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Chapter 127: It turns out that what I like is not a woman!

This time.

Finally, I can boldly and carefully look at the white-looking young lady in front of me in exciting clothes.

This tender face, this long eyelashes, looking at this pair of big eyes, although Oupai is a little smaller, it can even be regarded as showing no improvement.


Gao Chao didn't mind, because he just liked the feeling of childhood sweethearts! ! !


Imagine that when there is a girlfriend who can cos various animation and game characters, the relationship between the two people will definitely never get tired.

Maybe there are new passions and different experiences every day.

"Just take the liberty to ask, Miss Sister, who is this cos?" Gao Chao smiled and asked knowingly.

Moreover, in order to draw the invisible distance between the two, he also introduced himself: "Actually, I usually like anime very much. I like to watch things like gourd dolls, teletubbies, and big ears tutu."

"This is Lem!" Chen Yuan said with a black face, "Can you compare with Teletubbies?"

"Almost, almost..." Gao Chao grabbed the back of his head awkwardly, and immediately continued to ask passionately: "Miss Sister, why don't you speak? By the way, would you be a cosplayer?

Actually, I still like her a little bit more. "

Gao Chao didn't notice that except for him and Wu Liang, the others were all smiles.

Chen Yuan actually knew what Gao Chao’s idea was about fighting, but she didn’t break it, but smiled and said, “I have a very good relationship with Haoran. If you have ideas, you can tell me, who made us old classmates? Yeah!"

"Little wish I am such a superficial person?" Gao Chao said nonsense seriously.

"Like!" Chen Yuan nodded.

"It's okay, Haoran's boyfriend is me!" Wang Genji directly put his hand on Song Haoran's shoulder without knowing what he was holding.

Seeing this scene, Gao Chao felt a little unreal.

Good cabbage is so peculiar that it has been swept away by pigs!

And it's still a four-eyed pig!

Why! ! !

I think that although Gao Chao is not a talented person, it is also a gadget from the old Gao family in a few lifetimes. Why don't I have so many talented girlfriends.

This is called Wang Genji wearing glasses, just like Carrot wearing glasses, he can actually find a cos, but also such a **** and eye-catching girlfriend.

God is not fair to my Gao Chao! ?

This shouldn't be true...

They should be friends!

Gao Chao didn't believe this cruel fact anyway.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yuan secretly squatted in Chen Yefeng's ear and talked to him briefly, which also made Gao Chao a little bit painful for the latter.

You said that it was hard for you to look at mung beans, but you actually encountered such a thing.


Wang Genji stretched out his hand with a smile and gently placed it between Song Haoran's black tube top skirt and white stockings, on the white thighs exposed to the air.

And, it swipes twice.

"It feels good, would you like to try?"


This scene made Gao Chao even more unable to calm down.

Are these two really lovers?

No, this is definitely not true, there must be some ulterior secret in it! ! !

Well, it must be so.

In addition to other things, with the eyes of the young lady, although she may not be able to see herself, but at least he has to see a handsome man like He Afeng.

As for this foundation?

The long one is like a carrot, is it the ability of money?

"Okay, Haoran, stop teasing them." Ying Yingying next to her couldn't stand it anymore, and Chen Yuan also giggled her mouth and laughed.

"Fatty, don't have any other thoughts, this is a man!"

"Hello, I'm Song Haoran, the vice president of the Cos Club and one of the second team members of the E-sports club!" Song Haoran finally spoke, with a gentle voice and a full smile between her eyebrows.

"This..." Wu Liang blinked, as if he didn't believe the scene before him.

Pretty good girl, how come you kneel...

Fortunately, Chen Yefeng had been reminded by his cousin just now, otherwise he would not be much better now.

On the other hand, Gao Chao was stunned when he saw this scene.

This is really a man! ! !

I just said that I didn't have much interest in Bai Ningxin, and to please her only because of the unavailable pleasure, why did I suddenly have a soft spot for this young lady.


What I like is not a woman...


" are you really a man?"

After Song Haoran smiled and shook hands with everyone, Gao Chao still didn't believe it.

This is a cruel thing for him.

My heart is finally moved, but the other party is really a man!

"I don't believe this result!"

Gao Chao was a little depressed. Look at this tender face and big eyes. In the end, did you tell me this is a man?

How could this be a man! ! !

How could my Gao Chao like men! ?

Perhaps seeing Gao Chao's entanglement in his heart, Chen Yuan said with a smile: "You don't understand, the president of the COS club must have women's clothing to convince the crowd!"

"I still don't believe it..." Gao Chao looked into her eyes slightly. She was clearly a young lady. Except for her chest, everything was very similar.

"To be honest, I don't quite believe it..." Wu Liang also stunned.

But he could adapt quickly, but Gao Chao still couldn't let go.

To be precise, this guy now has doubts about his sexual orientation.

Is it possible...

I am born to be the kind of person who is not afraid of difficulties and knows men?

"Okay, okay, it just so happens that you are also free now, and I have finally persuaded Brother Ye Feng to join our second team of E-Sports.

Therefore, I think we will take this opportunity to get familiar with each other's styles, and we will try to get a good result a week before the competition. "

"Okay." Song Haoran nodded, and a group of people also killed the e-sports club.

After arriving at the e-sports club, Ying Yingying also moved a chair and sat aside as a spectator.

Since there was still one person from the second team, Chen Yefeng simply let his cousin replace him.

"Brother, I know you won't despise me!" Chen Yuan looked excited. This was the first time his cousin took the initiative to bring himself to play.

"Don't run around later, you can help me load the bullets and medicines!"

"Brother, I understand this!" Chen Yuan smiled, "I'll just be a quietly lying chicken cute girl!"

The four immediately started a game, and under Chen Yefeng's leadership, the result was naturally successful eating chicken.

And after this round, Chen Yefeng probably understood the play style of Wang Genji and Song Haoran.

Wang Genji is just like his own name, a group of reckless people, who always like to walk in the forefront of the team, belong to the outright reckless.

Song Haoran is just like his appearance, a relatively quiet and steady group, usually without the certainty of a one-shot kill, he will not shoot.

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