Sign in from PUBG

Chapter 131: Sign in for a sports car!

At this time, Ye Shengxue is preparing for the literary competition in the near future. She won the place with great difficulty this time, so she cherishes it and works hard.

After hearing what Chen Yefeng said, although Ye Shengxue was puzzled, she ran to the window and glanced down.

Although it was far away, she still saw the domineering man at a glance.

"Did I have my eyes blurred?" Ye Shengxue said to the phone, "I saw someone downstairs who looks like you. I must be too tired to study and my eyes are blurred!"

The voice from Chen Yefeng's phone immediately became amused, "Your eyes are not flowery, that's me, hurry down!"

"Ah! Wait for me!" Ye Shengxue retracted her head in a panic, then combed some messy long hair, found a ribbon and tied it together, even if she started to think about what clothes to wear.

"Xiaoxue, who made you so excited?" The roommate laughed and teased at this.

"It's still a matter of thinking, it must be Li Muge!" Another roommate said, "Wow, I really envy Xiaoxue. It would be nice if I could find a boyfriend like Li Muge, rich and handsome , And talent!"

"Isn't he going to participate in some game tomorrow?"

"That's why we invited Xiaoxue to cheer him up tonight!"

Ye Shengxue had changed into clean and decent clothes at this time. After hearing the teasing from her roommate, she immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, it's not Li Muge!"

"Not him? Who is that?"

Although Ye Shengxue's pretty face blushed, she smiled and said, "My boyfriend came to see me!"


She quickly ran out of the dormitory, leaving behind three roommates with a surprised look.

"You said, who is Xiaoxue's boyfriend?"

"I don't know, I have never heard her mention it, but I think it's definitely not as good as Li Muge!"

"In this case, maybe I still have a chance!"

"You, come on, Li Muge can't even look down on me!"

The three people were chattering non-stop, and Ye Shengxue had already ran out of the dormitory building and saw Chen Yefeng.

At this time, because it is night, there are more people.

And Chen Yefeng really belongs to the kind of person who is absolutely prominent in the crowd, so it inevitably attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Shengxue's face turned redder after being stared at by so many people.

However, despite blushing, she still held Chen Yefeng's hand very happily.

"Have you been waiting for a long time? Why didn't you call and tell me earlier, I was not prepared."

"I didn't want to give you a surprise!" Chen Yefeng smiled, "Have you eaten?"

"not yet!"

"Then I will take you out for dinner, and then how about we go shopping?"

"Yeah!" Ye Shengxue nodded happily, and then said: "But the things outside are so expensive."

"Don't be afraid, I have money!"

"Do you have a lot of money?" Ye Shengxue gave a white look.

"Anyway, it will be fine to raise you for a lifetime!"

"I'm just like Xiao Yuan, very good to eat!" Ye Shengxue blushed.

"Why didn't I see it..."

Looking at Ye Shengxue, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but think of her little princess.

The little girl can eat and return, but they all have practical effects. Looking at my girlfriend, she said that she can eat as much as her cousin, but the gap seems to be a little bigger, right?

"I don't see anything?" Ye Shengxue looked at Chen Yefeng curiously, and was a little confused by his words.

The latter looked embarrassed, "Ahem, it's nothing, I mean, I didn't feel much edible after eating with you before."

"I thought you disliked me for eating too much..."

"How come, you have to learn small wishes and eat more to grow up quickly!"

Women's sense of smell is always very keen, and Chen Yefeng's words also made Ye Shengxue frowned.

"How do I feel that you have something to say?"


"You think too much!"


Under Chen Yefeng's various excuses, the word that made Ye Shengxue a little puzzled by growing up quickly was finally revealed.


Kyoto at night is like a city that never sleeps. Chen Yefeng naturally took Ye Shengxue's hand and walked on the asphalt road.

"Speak, what do you want to eat?"

"Anything can be eaten." Ye Shengxue felt the gaze around her, her face flushed.

"Is there any most expensive place around here?"

"There is a Haitian Hotel, as I heard from my classmates, it is the only five-star hotel nearby."

"Five-star..." Chen Yefeng slapped his tongue, "Five-star is OK, and it can barely match my identity."

"Just blow it!" Ye Shengxue rolled her eyes and pointed to a roast chicken shop on the side of the road, "Or we'd better eat it."

"What are you eating?" Chen Yefeng's voice suddenly raised a few pitches.

"Eat chicken..."

Ye Shengxue replied weakly, she didn't know why Chen Yefeng's reaction was so high.

"How can this work? It doesn't fit my identity, let alone we are dating, how can it be so simple!"

"What's your identity?"

"Chen Yuan's male **** brother, Ye Shengxue's only boyfriend and future husband!" Chen Yefeng said with a smile.

"Humph!" Ye Shengxue snorted coldly, and whispered: "Who is going to marry you... a domineering man."

"Let's go, just go to this Haitian Hotel."

"But it's so expensive."

"What are you afraid of? Our family will not be short of money if we lack anything!"

With that said, Chen Yefeng couldn't help but pulled Ye Shengxue and took a taxi to Haitian Hotel.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in at Haitian Hotel, and reward you with a global limited edition Bugatti Veyron! I will deliver it to you later!"


Hearing the reward and looking at the car key in his pocket, Chen Yefeng smacked his tongue slightly.

He remembered that his sister seemed to have one. It was not something that he could buy with money. It must have a certain identity and status.

I was on a date, and the luxury car was delivered, and the cards were filled up instantly! ! !


After following Chen Yefeng in, Ye Shengxue also looked at the luxurious decorations around.

"It's a five-star hotel, much bigger than my noodle restaurant..."


Chen Yefeng was amused by Ye Shengxue's silly look, "To tell the truth, the decoration is just so-so, barely able to catch my eyes."

The two talked as they walked, and immediately found a seat and sat down.

"Order whatever you want." Chen Yefeng gently placed the menu passed by the waiter on the table.

Ye Shengxue took the menu and took a look at the prices on it, and she felt a little dizzy.

How many bowls of noodles does my dad have to sell to have a meal here?

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