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Chapter 128: Where did I offend you?

In this game, Chen Yefeng scored ten kills, neither too many nor too few.

of course.

This is also because he was robbed of a lot of heads by Wang Genji, a reckless man.

He was about to knock down the opponent many times, and Wang Genji, a reckless man, jumped out to give the enemy the final blow.

"It deserves to be my man's former teammate, really amazing!!!" Ying Yingying, who was sitting next to Chen Yefeng, also did not hesitate to applaud and praise herself.

"Generally so, No. 1 in the world." Chen Yefeng was still as humble as before.


Time passed unconsciously, except for one encounter with Da Luo Jinxian, a group of people almost ate chickens.

Thinking of the one that met Da Luo Jinxian, Chen Yefeng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Good guy, the jeep is flying in the sky, chasing itself like a plane and bombing wildly.

After staying in the e-sports club for a while, Chen Yefeng was ready to take his cousin to fill his stomach.

The little girl just yelled that she was hungry. Of course Chen Yefeng had to feed her.

"Then let's be together." Ying Yingying suggested, "even if it is a small team building for our e-sports club!"

A group of people walked on the bluestone road to the university.

Chen Yefeng walked in front with her hands in her pockets. Of course, her clingy wish was indispensable. She was like a follower, holding Li Zheng's arm tightly, a lively little girl.

"Yefeng, in case... I mean in case...

If you take the first place in the college league this time, will you participate in the national competition of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Ying Yingying asked tentatively.

He also asked Wang Yang the same question, but the result was that he would not participate because his dream had already been cut off three years ago.

"Well..." Chen Yefeng thought for a while, "There is no case, as long as I participate, this first place is already a solid fact!"

Yingying Ying: "..."

"Brother, I think it's okay!" Chen Yuan hugged Chen Yefeng's arm, and the little girl said with a look of excitement: "Brother, think about it, if you win the first place in China, you will confess to Xiaoxue on the spot. It must be so romantic!"

"You've watched too much soap opera!" Chen Yefeng twitched at the corner of his mouth and reached out and knocked on the little girl's forehead. "What is the number one in China? If you really want to confess your marriage, you can't be the number one in the world?"

"Brother, you are handsome, and everything is right!"

"When you look at you, you like to tell the truth, so that you will easily suffer from entering society in the future!" Chen Yefeng said with earnest education.

"I can't stand you two brothers and sisters!" Ying Yingying curled her lips on the side.

Although his own man's former teammate is indeed very handsome, but...this face is also thick and okay, it is almost like wearing a bulletproof vest.


In the remaining days, Ying Yingying, who Chen Yuan didn't know how to convince, actually agreed to let her join the second team and participate in the college league.

At first, Chen Yefeng disagreed with it all the time after he heard it, but when he thought of the small scene of the college league, there should be no problem with bringing his sisters, he finally agreed.

Of course, the two brothers and sisters are also in three chapters. On the court, the little girl must be obedient.

In the past few days, Chen Yefeng did not participate in the training of Wang Genji, Song Haoran, and his energetic cousin.

He has been watching silently by the side, and then ridiculed Wang Genji from time to time. After all, he discovered through the past few days that this guy would be courteous to his little princess when he is fine, and he must be lashed.

In fact, Chen Yefeng also discovered a problem recently, when he and his cousin were walking on the campus of the university.

There will always be cold eyes shot from all around, making him a little shuddering.

Chen Yefeng felt that if the expression in his eyes could kill people, he might have been riddled with holes now, and he could not die anymore.

But no way, who makes yourself too attractive?

If being handsome is a mistake, isn't it a big mistake?

The venue of the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds National College Competition was in the gymnasium of Kyoto Academy. Two days before the competition, some school officials began to arrange them to prepare for departure.

After all, winning the game can be regarded as winning glory for the school, so the school attaches great importance to the college league.

Two nights before the game, looking at Wang Genji who was still training hard, Chen Yefeng decisively flogged: "I said, what do you practice? You learn from me. Isn't it good to eat, drink and play?

If you think about it, if you practice well, you won’t necessarily be able to win the championship. If you win the championship and participate in the domestic competitions, you won’t necessarily be able to win the first place. If you get the first place and enter the world competition, what if you lose then? , That shame is going to be thrown all over the world.

Take 10,000 steps back, even if you are lucky enough to win the championship, will you still be a single dog in the end? "

Looking at Wang Genji's gradually distorted complexion, Chen Yefeng added earnestly: "Well, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"Shut up! Hurry up and roll as far as Laozi!" Wang Genji was almost driven crazy by Chen Yefeng.

He didn't know what was wrong. Chen Yefeng mocked himself whenever he caught the opportunity in the past few days, but he still couldn't refute it because what he said was reasonable!

But, didn't you offend him?

Why does he always have nothing to do to blow his positivity?

"Calm down, people have to think far away, you think about it far away, even if you have a girlfriend in the future, you two may not be able to go to the end.

Even if the time comes, the child might look like the old king next door.

So, what is the use of training so hard?

Come on, come on, smoke a cigarette, let's chat! "

In the end, Wang Genji would doubt his life what Chen Yefeng said.

no way.

He could only put down the game in his hand, sat next to Chen Yefeng, took the cigarette he handed, and smoked depressedly.

After taking a heavy sip, Wang Genji asked, "To be honest, where did I offend you?"


"Then why are you always targeting me?" Wang Genji was very depressed, "I ask you, do you have any ideas about playing professionally?"

"What kind of career? Isn't it good to go to school?" Chen Yefeng leaned in a chair and said lazily.

You may think I’m bragging, but that’s the truth. "

Wang Genji: "..."

I always feel that there is no truth in this kid's mouth!

"If you are serious, of course it would be better!

However, people have to have dreams. What is the difference between no dream and salted fish? "

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