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Chapter 126: Are you the foundation?

Chen Yefeng nodded, greeted Gao Chao and Wu Liang to follow him quickly.

Under Ying Yingying's leadership, the four people walked up to the second floor.

The second floor is relatively quiet at this time, but there are faint noises that can be heard.

Following Ying Yingying, a few people walked into a classroom.

Looking at it casually, Gao Chao saw a person wearing a costume similar to an anime maid sitting there, and there was another person sitting beside him.

This person, Chen Yefeng, is of course no stranger, and it is her little princess Chen Yuan.

"What do you want to eat at noon? I'm a treat!" There was a man with glasses next to him who seemed to be chatting up.

This Chen Yefeng couldn't bear it. Although he always slapped his little princess out loud when he had something to do, it didn't mean he allowed others to approach her.

If you want to be my brother-in-law of Chen Yefeng, at least you have to crush yourself in terms of appearance.


Then the problem is coming.

In this aspect of face value, he recognizes the first, no one dares to recognize the second!

"Um...Is it okay to dress like this? Playing cosplay in class? Is it so fashionable?" Gao Chao naturally saw the young lady wearing a maid outfit, and the voice of inquiry became even more excited.

There is no other reason, just because of this Cos character, Gao Chao just likes it recently, that's all.

Imagine that an anime character that originally only existed in the second element or a game character that can only be controlled by your keyboard and mouse, appears in front of you alive.

Are you going up, going up, going up?

Although there are three choices, there is only one answer!

Of course it is! ! !

"Um... I don't know, don't ask me." Ying Yingying looked at the back of the maid's costume, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

and also……

This dress looks like... the legendary Lem sauce? . ?

"Let's take a look!" Gao Chao is also curious about which young lady cos Lem is, this is simply giving benefits to the male compatriots who are doing it.

This leg, this eye, tusk...

With that said, Gao Chao took the lead and walked towards Chen Yuan's place, and Chen Yefeng hurriedly followed after seeing this.

Although Gao Chao didn't know this Miss COS, but...he knew Chen Yuan!

Seeing the two talking and laughing, they should be familiar.

It’s not like that, a friend of a friend is a friend!

As the saying goes, a friend of a friend is a friend.

He and Chen Yuan are classmates, and his brother is even more iron buddy, isn't Chen Yuan's friend just his friend?

Knowing Chen Yuan, do you still worry about knowing this young lady of Cos Leim?

What Gao Chao is thinking now is that as beautiful as it is, he is very confident about his appearance and charm.

"Xiao Yuan, what are you doing here?" Gao Chao tried to pretend to be careless, and while asking Chen Yuan, the corner of his eye was also secretly looking at the small changes next to him.

I saw white silk stockings wrapped around those legs, a pair of white shoes with laces on his feet, and blue wigs on his head.

The most important thing is that the clothes on my body are actually black dresses, which are similar to tube top skirts, but I don't know why they are a little flat.

But Gao Chao didn't think much, after all, there are too many people in Ping.

It is the massage technique handed down by her old Gao family to help her! ! !

Seeing that Lem's skirt is relatively short, Gao Chao accidentally let Gao Chao see the white thighs between the black skirt and white stockings.

She seemed to perceive Gao Chao's peeking, and the young lady raised her head and smiled at him.

With this smile, Gao Chao suddenly felt that the air didn't seem so dull, it was like a breeze blowing in the early spring.

Mixed with the breath of new life, it makes people linger! ! !

"I'm not angry when I peek like this. It's much more generous than those hypocritical people."

When Gao Chao sighed in his heart, he felt that he was slapped in the face, and when he looked around, he met Chen Yuan's suspicious look.

"I said, what are you looking at, fat man?"

"Nothing, nothing." Gao Chao replied with an elegant smile, "Isn't this missing you, come and see you."

"Keep rolling, stop disgusting me." Chen Yuan curled her lips. When she saw Chen Yefeng, the little girl immediately stood up from her seat, "Brother! Are you here to see me?"

"Of course..." Chen Yefeng smiled, "No!"

"Huh! I'm angry!"


"You girl, how angry are you!"

Chen Yefeng was immediately amused by Chen Yuan.

"I thought you came to see me specifically, who knew I was thinking too much." Chen Yuan held Chen Yefeng's arm, "Brother, you broke my heart, you have to compensate me!"

"How to make up?"

"take me Out to eat!"

"no problem!"

"This is your sister?" Ying Yingying asked with a smile looking at the two people who were particularly warm.

Chen Yefeng nodded.

"Your sister is so beautiful."

Ying Yingying praised and said with a smile.

"Come on, let me introduce to you. This is one of the members of the second team, named Wang Genji."

Looking at the man with glasses who seemed to have struck up with his cousin just now, Chen Yefeng curled his lips, "You are the foundation, right?"

"I am!" Wang Genji nodded, always feeling that what Chen Yefeng said was wrong, but there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"you are?"

"He is Chen Yefeng." Ying Yingying introduced.

"It turned out to be you!" Although Wang Genji had never seen Chen Yefeng, he also heard other people from the E-sports agency mentioned it that day.

Dragon Team-Black Sky!

The night is approaching, everything is gone!

At the beginning, he and his own president were men who had no rivals in the country and shined in the world competition.


Ying Yingying was introducing the members of the second team to Chen Yefeng, but Gao Chao now puts all his thoughts on the young lady.

He rubbed his hands and asked with a smile: "Little wish, who is this?"

"This is the vice president of our Cosplay club~!" Chen Yuan said with a smile.

Seeing the cunning color deep in the little girl's eyes, Chen Yefeng's heart suddenly burst, and he couldn't help but pray for Gao Chao.

Whenever the little girl showed such an expression, so much nothing good.

"Oh, hello, Miss Sister." Gao Chao tried to make himself seem to say hello naturally, and after speaking, he smiled politely.

Wang Genji looked weirdly and glanced at Ying Yingying, who was standing there without saying anything. She seemed to say hello. Didn't you say hello to them in advance?

The latter spread his hands helplessly, as if, again, who knew Song Haoran would be dressed like this today?

Gao Chao naturally didn't notice the eye contact between Wang Genji and Ying Yingying, because all his mind was now on the young lady next to Chen Yuan.

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