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Chapter 141: There is a ghost among us! (1)

After being attacked first, and the location was not very good, Chen Yefeng didn't intend to get out of the car and quickly turned around to leave.

The jeep flicked its tail and fled in the opposite direction.


At this moment, Wang Genji in the car was accidentally swept down by the two.

Upper right corner.

The knockdown prompt appears.


[ZheDa, Qing used M416 headshot to knock down ShangDa, Ji]


"Damn! I was swept down by so many people!" Wang Genji's expression was depressed, it was too bad.

"Can save! Don't worry..."

Chen Yefeng quickly stopped the jeep on a reverse slope, preparing to rescue Wang Genji.

In the commentary, fighting was seen.

The OB screen also instantly switched to Chen Yefeng.

"Let's see what happened!" Zhou Yutong looked at the battlefield slightly, and then quickly explained: "It seems that Zhejiang University College has been staying here after searching this place, and it just happened to ambush all the way to the jungle. Second team!"

"Although one person was knocked down, there was a tree acting as a cover, and they couldn't make up for the knocked down person in the first place.

But if you want to rescue, the people at Zhejiang University will obviously not let them succeed in the rescue easily.

See what kind of choices the sophomore team will make! "


"Is there any smoke?" Chen Yefeng asked softly while holding a gun to prevent Wang Genji from being rushed over by the Zhejiang University college.

"The wild area is too poor, I only have one shock bomb!" Song Haoran sighed.

"Brother! I have!" Chen Yuan exclaimed excitedly at this time.

"You throw one to the foundation, and then throw another one on the road, I will put a gun to cover, and Haoran will rescue the foundation.

Remember to pull up and make a first aid kit before you go, don't get knocked down again! "

"Good!" Song Haoran nodded.

Of course he was obedient to Chen Yefeng's orders, after all, this was one of the highest honor winners of domestic FPS games.

At the same time, Chen Yuan happily pulled the bolt and threw thunder in accordance with the instructions of his cousin.

The little girl was very happy to see that she could help her cousin.

"By the way, how many smoke do you have?"

Smoke is very important. Whether it is saving people or putting smoke into a safe area, it is a very useful throwing item.

Chen Yefeng didn't find any of them just now. In order to prevent the little girl from throwing all the smoke out, he asked casually.


After Chen Yuan heard her cousin's inquiry, she immediately replied, "Two!"


Chen Yefeng's eyes widened, and Song Haoran next to him was dumbfounded.

If I read it right, I seem to have seen the little girl lost three times in total...


In the commentary.

Su Liyang also said slowly: "The second team of Shanghai University will definitely choose to close the smoke to save people. After all, their position is far away from Zhejiang University!"

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, white smoke slowly rose.


In the next second, Su Liyang was stunned.

Because, after the tree where Wang Genji was knocked down, a white mist slowly rose up, followed by a huge explosion!


The sound of a huge explosion echoed in the sky, and the air wave of the explosion moved towards the surrounding area. In an instant, the mud splashed and the smoke filled the air!


Su Liyang blinked, a little wondering how to explain it.

It was his first cameo commentary and he encountered such a thing.

Obviously, this fragment grenade was thrown by someone who went to the university, not the Zhejiang University.

So the question is, what kind of underworld operation is this?


Douyu live broadcast platform, the official live broadcast room of the college league.

After seeing this scene, many people who received Chen Yuan's notice the day before the fan group suddenly raised a barrage.

"Xiao Yuan didn't want to say anything to the fans yesterday and watch her actions.

I saw it, I'm stupid..."

"666!!! Little wish is still served as always!"

"My elder brother is so difficult, why can't I want to play with this little pit girl!"

"Is there any old iron in the magic capital? After this game, go to Xiaoyuan and talk about life with me. Let's multiplayer sports together!"

"Uncle brother deserves to be the pinnacle of the appearance of our pretending family. The official live broadcast room is known as the mirror of the demon, but he has not dropped his appearance at all!"


the other side.

Looking at the prompt in the upper right corner, Wang Genji wanted to cry without tears.

What is this?

Chen Yuan said weakly: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now..."

"Forget it, there is Afeng there anyway!" Wang Genji didn't care much, but he still said to Chen Yefeng earnestly: "Afeng, with such a sister, you have to protect yourself!"

Chen Yefeng nodded and gave Wang Genji a shot of stabilizer.

"Don't worry, with me, the first place must be ours!"

After speaking, he sighed slightly, and said to his cousin a little funny.

"Xiao Yuan, now you know why I chose to jungle, I didn't choose to shoot someone just now."

"Little wish doesn't know..." Chen Yuan replied weakly.

"Because there is an inner ghost among us!"

"Brother, I was wrong..."

"Okay, okay!" Seeing Chen Yuan's aggrieved expression, Chen Yefeng smiled and comforted, "You don't have to worry about it, as long as I'm still alive, there will be no accidents. This is the number one. Let's take it!"

"Haoran, go and lick the bag of the foundation, let's run after licking!"

"Good!" Song Haoran smiled slightly, "It's true that I like to lick my teammate's bag!"

When Wang Genji heard it, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Then wait for this game to go back, I will let you lick it!"

Watching Song Haoran lick his teammate's box clean, both Su Liyang and Zhou Yutong, who had done his homework in advance, were all stunned.

What is this operation?

Deliberately eliminate teammates to supplement their own equipment?

Is it a new tactic?

Never heard of it! ! !


After simply dividing Wang Genji's things, Chen Yefeng also drove away from here in a jeep.

After all, it was a jungler, and the equipment was not very good. After a simple search, Chen Yefeng picked up a lot of Molotov cocktails.

He also drove two people and ran towards the airdrop that landed slowly.

Although the airdrops are not necessarily all good things, the three-level suit is what Chen Yefeng needs.

of course.

Chen Yefeng was also particularly arrogant along the way, honking his car horns constantly.


He was looking forward to someone who didn't have eyesight jumping out, but he was so arrogant, he just didn't meet anyone.

This really makes him a little depressed. Don't I just want to eliminate a few teams to expand my team's supplies? With such a simple wish, how can no one come out to cooperate!

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