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Chapter 133: One hundred and thirty-second

"The plots of third-rate soap operas are like this." Chen Shiyi smiled lightly, "My brother has finally grown up, take a chance to take him home and let my sister see?"

"Let's talk about this when the time comes..." Chen Yefeng felt a little embarrassed, "Sister, this matter..."

"Don't worry, my sister will do it for you. Haitian Hotel Ye Family, right?"


"You wait patiently for a while."


Seeing Chen Yefeng hung up the phone, Ye Bei laughed and said, "Come on, billionaire, I'm waiting to see you pretend!"

"Don't worry, let me finish eating this thing first. I can't waste it if I spend money on it?"

"Let's eat. People like you are supposed to be luxurious once in your life." Ye Bei shook his head and chuckled, "If you like to eat, I can ask the waiter to serve you again until you get tired of eating and vomiting!"

"Then the feeling is good, then give me another thousand yuan to pack and take away, I'll go back and eat slowly!" Chen Yefeng was not polite to him either. Since Ye Bei wants to pretend to be forced, of course he must be as satisfied as possible. he.

Ye Bei's mouth twitched when he heard it.

"One thousand yuan? Do you think this is Chinese cabbage!"

"In my eyes, it is as ordinary as Chinese cabbage." Chen Yefeng said lightly. "It's true that the most expensive steak I have ever eaten is from a top French chef. It must be someone who has an identity. To eat the steak he made himself!"

"You can pretend to be strong!" Ye Bei, who has always felt that his city is relatively deep, can't take it anymore.

It's not that I have never seen bragging, but it is the first time I have seen such a bragging!

"Sister, do you just like this thing?" Ye Bei shook his head, "The brother Li that my mother introduced to you is not a hundred and ten thousand times better than him? If you really follow him, I promise you will have a good time. No pause.

Take today’s meal as an example. After he invites you to eat this meal, it is estimated that you will have to eat dirt in the next few months! "

"Really?" Ye Shengxue looked at Chen Yefeng, "I still have some money, or else give it to you first?"

"No need!" Chen Yefeng laughed blankly at Ye Shengxue's worry about him, "I tell you, even if I eat soil, I also eat Fiji soil. Domestic soil is not nutritious!"

"Sister, I am also doing good for you. Think about it when you and Brother Li will live a life without worry about food and clothing.

Moreover, our Ye family and Li Jiaqiang joined forces, and we will definitely be able to make further progress.

Although it certainly cannot exceed the Chen Group, the largest chaebol in the country, if the two of us are married, I believe the Chen Group will definitely be willing to cooperate with us a lot, and then our Ye family's industry will definitely take a higher level. "

"Cough cough, interrupt that!" Chen Yefeng couldn't help but interject, "Speaking of a digression, my surname is Chen."

"What about your surname Chen? There are more Chinese surnames Chen. Not everyone is Chen from the Chen group!" Ye Bei said with disdain.

"I advise you to break up with my sister as soon as possible, I am also doing it for your own good.

You don't want my sister to suffer and be tired to live with you forever. "

"Indeed!" Chen Yefeng nodded solemnly.

"I ask you, do you have a room?"

"No!" Chen Yefeng thought for a while, it seemed that the house her sister had bought for herself was not in her own name, and it was not her own in the strict sense.

"Do You have a Car?"

"I can guarantee this, I have one!" Chen Yefeng promised, patting his chest, "and it's still just picked!"

"Van or bicycle?"

"It's four wheels anyway, you can check it out later."

"Then do you have a deposit..." Ye Bei asked a question that was difficult for many people to face.

"There is a deposit, but I haven't inherited it yet."

"What do you mean?" Ye Bei was stunned.

"It's true that you are the only heir of the Chen Group!" Chen Yefeng smiled slightly, thinking that Ye Bei would definitely be surprised.

However, the result is a bit different from what he imagined.

"I bother!"

I thought that Ye Bei would be particularly shocked, but he didn't expect him to explode.

"I can go to your second uncle, just you? Heir to the Chen Group?

Look at your own dress, look at me again, there is such a big gap between us!

You can't even compare to me, do you still want to pretend to be the heir of the Chen Group?

Do you have the characteristics of this identity! ? "

"Look at yourself with a nasty smell all over your body. Apart from being handsome, do you have other good points?"

"Is it useful to be handsome these days? Money is king!"


Seeing Ye Bei, who seemed very excited, Chen Yefeng was a little embarrassed.

What is going on now, no one believes it to be honest! ?

"You don't believe it or not, but my surname is Chen, the Chen from the Chen group!"

"Yeah!" Ye Bei was very disdainful. "If you are the heir of the Chen Group, then I am still the fiance of Director Chen of the Chen Group!"

"Hey, let me tell you, play around, don't make jokes about my sister!" Chen Yefeng's mouth twitched, "With your words, even if you are Xiaoxue's younger brother, I will definitely spare you later. No way for you!"

"Don't put gold on my face, I really want to see why you can't spare me?!" Ye Bei glanced at Chen Yefeng up and down, "To be honest, you don't need to be entangled with my sister. Hold on, you can earn more while you are young.

I know many rich women. Would you like to introduce them to you? "

"Well, I am not short of money..."

Although Chen Yefeng was telling the truth, Ye Bei obviously didn't believe it.

"You don't have a car, a house or a deposit, you say you don't need money?"

"Ahem, I have a car!" Chen Yefeng was willing to tease Ye Bei while waiting for her sister to make arrangements for herself.

"Even if you have a car, you can spend the whole life with my sister in the car, and you two will spend the night in the car?"

"Don't you find it more exciting in the car?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Bei was stunned, and he was not Chen Yefeng's opponent when it came to driving ten.

"Cough cough, nothing." Chen Yefeng noticed Ye Shengxue's weird look next to him, and coughed quickly. "To be honest, although I don't have a room, I can live in a villa. Although I don't have a deposit, I really don't need money. what!"

"Young man, I advise you to keep your feet on the ground and not to hypnotize yourself with such unrealistic words every day." Ye Bei sighed deeply, "Sister, what do you think you have?

From the beginning to the present, does he have a truth in his mouth? "

"I don't know what you like about him, he is useless except for being handsome!"

"Perhaps your sister is because I am handsome?"

"Being handsome can be eaten? Being handsome can have money to spend? Being handsome, you think you can do whatever you want?" Ye Beisan asked Chen Yefeng suddenly into thought.

"In fact, what you said is exactly what I have been thinking about!"

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