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Chapter 140: Brother, what should I do if I can't kill people later?

Suddenly, at this moment.

He felt Su Liyang's gaze looking in his direction.

Although there were a lot of people sitting next to him, Chen Yefeng was certain that Su Liyang's eyes were fixed on him.

Chen Yefeng looked at that, and Su Liyang looked at that.

After the two of them looked at each other tacitly for about five seconds, Su Liyang retracted his gaze, then held the microphone and continued: "Although he was really good before, even I can't match it.

But... the time he has left the professional arena is too long, and it is estimated that the level will drop very seriously.

I believe everyone here also knows that professional players must conduct systematic training every day to maintain their level.

According to what I know, few people can do without training and still maintain their own level at a certain level. "


In the corner of the auditorium. Zhang Xiaorong looked envious.

"Xiaoxue, your boyfriend used to be so good! And he is so handsome and rich, I really envy you!"

"He is also very good now, OK!" Ye Shengxue said with a blush.

"Where is it great?" Zhang Xiaorong smiled, causing Ye Shengxue to roll his eyes suddenly.


At this time, Su Liyang in the commentary also continued: "However, I just think that the possibility of getting the first place in the university is the most likely. After all, I don’t know his current level, maybe there will be Accidents do not always happen.

We must know that there is a saying in China that we call masters among the people. "

"Well, you are right." Zhou Yutong nodded in agreement.

You must know that although some people have super high game talents, they only use games as a toy for their entertainment and relaxation.

"However, it is too early to get the result, everything has to wait until the end of the game!"


At this time, many people have signaled to the referee that they have finished debugging the equipment.

However, there are still some people who are constantly crackling on the keyboard, seeming to be debugging, but in fact, they are alleviating the pressure in their hearts by constantly tapping the keyboard.

After all, this is a competition, and each team represents a college.

If this is normal black entertainment with friends, but once something is carried, the pressure will become completely different.

The little girl Chen Yuan is like this now, although she was careless before the game, with a strange look.


When she was actually sitting on the game bench, sweat leaked out of the palm of the little girl.

It can be seen how nervous he is inside!

"Brother, what should I do, I feel that the mouse can't be held steady now!"

Chen Yefeng: "..."

But he still smiled and calmed down, "Calm down, it's just a game, just like you usually play a game, nothing terrible."

"But, what should I do in case I can't beat anyone to death later?" Chen Yuan felt his heart thump very fast.

"Is this something you should consider!" Chen Yefeng was suddenly amused by Chen Yuan.

"You, just stay behind my brother with peace of mind, just be a mobile supply station!"

"But, I heard that being nervous will affect my performance!" Chen Yuan pouted and said very depressed: "And they all said that if you can calm yourself down quickly and adjust your mentality, it can be regarded as Part of strength!"

"Even if you adjust it, your marksmanship doesn't allow you to have extra operations!" Chen Yefeng stretched out his hand and patted the head of his little princess, "Don't worry, there is a brother, everything is fine!

This kind of game, for brother, can still control the audience alone! "

"Brother, this is different!

You have played professionally before and have experienced tempering. Of course you are not nervous about this kind of game. As Chen Yuan spoke, he took a deep breath, and Chen Yefeng sighed slightly when his chest fell.

It seems that Xiaoxue will have to learn from her cousin another day, and she can eat as well. Why is this big difference!

"You have to tell the truth!" Chen Yefeng twitched. Since soothing doesn't work, then change the method!

"Brother means that even without you, without the foundation and Haoran, I can force Kerry to the audience!

So, you don't need to be nervous at all. In fact, it doesn't make much difference whether the three of you have it. "

Wang Genji: "..."

"I said, Afeng, you are a bit too heart-wrenching when you say this. Although I know that I am not as good as you, you are too shocking." Song Haoran couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"That's right~" Chen Yuan thought for a while with his head held high, "Anyway, I'm a good one, then I will watch you perform later!"

"But having said that, brother, you have played professionally before, and you must be very experienced. If there is anything that needs attention, please teach us quickly!"

"For example, what should I do when I meet someone at the corner!"

"Well... this..." Chen Yefeng thought hard, "If you meet someone around the corner, you can shoot as long as you can, and what you lose is fine!"

"Brother, what do you mean, so I can eliminate the other party?" Chen Yuan said in surprise.

"Of course not!" Chen Yefeng shook his head solemnly, "This is just to make you die with a little dignity!"

Chen Yuan: (๑•́₃•̀)


At this time, the referee also indicated that all equipment has been debugged and the game is about to start.

In the commentary booth, Zhou Yutong also looked at the LCD screen hanging above, and slowly said: "Okay, now all the players have entered the room and are ready, and the game is about to begin."

With Zhou Yutong's voice falling behind, the OB picture has also entered the square, starting the last-minute countdown.

"While waiting time, let me tell you about the rules of the game. The rules are very simple and violent!

As long as they win the first place in the college league, they will be eligible to participate in the domestic competition!

I hope all participants will do their best to work hard! "

The voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

This rule is a bit too violent, one game will determine the outcome!

For example, in domestic competitions, both team rankings and head counts will be converted into certain points, and the team with the highest points will be eligible to participate in larger events.

The domestic competition is usually divided into two, one in the first half and one in the second half.

Every time, the first team will be selected to participate in the final PUBG World Invitational!

After all, almost all game players have the largest base number of Huaxia players.

For example, H1Z1, which was very popular at the time, was a battle royale game earlier than PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

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