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Chapter 139: You are still confident as always!

So there is a good saying.

Would rather offend investors than offend Chinese players.

after all……

Investors determine the economic cost of your game development, and players determine whether you can lose money in this game.

"In addition, our college league will also be broadcast simultaneously on the Douyu live broadcast platform. Students who are not there can also watch the live broadcast to enjoy this match!"

After that, Zhou Yutong spoke some advertisements skillfully.

After all... It's a good meal!


One minute later, a hundred people sat on the plane and slowly sailed towards Survival Island.

This is a bottom-up route that divides the survival island into two halves.

The first resource point is the airport where countless people like to land a gun!

"If this route is used for our usual fun, it is typically a fighting route, but this is a competition. I don't know how they will choose."

As soon as Su Liyang finished speaking, Zhou Yutong next to him said, "But there are always people who choose the airport. I am a little bit looking forward to which teams will be!"

"I think the possibility of going to the university to jump to the airport is very high!" Su Liyang said.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Zhou Yutong asked subconsciously.

"Don't ask, ask is the gap!"

"Could it be that the gap between professional players and ordinary people is really so big, even if he has been away from the arena for a long time??" Zhou Yutong was particularly puzzled.

"Actually, it can't be said completely." Su Liyang smiled slightly, and immediately explained: "In fact, there are many folk masters who can rival or even crush professional players in personal operations.

But...professional players do not necessarily possess the things they possess, such as psychological qualities and cooperation. "

"You know, even professional players are divided into different ranks, and their strengths are also uneven.

Although some people's personal strength is not outstanding, but... once they form a team with people who fit in, their strength will sometimes increase geometrically. "

"Why did you say that suddenly?" Zhou Yutong asked curiously.

"Because I just discovered that one of the other teams in the University College was also a member of the Dragon Team!"

"who is it?"

"Purple Dian——Wang Yang!"

"Wang Yang?"

"Yes!" Su Liyang nodded slightly, "He is the kind of player in my mouth. Although his personal strength is not very outstanding, his style of play is very suitable for the Dragon Team at the time!"

"Of course, the two are separate now.

And... I believe what they have left the field for so long is to see, they must have not experienced formal training for a long time. "

"It must be here at the airport..." Su Liyang hadn't finished speaking yet.

You can see that in the OB screen, many people jumped off the rear of the plane, and one of them was in the graduate school.

"There were three teams at the airport! It seems that they are very confident about themselves!" Zhou Yutong exclaimed.

Su Liyang glanced at it slightly. Although the two teams from the graduate school did jump here.

But this team didn't have the person he wanted to see!

It was another person who was even more unsightly to him.

"It's not like what he did. Has his arrogant character abated?" When Su Liyang thought this way, he couldn't help but glance at Chen Yefeng.

This look immediately stunned him.

I didn't pay much attention just now. Now he saw that beside Chen Yefeng was a girl who was three-point similar to him.


Well, sure enough, Hei Tian is still that Hei Tian, ​​still the same incomparable confidence, and the same incomparable!

Su Liyang's mouth showed a playful smile.

He remembered how energetic Heitian was when he was defeated by Chen Yefeng.

If there is a chance in the future, if he fights against him again, he loses to himself.

I don't know... what will it be like at that time?


"Well, we can see that now all teams have landed on survival island.

Many of these teams first chose to land to find a car, which is also a common way of playing in professional competitions.

It is safer to stay away from the route, but some people still choose to land on the resource points that the route passes. "

Su Liyang looked at the OB screen and explained to everyone.

At this time, Zhou Yutong, who had prepared meticulously, also said in a somewhat surprised tone: "R City actually only lost a team of people.

Although this resource point is different from the wealthy city of City P and City R, it should be more than enough to feed a team. "

"In addition to a hundred people fighting for the front, the biggest charm of this game is the complicated environment and various uncertain factors!"

"Yeah, no one knows where the enemy is waiting for you to get the bait!" Su Liyang said, "We can see that many teams have chosen the jungle, such as the four from Kyoto Academy."

"The three teams at the airport have not clashed for the time being. It seems that they are all very careful. If the game is eliminated or attrition at the beginning of the game, it will undoubtedly be a very heavy blow to the entire team."


In the early stage, all teams were particularly careful, trying their best to avoid friction with other teams and slowly developing search equipment.

And because of Chen Yefeng's wish, in order to give the little girl a better gaming experience, he did not choose some large resource points.

Otherwise, he has the confidence to kill the special kill, but while killing the enemy while guarding the safety of the little girl, he is somewhat powerless.

Not to mention, this little girl might still be the opposite person!

and so.

After the four landed and found a car, they began to jungle.

"Brother, you are so powerful, can you just take us to the end!" Chen Yuan muttered while searching for equipment.

"Brother is indeed amazing, but the problem is that you are there!"

"Brother, what do you mean?" Chen Yuan was immediately unhappy, "Brother, I have said that many times, I am not a vegetable, I'm just not obvious!"

"Search quickly! Don't ink, time is money, don't you understand!" Chen Yefeng reminded aloud when he looked at the safety zone that had already appeared.

After the four people searched a wild area, they drove to the next marked spot.


They seem to come at an untimely time, when they are about a hundred meters away from the marked area.

Suddenly from outside the fence of the house in the wild area, the two men stuck out their heads and fired their rifles frantically.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"Da da da da da da..."

Bullets made a harsh sound on the jeep, and the blood volume of the jeep in the lower left corner was constantly decreasing.

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