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Chapter 130: You still have the same confidence as before

"You are ruining our childhood!" Wang Yang, who was sitting in the front, couldn't help but look back at Chen Yefeng's rant.

For Wang Yang, Chen Yefeng was still very guilty. If it wasn't for himself at the beginning, he might have taken a completely different route now.

Although after this period of contact, Wang Yang always talked about the past, so don't care too much.


Chen Yefeng still couldn't let go.

"Otherwise, I can't think of a good story." Chen Yefeng smiled and looked at Wang Yang.

Ying Yingying looked at the two of them next to her, and she was very happy. As Wang Yang's childhood sweetheart, she still very much hopes to see the two get back together.

Even if you can't fight side by side, you can at least be good friends, isn't it a good brother?

"How about this, how about the couplet?" Wang Yang suggested.

"Just you? Don't you know how much ink is in your stomach?" Ying Yingying struck mercilessly.

"You need to control it!" Wang Yang was depressed.

"Hmph, it's not impossible for me to take care of it, but I can take care of a lot. You have to hand in your bank card together. You can't have a private treasury, you can't..."

"I really doubt what wicked thing I did in my previous life, I actually met you in this life!"

Seeing the two quarreling, the people in the car also started booing.

Here are all members of the e-sports club, and everyone naturally knows that they don’t look at all kinds of mischief, but they are just a happy couple.

"Hei Tian, ​​I am out of the Shanghai League, how do you feel about the next league?" Wang Yang and Ying Yingying seem to be at odds with each other, but after showing off their affection, they also smiled at Chen Yefeng.

"Yes!" Chen Yefeng smiled and accepted with pleasure.

Now that Wang Yang can put it down, if he is still entangled blindly, he is obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Heitian, listen carefully, my Shanghai Lianhe is that Shanghai's tap water comes from the sea!"

"Then my next couplet is..." Chen Yefeng thought slightly. With his proficiency in classical Chinese and ancient poems, he quickly got the answer, "I am right, Huangshan larch leaves fall hill yellow!"

"Brother, you are so amazing!" Chen Yuan cried out on the spot.

"You..." Wang Yang didn't expect Chen Yefeng to open his mouth, and he didn't feel stumped at all.

He remembered that Chen Yefeng had a headache when he mentioned this aspect before.

Thinking slightly, he opened his mouth again and said: "Lending my three-life dream, I can't pay you back;

Spring comes with Qiyan, autumn goes to Ren Kongzhi. "

Chen Yefeng thought for a moment, and said calmly, "Cut the clouds and steal the moon;

Haikuona is meditating, the sky is high and the color is easy. "

"Yes, Hei Tian, ​​I really underestimated you!" Wang Yang also smiled, and the two of them were silent in their negotiations.

"Generally so, No. 1 in the world." Chen Yefeng smiled lightly, and the invisible force spread out from the inside out.

"You are still as confident as before!"

"You too!"

Wang Yang made a lot of Shanghai Leagues in a row, and Chen Yefeng also got them all right.

The words of the two also made everyone a little depressed, and the two players played the game so well, but they still have such a high talent.

God is too unfair, right?

"Ayang, it's my turn now!" Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, "My Shanglian is, Yan Yanyan drowns swallow eyes..."


Wang Yang frowned slightly, as if thinking about the mystery of the Shanghai League.

"Brother, what is Yanyanyanyan, why can't I understand?" The little girl listened with a dazed expression.

"You idiot!" Chen Yefeng smiled and called the Shanghai Lianhe on his mobile phone.

"Ayang, I'll just say it once, you have to remember, this Shanglian means that a smoke along the eaves flooded the swallow's eyes."

When he finished speaking, Ying Yingying suddenly realized, "It turns out that's the same thing!"

Others also appeared to have suddenly realized that they thought it was Chen Yefeng who fooled people casually, but didn't think that this Shanglian actually contained such a subtle scene.


"I'm sorry!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Yang gave up decisively.

"Heitian, I really convinced you. I was not as good as you when I was playing professionally. I thought I could surpass you in other aspects, but I didn't expect that I was still inferior to you."

"Where are you talking, I will just say it casually."

Chen Yefeng laughed, Wang Yang was able to forgive himself, which made him very happy.

Ying Yingying was also happy, she grinned endlessly when she saw Wang Yang deflated.

"How about it, know what it means to have someone outside of heaven, there are people outside of heaven!"

"Shut up!" Wang Yang curled his mouth and squeezed Ying Yingying's face.

" hurts!" Ying Yingying also hurriedly reached out, slapped Wang Yang's paw, and then punched him angrily, "Can you treat me as your girlfriend?!"

"Damn! You prodigal girl, it's not rare for me to give it to me!"

"You..." Ying Yingying stretched out her finger and pointed at Wang Yang, so angry that she didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong?"

"Ignore you."

After that, Ying Yingying twisted her head and looked outside through the car window, looking like I was very angry.

"Ayang, don't you hurry up to coax people." Chen Yefeng couldn't help but reminded with a smile.

"It's okay, it will be fine later, I know her."

Wang Yang looked at Chen Yefeng and laughed.

In the car, although Tang Yue, as the person in charge this time, did not speak, she could not help but look highly at Chen Yefeng.

This man deserves to be the younger brother of his own good sister. The older sister was already versatile and the goddess among the goddesses, but her younger brother turned out to be the same.

This hateful Chen Shiyi also said that her younger brother hates studying most, so let her help him out. Now it seems that she doesn't need any special care for him.


After a long journey, everyone finally came to Kyoto Academy.

Got out of the car.

Under the guidance of a student of Kyoto Academy, a group of people also went to the rest place temporarily arranged by the leaders of Kyoto School.

The game is to be held tomorrow, so Chen Yefeng also found the women's accommodation area after inquiring about it.

At first, Chen Yuan followed along, but was sent away decisively by Chen Yefeng.

Brother is going on a date, what kind of light bulb are you running here?

Moreover, if something doesn't come back at night, is it possible for you to follow along and fail?

Standing under the women's dormitory area, Chen Yefeng also took out his cell phone and called Ye Shengxue.

"Is there anything?" Ye Shengxue's quiet voice came from the other end.

"Of course something is going on!"

"what is the matter?"

"Of course I miss you."

"Hmph, I know what I say, and I don't know how to come to see me, men are really big pig hooves!"

"Look downstairs!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

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