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Chapter 125: Not too much hatred

"The principal, this classmate is Chen Yefeng. According to the information, he is only 50 points away from the admission score of Kyoto Academy."

"Fifty points? This is a big gap!"

"But, if you knew that one of his exam papers had blank answers, would you still think so?"

Counselor Tang Yue smiled and watched Chen Yefeng, who was slowly walking down the stage at this time, and didn't even think that the younger brother of her old classmate could bring him such a surprise today.

"What? You said he handed in a blank paper?" When the principal heard this, his face was full of shock.

If this is the case, then the difference of fifty points is actually not much different from nothing.

This student should have enough strength to be admitted to Kyoto Academy.

There should be few people who would refuse the quota of Kyoto University.

Could it be because of the family?

No, even if the family is in a difficult situation, the scholarship and bursary of Kyoto Academy can perfectly solve the problems caused by these money.

"Where did he get the exam from?"

"It's Sky Blue High School in Xicheng." Counselor Tang Yue said.

"So..." After hearing this, the principal of Shangda took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Old Gao, I want to thank you for giving me such an outstanding student."

Principal Gao on the other end of the phone quickly responded with a smile: "Lao Jiang, don't say polite things. I know my son. He is a good ass. Don't cause me trouble, thank God!

Of course, I have to trouble you to help me with more discipline! "

"Your son? Isn't your surname Gao? How come there is a son surnamed Chen? No, Lao Gao, you actually cut the door?"

"What's upside-down?? You are not talking about my son Gao Chao?"

Principal Jiang smiled slightly, "It looks like there was a misunderstanding. Okay, let's not disturb you. Let's have tea together another day. You also tell me about this glorious history of Chen Yefeng by the way.

Don't worry, since you sent your son to me to go to college, then of course I will not be stingy with the resources in my hand, and I will do my best to cultivate him! "

After speaking, Principal Jiang hung up the phone and continued to watch other clubs perform.

On the other end of the phone, Principal Gao, who heard the busy tone on the phone, looked dazed.

Chen Yefeng?

This seems to be the kid who is close to his son, right?

Listening to Lao Jiang, he seems to be very good?

What are you kidding about, there are no good people who play with your son?


The opening ceremony went smoothly, but none of the programs performed by other classes or clubs could ignite the audience like Chen Yefeng.

the next day.

After breakfast, Chen Yefeng was dragged by Gao Chao and Wu Liang to the e-sports club.

The two of them don't know why, they are particularly concerned about the college league, especially after learning that Chen Yefeng had won the highest FPS honor on behalf of China.

After arriving at the e-sports club, a few people found the eldest sister Ying Yingying.

"Can't tell, the game is so good, and the singing is also great!

Much better than my Ayang! Yingying started teasing as soon as they met.

"Generally, No. 1 in the world!" Chen Yefeng smiled, as humble as ever.

"Senior sister, to be honest, can we join the second team?

Don't ask for the first team, just the second team! "Gao Chao said his thoughts.

Wu Liang next to him turned his eyes to the ceiling at a forty-five degree angle, "Senior sister, I wonder if you have heard a word."

"What?" Ying Yingying answered.

"Who is respected on the road to the Jedi, I am the only one to kill the gods!"

Yingying Ying: "..."

After all, she had experienced the torture of the brothers Gao Chao and Wu Liang, and for a time she didn't know what to say.

"Isn't this my line?" Chen Yefeng muttered silently.

"Ahem, I'm going high, who will fight!

Don’t say that some of these are missing. Sister, let us join the second team to ensure that we will not be deceived. I heard about the future of domestic production. The little **** Li Muge will also participate in the future. I want him to know my future E-sports is so powerful! "

"Don't tell me... I want to be quiet!"

Ying Yingying, who has a heroic personality, almost can't stand Gao Chao's self-promotion and boasting, this guy has no comparison in his heart.


"You mean Li Muge will also participate?"

Listening to the discussion among several people, Chen Yefeng couldn't help touching his chin.

Although I don't know if it's the same person, but who told you to be Li Muge, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!

If you dare to covet my girlfriend, don't blame your brother for being merciless! ! !

"Do you know him?" Ying Yingying asked curiously.

"I don't know him anymore. I rubbed and abused this little rookie."

"That's right. Although he is very powerful, he is still in the sky and on the ground compared to you."

Ying Yingying nodded, not feeling any surprise.

After all, Chen Yefeng was a member of the extremely legendary Dragon Team. Although Li Muge is powerful, he is only a passerby at best.

"By the way, let me ask you a question, did you really write that song last night?"

"If you haven't heard of it, then the author must be me!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"But, Ayang said last night that you used to sing very badly!"

"He also said it was before, and people always become.

Okay, let's not talk about it, it's all my improvisation. "Chen Yefeng waved his hand, "Let's talk about the National College League. "

"Afeng, aren't you not interested?" Gao Chao asked in confusion.

"I haven't said it!" Chen Yefeng curled his lips helplessly, "I just want to play around and educate this Li Muge by the way."

"You have hatred with him?" Ying Yingying was a little worried for Li Muge, being stared at by such a great god, I am afraid that by then she will lose her confidence.

"It's not a big hatred, it's just that he can't turn around forever if he wants to fight, and greet his ancestors for the eighteenth generation."

Yingying Ying: "..."

Isn't this a big hatred?

"Okay, but do you want to go with my Ayang?" Ying Yingying asked.

"He will also participate?" Chen Yefeng was a little surprised.

"At first he didn't agree, but then I couldn't stand it anymore, so he agreed!" Ying Yingying smiled, "If my family Ayang had participated in the previous National College League, do you think he Li Muge can Won first place on behalf of Kyoto Academy?"

"That makes sense!" Chen Yefeng nodded.

Ying Ying gave a brief explanation, and then led a few people to a teaching building.

"Several people from the second team are all in class on the second floor, but there shouldn't be a big problem at this time. I will show you."

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