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Chapter 132: Step aside! I want to pretend!

Chen Yefeng smiled when he saw this, and opened the menu and said to the waiter, "Take two copies of this and this one, and another one to take away. By the way, the steak should be half-ripe, and two pairs of chopsticks for me. !"

The waiter responded, and then walked away slowly.

"Why do you order three for the two of us?"

"Bring back a copy for Xiaoyuan, lest she yell at midnight that she is hungry."

"Is the little wish here too?" Ye Shengxue's eyes lit up, "Then how nice it is for you to call her together."

"That won't work! This is the first date for the two of us anyway, there can be no trouble with a third person!"

"By the way, I didn't even ask, what are you doing in Kyoto?"

"Didn't I just come to see you specifically?"

"Believe in you to have a ghost!"


Soon, the waiter brought Chen Yefeng's Kobe beef tenderloin, French foie gras, and red wine.

"Sir, do you need anything else?" The waiter smiled and stood beside him. It is rare to see a person with super high temperament and appearance. She is also very pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the steak the size of his palm, Chen Yefeng said, "The steak is a bit too small, and I feel that I can't eat one piece of steak.

Well, please help each of us with another four yuan, by the way, the package and take away will also add four yuan! "


What others eat is the atmosphere, what they eat is compelling, but he is not good, he rushes to eat!

After the waiter left, Ye Shengxue also asked curiously: "How much is this?"

"Not expensive, only a few hundred."

"Oh..." Ye Shengxue nodded, and didn't ask much.

If she knew that Chen Yefeng was talking about several hundred dollars, and the price of the bottle of red wine next to her was tens of thousands of yuan, I guess this Nizi would feel distressed again.

The two of them held the steak with chopsticks and gnawed the steak, which is also a special scenery in the hotel.

Although Chen Yefeng didn't know how to use knives and forks, it was too hard to eat like that, and it was more enjoyable to eat like that.

The two of them ate and talked. Yan Ran, a young couple in love, immersed in the world of the two.

But the good times didn't last long, and a man in a suit and leather shoes with gold-framed glasses walked up to them.

"Ye Shengxue?"

"You...know me?" Ye Shengxue frowned and looked at the man in front of him.

Chen Yefeng also subconsciously raised his head and looked over. Although the person in front of him was dressed more maturely, his immature face had sold him perfectly.

I'm afraid it's not because I saw my clothes are relatively old-fashioned and came to grab my girlfriend?

No, right? He called out Xiaoxue's name just now.

In other words, he might know his girlfriend?

Even if this person knows his girlfriend, but he interrupts his date, it makes Chen Yefeng very unhappy.

"Where is the kid!"

Chen Yefeng's words made the arrogant man in front of him twitch.

However, he ignored Chen Yefeng, but continued to say word by word: "My name is Ye Bei. Strictly speaking, I should call you sister."

"But... I don't know you..." Ye Shengxue thought hard for a moment, but there was no little information in her mind.

"I only knew you from my mother. I didn't expect that I still have a sister." Ye Bei smiled.

"Then don't you hurry up? Don't disturb me dating your sister!"

The so-called comers are not good, and the good ones do not come. Chen Yefeng can naturally feel Ye Bei's feeling of good self and the feeling of being above all.

Moreover, he also heard something about Ye Shengxue's family from his cousin Chen Yuan.

"I'm talking to her, it's not your turn to interrupt!" Ye Bei glanced at Chen Yefeng coldly, "This is not a place that ordinary people can afford to consume. I advise you not to swell your face to fill a fat man. One meal, one month of instant noodles!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Yefeng was stunned.

"Literally, do I need to find it out directly?" Ye Bei refused to give up. "To tell you the truth, this hotel is the property of our Ye family. In other words, this is my site. I advise you. Don't be boring."

Ye Shengxue looked at the young man calling his sister before him, and then at Chen Yefeng's calm face.

As soon as he wanted to speak out, he saw Chen Yefeng slap the table and forced his way into words.

"I didn't want to pretend to be forced, you forced me!"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to pretend to be forced!"



Ye Bei showed a disdainful smile, as if he was watching a jumping clown.

"I'm really going to pretend to be forced!" Chen Yefeng tried again, anyway, this is the brother of his girlfriend, the future brother-in-law.

Although the same mother and different father, this is indeed an indisputable fact.

"You pretend, I watch!"

After speaking, Ye Bei turned his head to look at Ye Shengxue, "Sister, I heard that you refused the matter that Mom asked you to discuss?"

"Rejected." Ye Shengxue put on a cold expression.

"You are determined to get rid of our mother!" Ye Bei's mouth had an intriguing smile, "I don't understand, what good do you have with your poor dad? Mom is also for you. Okay, think about it. After following him, you won’t have to work hard and enjoy the glory and wealth of your life. Why bother to study hard? In the end, don’t you work for the rich?

"Shut up!" Ye Shengxue was angry. For her, her father was the best person in the world to her.

Although life is not rich, Ye Shengxue, the father's love that should be enjoyed, has never been less than a trace.

"Xiaoxue, don't pay attention to him, just watch me pretend!" Seeing that his girlfriend was angry, Chen Yefeng knew that he could not keep a low profile.

"Just pretend, I'll watch!" Ye Bei was also amused by Chen Yefeng, who seemed very amused.

Chen Yefeng smiled indifferently, then took out his cell phone and made a call.

"I planned to communicate with you as an ordinary person, but in exchange it was cold-eyed. I won't pretend, I'm a billionaire and I have a showdown!"



Soon, the call was connected.

"Xiaofeng, what's the matter?" Sister Chen Shiyi's gentle voice came over the phone.

"Sister is like this..." Chen Yefeng briefly said the process, and then asked: "Is this Ye family very good?"

"Generally, I have some business dealings with our family."

"Can you change another house?"

"If you offend my younger brother, of course you can replace them." Chen Shiyi smiled lightly, "Xiaofeng, it's the first time you take the initiative to ask your sister to help you, let's say, is it because of women."

"How did you know?" After Chen Yefeng finished speaking, he was also taken aback.

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