye Shengxue felt a little inexplicable, she was still very happy in her heart.

"Okay, it's impossible for me and him, don't worry!"

"It's about the same... You are outside by yourself, so you must take care of yourself and be careful not to heatstroke."

"I see, why are you more wordy than my dad!"

"What? You actually take me as your father?"

"Screw you!"

Chen Yefeng smiled, and immediately after instructing Ye Shengxue to pay more attention to his body, he hung up the phone.


"Xiaoxue, who is calling?"

When Ye Shengxue hung up the phone, a woman with her hair left on her shoulders and an elegant temperament walked over and sat on the opposite side.

This woman is Ye Shengxue's mother, Ye Shuhua.

After she learned that her daughter was admitted to Kyoto Academy, she often came to visit her.

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ye Shengxue, who hung up, showed a coldness on her face.

"How do you talk to mom?"

"I've always been like this, you don't know." Ye Shengxue looked at the woman sitting across from him, and continued: "Mom, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave."

"By the way, what do you think of the person my mother introduced to you?"

"I'm not interested, don't let him bother me again in the future!"

"They are the young masters of the Li Group, and they are versatile. I think you two match well."

"That's what you think." Ye Shengxue's face showed helplessness, "Mom, if you really treat me as your daughter, don't interfere with my life again, okay?

I have been accustomed to life without you since I was a child, and it is difficult for me to adapt to you now. "

"Mom didn't want to, but..."

"Okay, don't say anything. I don't want to know what you want to do, and I don't want to know why you divorced your dad. Anyway, my dad and I have lived well since childhood. Dad loves me very much and never let me eat. Too bitter.

So, you don't have to worry too much.

Moreover, I have grown up now, and I already know how to take care of myself.

Besides, you also have a new family, and you should say goodbye to before, right? "

After speaking, Ye Shengxue stood up and walked out of the restaurant.


A few days later, Chen Yefeng was told by the counselor Tang Yue to represent the class at the opening ceremony.

Chen Yefeng actually wanted to refuse, mainly because he wanted to give others a chance.

Think about it, if you are on the stage, you don't need to perform at all. Standing there alone is enough to detonate the audience with temperament and appearance.

But there is no way, after all, Tang Yue is a classmate of his sister, he has to show some face.

After sending Chu Sheng and the others away, Chen Yefeng followed Chen Yuan on the bluestone road of the academy.

The perfect height difference between the two immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Although the university does not prohibit dating, such a handsome little brother and such an active and cute young lady are still very seductive.

It was to make many young ladies who were going to run up to ask Li Chen Yefeng's WeChat ID to stop.

Two people are so close hand in hand, they must be out of play!

What a nice brother! ! !


There are also many male compatriots who feel disgusted with Chen Yefeng!

I really think that you can do whatever you want if you are handsome. Wait, I will make one according to this look!

"Brother, why are they both looking at us?" Chen Yuan, who was holding Chen Yefeng's arm, felt the gazes of people around him, and asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because I look too handsome?" Chen Yefeng smiled and didn't care too much.

Following Chen Yuan to the place prepared for the backstage of the ceremony, Chen Yefeng also hummed softly the songs he had prepared to familiarize himself in advance.

"Brother, are you nervous?"

"Of course I'm not nervous, who is Brother, what scenes have I never seen?!"

"That's right."

At this time, a few beautifully dressed young ladies came over.

"Little wish, who is this?"

"This is my brother!" Chen Yuan gave a quick introduction.

"Does your brother have a girlfriend?"


"Then do you mind if your brother changes his girlfriend?"

"Of course not!" Chen Yuan shook his head seriously.

" you mind having your brother have multiple girlfriends."

"Well..." Chen Yuan glanced at Chen Yefeng, which seemed to mean that, brother, you can figure it out.

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